Saturday, November 30, 2013


as soon as we came to believe in others

we were no longer whole

fractions and mathmatics are creations of the mouthy blind

science is the disease it claims to be the cure for

as is psychology

and religious beliefs

and capitalism

and consumerism (a creation of capitalism)

and logic

life sure as hell ain't logical

but at least it is orderly

and free to us all

and yet restricting life is so popular in our time

even required to get ahead

whatever that crap means

probably means get a head

and ignore the reality of all that actually is

if personal profit is the only goal

we are lost

personal may be the smallest word of all

and don't get personal is such a common requirement in our time

life is a pretty personal experience to me

and am so far a pretty small person

openness to all of my self has been not all that easy for me

but are willing as we can

on our better days

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