Saturday, April 25, 2015


Love is a State of Being

and not something you get from another

or fall into

Friday, April 24, 2015


that story was a warning

to and about those science freaks

but we humans just don't get it

i find our situation here tragic

as we have lost all respect for life

and the natural order

Sunday, April 19, 2015


to know our truth

we must face our truth

and thinking about it

and making up silly stories

won't get the job done

carryin' on

the story of this life

just carrying' on

Saturday, April 18, 2015


so few in our time

seem to respect their self

mostly they use their self

to get what they think they want

and self awareness

is not a product of thought

and here we are

in a world of conflicting ideas

and the so called human race

is the biggest problem this world has

we are a bunch of primates

who have learned how to think

and great chaos is upon the land

Friday, April 17, 2015


if you are only listening to the words

you won't be able to hear

what is actually being said

Thursday, April 16, 2015


one thing i have learned

no one is free

unless everyone is free

and that means

the birds and the bees

and the flowers and the trees

and you and me

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


i consider controlling life

a crime against life

and the game of fools and idiots

Monday, April 13, 2015

the clock

the clock

has done more

to disrupt the natural human sequence

than any other device

other than the computer

and all this electronic stuff

but the clock

is perhaps the first

and most efficient

control device of all

we humans have taken stupidity

to a whole new level

which is always a dangerous game to play

thinking you know

is a lot different than knowing

Friday, April 10, 2015


the son of a gemini nine dog

my mother was a virgo eleven

seemed to be a dragon to me

but don't have that information yet

am still processing the rest

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


an expression of our self-pity

which i didn't recognize

until well into my forties

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

our fears

what we have to face

to be free of fear

and we all have our own version

until we don't


our true destiny

is to be who we are

not who we think we are

or others think we are

or who we want to be


those that can't accept their mistakes

and learn from them

are doomed to repeat them

blaming others

is just a waste of time

and a waste of our lives

Saturday, April 4, 2015


what special means to me is

be sure you show up today

and be who you are

i don't mean how you feel today

or who you (or i) think you are

i mean who you are

truth is a rather absolute word

which i seem to like


escape from life

is not an option


awareness is not a product of thought

awareness is a gift

for those who are willing to be

who they are

and when the are

and as they are

and all that other stuff

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


in our time

the least popular word

in the world