Saturday, November 30, 2013


a willingness to share an experience

with those we are a part of

without prejudice or the desire for personal gain

which are just selfish greedy goals

which lead only to isolation and great anguish

we are a product of all that is

which is what we actually are

for better or for worse

as we choose

until we grow up and give up choosing

which always leads to limitation

exclusiveness is a lonely place to be

and most certainly not natural

i spoke to a girl this evening

she thought the outside forces were putting pressure on her

actually it was her response to the outside forces

that was putting the pressure on her

she was the source of her discomfort

and therefore the source of her peace

others actually have very little influence on us

unless we choose to blame them for our situation

and then we are really fucked

making love is something that appeals to me

fucking not so much anymore

when i was younger

when i was younger

i believed that those that were the most able

were probably the oldest and the wisest

but as this life unfolded

they turned out to be the most innocent

which made no sense to me for a while

and then became the greatist joke of all

that we have played on our self

and the innocents were once again sacred to me

those that acquire knowledge

have forgotten how to be

and no longer see the wonder of life

which is beyond all knowing

life is not something you get

life is all that we are

and we are complete within our self

we are all lifes gift to life

and there ain't no not

thinking is the dumbest idea we ever had

and awareness is not a product of thought

one thing i have learned

a prayer that does not include all of us

is not a real prayer at all

just a curse for a few

life is special to me

and life is all that is

being selective is the path to isolation

which is one reason i am no fan of religions

or politics

or big business

and a lot of other stuff we do

all is what we are

and i no longer seek a vote

am not qualified to choose what life should be

my only responsibility to my self is to be my self

as i can

peace and harmony to all beings


when i was younger

i had ideas of what i wanted to be

which was what i wished i was

it took a while for me to realize

that what i actually was

was the truest gift of all

that abstract stuff meant nothing to me in those times

but i no longer wish to be other that what life made me

is just gave up on what so many claim is important

so many claim we should make something of our self

for me our self is the truest gift of all

and all we will ever actually have

and all we can actually share

what we think we should be

is how we reject and abuse our self


perhaps the cruelist affliction of all

zorba the greek

watched that movie today

most of it

have pretty much always liked anthony quinn

the movie was kind of hard to watch sometimes

but did not turn it off

maybe a clue for us ignorant humans

and there are so many of us

i feel lucky sometimes to still wonder

and i cry more than i did when is was younger

and still believed in being strong

and trying to change things

which is what got us here

as i see it


as long as there is a first

there will be a second

and then a third

and great division is now upon us

when once we were whole

zero seems to be the only real number to me

and most shy away from that situation in our time

no thing is what we are to me

yet this body of mine is still here

a form of isolation

sometimes not with a few girls

and a few others i call friend

to be my own friend took a little time

and all clocks are a lot slower than life

we would be better off without them

but the capitalist requires punctuality

or the machines will become confused and not work properly

we humans aren't machines

but mostly in our time we serve them

maintenance man was my title for a while

and a lot of other stuff for a while before then

some of them not so flattering


as soon as we came to believe in others

we were no longer whole

fractions and mathmatics are creations of the mouthy blind

science is the disease it claims to be the cure for

as is psychology

and religious beliefs

and capitalism

and consumerism (a creation of capitalism)

and logic

life sure as hell ain't logical

but at least it is orderly

and free to us all

and yet restricting life is so popular in our time

even required to get ahead

whatever that crap means

probably means get a head

and ignore the reality of all that actually is

if personal profit is the only goal

we are lost

personal may be the smallest word of all

and don't get personal is such a common requirement in our time

life is a pretty personal experience to me

and am so far a pretty small person

openness to all of my self has been not all that easy for me

but are willing as we can

on our better days


our other hands

and not too respected in our time

mostly just abused and walked upon

shoes were probably one of our first mistakes

cold climates were our downfall

and our escape just led to no where to be

being is a real word to me

as is love

most other words are just crap we made up

and mostly just limit all in our now so small little minds

being is a very still word to me

and love a silent celebration

which is rarely made manifest in our time

and is also all that we really are

our great obsession with making life little

just makes no sense to me

even when i do such things myself

freedom is an interesting word

for those of us in our personal little prisons

and all th

i forgot what i was going to say

will maybe go to bed now


as soon as them becomes an accepted word

separation begins to be

and conflict and great suffering is upon the land

which is what i see today

all our fancy ideas are not making the world a better place

am not a fan of ideas

life can not be put in a bottle

life is all that is

and i can't imagine a bottle that great

and am not likely to seek one

one is an isolated place to be

and all must do it once

just used that it word again


a very small and ignorant word

unless speaking of all

Friday, November 29, 2013


the greatest obsession of all for most people

including me

but no one ever talks about sex

except a few stand up comics

people rarely face their obsessions

if they did they wouldn't be obsessions anymore

to face your life is to lose it

and it is a pretty stupid word

and not much of a loss


the same as it

but a little more personal

just and abstraction in our brain thinkers

to keep us separate

perhaps a desire for some sort of purity

pasteurized and sterilize

religions claim to be big on that crap

but all that does is isolate us into little compartments

and then we argue

and often fight

over our stupid little ideas of what we should be

and how we should act

if that works

god must really be a dumb shit

and whoever came up with the idea of god

was even dumber

projecting our personal ideas of good and bad

what we like to call right and wrong

on all that is

seems pretty arrogant to me

and not very nice

life does not shackle its many selves

such situations have been created by misguided humans

life is sacred

and forever free of all restraint

love for all can know no restraint

love for only those that agree

can know nothing but restraint

and the great frustration that goes with that crap

and great violence and shame is upon the land

and we and our fellow creatures suffer greatly

just because we can't just be who we are

and let all others be who they are

and just deal with ourselves

and those we call them

Thursday, November 28, 2013

my earth father lewis

the man who saved my life

by not telling me what to do

even when i wanted him to

i was named lewis jr.

but that's another story


it sometimes appears to me that life is in the hands

and what we do with them

our ideas are mostly of little value

in spite of what the head people think


my father introduced me to work

more than once

i didn't take much to that stuff

and don't to this day

after a time i understood why he worked

it was to feed his family

of which i was a part

i still don't always much care for work

but mostly i do when its time to work


some claimed to sleep like a baby

some claimed to sleep like a log

some found all this very confusing

those that had never slept at all

speaking of life

one cannot truthfully speak of life

without speaking from ones self

from ones individual and indivisible truth of our being


thanks giving is only valid

if we also give thanks for our self


a very overestimated word

and the downfall of so many

both the strong and the weak

only life is qualified to sort that stuff out

comic books and lies

mostly what we have been raised on

so it seems

what is to become of us

remains to be seen

seems and seem are not the same

one is an idea

the other a wondering

rules and freedom

the rule of law

what so many seek to hide behind

and yet there is no freedom

behind the rule of law

most humans i have known

hide behind some rules they like

and break others they don't like so much

true freedom is without rules and laws

but out of control means danger to so many

without respect for life we are less than nothing

which is a pretty scary thought to me

here in this carnival i sometimes call my life


lost is not an option

although so many try

often so very hard

and the trick question is

how can one find

what can never be lost

our tail

we all have a tale

the part of our past we drag around

probably for some sort of balance

but our tales are of little value

for life is forever now

getting to know me

there have been those that weren't so thrilled with that situation

i have been one of them from time to time

and i haven't forgotten those times

they are part of the balance for the rest of me


perhaps my greatest affliction

but that remains to be seen

there are those that found them boring

at best

it didn't realizing i was just having fun

which means i wasn't really being

i was preforming for my self

which seems mostly pretty silly to me now

but not always

these are troubling times

and my job is to make fun of us

when i'm not being sullen and depressed

the beauty detox solution

a book a friend of mine showed me

he seemed to like the book

says on the front by kimberly snyder,c.n.

don't know what c.n. means

i liked the cover


awareness is not a product of thought

awareness is through a willingness to be

and letting all others be

life cannot be figured out

as so many claim to have done

life is without rules

we are forever free when we are willing to be

and allow all others the right to be

which often still seems kind of scary to me

security is a form of isolation

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


the greatest mind fuck of all

until video games and cell phones came along

and now we post and tweet

we have learned to mind fuck our selves

and life goes on as we sleep in our little shells

forever thinking and lost in our thoughts

which is kind of a dumb word

the scientists tells us the brain is the location of mind

but they are wrong

all ideas are figments of our imagination

life is far more than an idea some human had

and can certainly not be explained

some educated people and some religious people

and a few nondenominational people

which is what i call the freelance selfish people

tried to tell me how i should be

but that never really worked out for them

we all must find our own way

we cannot own life

life owns us is closer to the truth to me

and our attempts to escape life and our truth

would just be silliness if not so painful for us all


i have been in the presence of innocence

but not all that often in this life

those with goals and ambitions

have no concept of innocence

and such situations are so often cultivated by others in our time

the children are under assault from all sides

and almost never allowed to be their self

and discover the only true gift

for a time i thought some people we just mean to children

but in time came to realize they were just ignorant

and buried under a mountain of lies

we humans seem to like thinking we know

guess it makes some of us feel better

but it never worked for me

and i still often wonder

but mostly anymore i just be silly me

and be open to what ever is next

on my better days


losing only exists for those concerned with winning

which is just an illusion

a figment of our imagination

no one wins a war

only those that didn't take part in a war think that crap

once i was of the warriors a long long time ago

all of this life has not been lived in this skin

which is just an experience for a while


we have times for all kinds of stuff

have wondered why we don't have a time for forgiving

some religious people claim that they have

but mostly i just see grudges

and a desire for payback

grudges are kind of a carry over from the past

which just eats at us and causes us torment

usually until we cause the offender torment

not much peace in a world like that


a state of peace with our self

which so few experience in our time

but all ways here for us

if we are willing to be

who we are and where we are

and just be our self as we are


something be decided to do

usually with encouragement from others

and just a form of self deception

to make us feel better and not so lost and confused

lost and confused is often where life begins

is we are willing to just be with our self

self is the quiet part of our being

and not part of all that stuff we see

and don't understand

knowing you don't know

can be the greatest gift of all

and the gateway to knowing


true recognition is a state of being

and not a product of conditioning and thought

which many consider recognition to be

true recognition is a state of being

as is seeing


a poison we subject our self to

a form of self pity


true respect is a state of being

for many modern people

respect has become a form of ass kissing

to get what they want

want is a slave state

and an affliction i am familiar with

wishful thinking is a form of torment

Monday, November 25, 2013


if we could truly see

we wouldn't be so unkind

or so self righteous

Sunday, November 24, 2013


perhaps the dumbest word of all

a state of full blown rejection

and the ultimate isolation


perhaps the most sacred word of all

and also so often used and abused

sometimes by males and the children

but in our time so often by their own attitude toward their self


another sacred word

and also so often used and abused


to understand the word respect

one must be with what that word represents

Saturday, November 23, 2013


a sacred word

yet so often used and abused in our time

without respect for life

we are much less than nothing

what my father told me once

i was an early teenager and full of my self

(a phase that lasted decades}

one afternoon when he was home

which didn't happen very often

i popped off to my mother

no bad words but the tone was disrespectful

he said come here boy

and we went into the other room

where he said to me most respectfully

if you don't respect that woman because she is your mother

that's my wife and i don't want your talking to her that way

and i never used that tone again with my mother

this was not because i was afraid of my father

he just spoke to me man to man

and what he said was more than the words

winning and losing

my father told me once a long time ago

it's not whether you win or lose

it's how you play the game

one thing i learned from my father

never bullshit your self

feelings again

all those feelings we hold back

just go into a saving account

account is the clue

accounts become obligations has been my experience

which only limit freedom

the child

some people view a child as a blank piece of paper

and in some ways i agree

for me the child must be the first to write on this piece of paper

there are many in our time that would write on that piece of paper first

before the child can find it's own way

am not a big fan of most of what i see in our time

the human population is in constant conflict with its self

such is all around me

life does not have to be this way

we all still have to find our own way

a willingness to be what life actually made us to be could be a clue

perhaps not

we all have to find our own way

and no one can do that for us

we are apparently multiple in this world

and forever one

taking charge

a popular phrase in our time

most girls are looking for a guy to take charge of things

and then they want to take charge of him

the guys have their version of this crap

you can walk among the poor and the lost and weak

you can walk among the rich and famous and powerful

the game is the same on the smallest and grandest scale

freedom has no place to be in such a world

this scale has no balance


don't know how to spell that

he was an apache indian guy

i don't think they really caught him

that was a white lie

which was acceptable in the family i grew up in

for a while a while back

am still growing up

and out and down

and all that other stuff

being is without change

and a source of great confusion in our time

that which is forever changing

can never change

guess that could be called sequential being

but i don't much care for technical stuff

i just like to play

Friday, November 22, 2013


a fearful beings defense

and to defend is to isolate


sometimes we respond to our feelings

sometimes we don't

that's how we sort our self out of this mess

such is what we are to me

the source

so many seek the answer

whatever that means

many seek the cause

and life is just because life is

if there is an answer

the answer is the source

and the source is within us all

including that pit bull in my neighbors yard

The Journey to the East

one of my favorite books

and the girl said

i don't want you anymore

and now am free to love you

more about life

all that you see is your life

all that you don't see is your life

welcome to life

this is our life

was and were

both retrospective words

and of the past

by the time you think about what you are doing

you have already done it

and it is past

being is not a product of thought

and the thinker cries where do we go from here

and i say i don't know

i just think to entertain myself when there is nothing on television

false fronts

mostly what i have been confronted with in this life

accept for a few

modern people pretty much all project a false front

all the lies has taken a terrible toll on the human population

and the creatures of the field

which have no ability to lie


seems like i have always felt insecure

always wanting to go somewhere

but never sure where

so just go

and i did

all kind of places

all kinds of people

all kinds of stuff to do

and here i am

after all this what ever this is and what we are doing

am right here where i started

and don't mind so much anymore

mind meant obey when i was a kid

later mind came to mean consciousness

brain was an idea synthesizer

which was a curiosity to me for a while

but turned out to be a form of masterbation


i started drinking for the same reason

i wanted to fit in and be cool

drinking was a lot more fun than smoking

am still not sure was reason means

and am not sure i really want to know

understanding insanity can be a dangerous game

among all these people who like games better than real life

the cigarette

just went out into a cold north wind

to smoke a little of a cigarette

haven't looked into the relationship for a while

started smoking when i was pretty young

almost all the grownups did

which is what we called the big people in charge

the next step was when i wanted to look cool

like those i seems to admire in some way

which at this point in time i see as some sort of envy

something they had that i wanted too

and i still don't know what that was

probably some sort of acceptance

just trying to fit in and seem normal

which was back when i thought normal was a real word

seems i was seeking something i lacked

there was something i wanted

i have no idea what that was

maybe i just felt alone


some associate willing with personal power

for some willing is the surrender of personal power


there are those that seek what is true

all is true

blind people are often picky

one must cease looking

and give seeing a chance

which is a passive state

as is being

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


the lies that others tell us are not what matters

what matters are the lies we tell our self

and our willingness to tell them

respect for innocence

have seen very little respect for innocence in this life

and have very often come up short myself

but respect for innocence has showed up in this life

and it saw me

i could see respect for me

am not so young anymore

and seem to have some small sense of what was

mostly i have wondered


a nervous disorder


life without expectation

the gift of innocence

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

why do we drink

because this is such a lonely place

and so crowded

and so little peace

and the reigning social order

has its roots in child abuse

the modern rulers indoctronate the children very young

before they have time to know their self

going to school is not a freedom of choice

going to school is the law

as is going to church in some families

law is such an ugly word

rule is such a stupid word

life doesn't come with an instruction manual

or a rule book

humans came up with that crap

did you ever wonder what love really means


everyone we have ever known

is a part of us forever

as is everyone we have never known

Monday, November 18, 2013


thinking can only be about yesterday and what was

now is far beyond thought

as is am

which is being

boys and girls

in our time a lot of boys like to fuck boys

or be fucked by boys

a lot of girls like to fuck girls

or be fucked by girls

fucking is not the point of the game

and life is not a game


not even an option

being is the only valid option

knowing is retrospective

and of that which is past

life is forever now

Sunday, November 17, 2013


science claims to be the answer to our problems

when actually it is the source of most of our major problems

super bombs

new diseases

world wide pollution

we communicate electronically

and have lost the ability to communicate personally

and on and on

am sure i will have more to say about this topic

science makes life complicated

truth makes life simple

Saturday, November 16, 2013


war is not the path to peace

as so many seem to think

thinking is an affliction

right up there with polio and malaria

only a lot worse

Friday, November 15, 2013


the shackles we place on our self

to make us feel more secure


security is a false god

with many followers

and many takers


the great curse of our time

and for such a long time

new ideas

old ideas

crazy ideas

we are constantly subjecting our self

to all these conflicting ideas

right and wrong

good and bad

profitable or not profitable

we are just a bunch of crazy people

fascinated by all the endless ideas

which make us blind to what actually is

we have learned how to think

and forgotten how to be

Thursday, November 14, 2013


true love is neither personal or exclusive

true love is a state of being

which words do not describe

most of what we modern people consider love

is a form of gratification

we really like getting what we want

such goals make love almost impossible

yet love all ways exists

we have become very narrow and competitive

these tendencies have the potential to destroy us

at the very least to become selfish  isolated  and miserable

and lots of other nasty stuff

life does not have to be this way

but we must change our ways

we are taking selfishness to new heights

this is not rocket science

our world is a mess

most individuals that i see are a mess

just trying to act ok and in charge

only life can save us now

and i sometimes have wondered why life has saved us so long

the constitution of this country says something about equality as i recall

equality is in very short supply in this country

i have been here almost 69 years and have experienced equality with another being

but not all that much

and it appears to me that thought is the source of all this insanity i see

all these ideas in constant conflict which all those other ideas

and every one wanting desperately to be right

we humans are in almost constant conflict with in and with out

awareness is not a product of thought

punishing fucked up people for being fucked up people

does not make the world a better place

it is just another attempt to manage people

which is what got us in this mess we call civilization today

what your doing

how does one do

when one doesn't know

what one is doing

this is obviously a pisces quest ye one

what just happened

have mostly not been sure what just happened

but this seems to be my life

and am still here

we shall see

if we are willing

truth can be pretty scary

for the careful ones

as i have so often been

when i was sober

have wondered if sober was short for somber

which ain't much of a word

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


not a popular word with me when i was young

not so much any more

win at all cost just pushed me away

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

to be a man

my father showed me

and i still wonder

not much telling what will become of me


my mistake was wanting to help

those are the ones that get taken advantage of

advantage is the clue

when another is vulnerable

to attack and/or exploit


there is only one rule

never chase girls

Monday, November 11, 2013

my face

my face was on the front page of the oklahoma gazette once

and the front of my head a few times


a lot can be said about that tricky little word

Sunday, November 10, 2013


i don't even know what to ask for

and am a little fearful of such things

Saturday, November 9, 2013

one of my favorite jokes

and the lone arranger said

tonto  -  we are surrounded by wild indians

and tonto said

what do you mean we  -  white man

those that pause in the speech

are usually going for effect

and have little interest in our essence

which is to our advantage

which obviously must not be taken advantage of


a blind mans fancy

i have always feared being brave

from a very young age


there is a time to step for ward

and a time to step for back

and a time to stand still

and be

as long as we choose

we loose

such behavior just knots the way

and we get to experience what behind is

which is a great lack

when life is for ever now of all that is

and fortunately for us

all that is not


the greatest curse of all

for us all

what is wanted must be released

or for ever be the prisoner

and the wanter a prison guard

if you want to face your self

if you want to face your self

face me

and all the rest of us


bea was my first love

i did not know that at the time

she was the first to love me

that i was not related to

i did not notice much in those days

noticing began a few decades later

after a few decades of wondering

i still wonder some times

the end of war and violence

the end of war and violence will come

when humans quit taking part in war and violence

deer fight every year

but the creatures of the field

never started a war

or sold drugs to children

or all the other little nasties humans have come to be known for

we humans are the problem

and the only solution

the creatures of the field have not learned to hate

but some of their domesticated brethren

are learning about anger and insecurity

which it seems to me how we humans got there

Friday, November 8, 2013


my retarded friends

are the only friends i have

and i do not have them

but i fit right in

we are all retarded in some way

such is what it is to be human

less than the whole

yet still a part of the whole

Thursday, November 7, 2013


some choose to be what they think is the best they can be

some choose to be what they think is the worst they can be

some choose other silly ideas

which is so popular in our time

we were not born to decide who we are

we were born to be who we are

as life made us

if you cannot accept your self as you are

how will you ever accept the rest of us as who we are

and our lies in time will bury us

everything is the clue

life is everything

all that we see

and all we don't see

the more we choose

the smaller we get

and the less we get

all i can say to me is deal with this life boy

this is your draw


our desire to compete

is creating deep divisions in our population

we obviously have a lot to learn about life

cooperation with all is also an option

but selfishness and greed are the greatest god in our time

the desire to win

to be top dog

has become an obsession

the most money

the most power

the most control

apparently we just want to play god

how does one consider the well being of all

instead of just our favorite team

favorite is a prejudice

life is both zero and one

to have favorites creates an imbalance

i watched the oklahoma football team loose by a lot tonight

it wasn't as hard as it was last time

in life as i see it here in our situation

it is important to win with what i call heart

or loose with what i call heart

no one always wins

no one always loses

and some of us get to be here for a while

this stuff seems worth looking into to me

sometimes what we think we are doing

is not what we are actually doing

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

letting go

first i had to let go of being mad

then i had to let go of disapproving

and then approving

am still working on that stuff


the hardest part about dealing with girls

is dealing with their cover story

males generally ain't all that good at that stuff

they are mostly too busy cultivating their own cover story

dealing has been our downfall

and cover stories

Monday, November 4, 2013

paradise lost

what i would call a book about this world

and the beings i share this world with

taking a house apart

those that are the most qualified

are those that built the house

in a real world

not so much any more

the body

the body is to be embraced

and cared for

and used as is our nature


love is an openness

a sharing of an experience

so many of us fear the truth of our existence

and cannot be who they are

trying is of no use at all

one must we willing

awareness is not a product of thought

truth is not an idea

which are mostly figments of our imagination

and a product of thought

beliefs just clutter the way

as do our hopes and wishes and dreams and ambitions

and on and on we go

to no where to be

our beliefs a based on our ideas

the religions all have their own ideas

the capitalist and the socialist and the communist have their ideas

most every one has their own ideas

and the conflict of ideas is destroying us

and our little world

we do not have to take part in all that crap


never much cared for that word

was told it was just being polite

but actually is a form of begging to get what is wanted

polite is a kind of weird word too

is usually a form of ass kissing

true respect is never an act

or ever based on fear

Sunday, November 3, 2013

we have a problem

we have a serious problem in the world today

we are a serious problem in the world today

as children we are taught to perform

how to act

now  -  instead of living  -  we are acting

playing roles

in order to sustain the role

we must repress our true nature

which means we are repressing life

and living a lie

experiencing our self as a lie

lying both to our self and others

now we are several generations deep in untrue existence

the parents are playing roles

the teachers are playing roles

the preachers are playing roles

we play roles with each other

with our friends

with our partners

with the children

with our selves

this role we are playing

this lie we are perpetuating on our self is stifling

the truth of our existence

we are creating distance between our truth

we are creating barriers between the role we are playing

(who we believe our selves to be)

and who we actually are

this leads to great conflict and pressure inside our selves

this pressure is making us sick and mean

this separation from the truth of our self

(what life created us to be)

makes us afraid

the sickness and fear and violence in our world
  is a product of our unnatural existence

and will continue to grow until we give up
  our unnatural existence

we are emotionally constipated

constantly frustrated

the conflict between our true nature and
  the role we are playing  (the lie we are living)
  leaves us no peace

the thought processes we involve our selves
  in are constantly seeking escape from the
  pain and fear and conflict and frustration

this leads to confusion

we create an endless stream of ideas of what
  we think will make us happy

we live in almost constant torment and need

all the time trying to act like we're not

we are taught to act confident

when we are not

we are taught to take control

when it was control that got us this way

life is not to be controlled

life is to be lived

to be lived and experienced openly and fully

we repress life and expect to be happy

that is insane thinking

the creatures in zoos are not happy

they were ment to be free

living their lives and taking their chances

in a free environment

thinking that we are ok when we're not

  (so called positive thinking) will only make

  our situation worse

more lies won't help

it will only lead to more disappointment and frustration

the truth of our existence is the only hope we have

awareness is not a product of thought

life is beyond what we think

and what we seem to think we feel


Friday, November 1, 2013


probably the most dangerous game we play

the situation is to recognize a natural attraction

as opposed to an imaginary want

which we want another life form to be

with no consideration for who and what they actually are

our selfishness becomes a curse for an other

if willing to be other than its nature to please someone

and our self for seeking that which is not actually a natural attraction

we so often abuse our self and other selves with our silly games

and our truth is no longer what we experience and share

and the sacred trust no longer respected

time for bed now

i'm tired

every day

every day is what ever life allows

and what ever we are willing to accept

and deal with as is our nature

perhaps without letting our habits and conditioning rule us

the legend of lewis and terri

not many today would believe that story

and the story is still being told


i knew a girl once i called clear water

she called me muddy water


the most terrible of all words

and a curse that does not actually exist

except in the minds of the lost