Friday, November 30, 2012

unless i win the lottery

i should stay within the order

and even if i win the lottery

i should still stay within the order

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

the littlest sound that i am

is probably the most that i can be

my signature

is much less than i am

i still miss smoking and drinking sometimes

and i am still smoking and drinking


life is more than me and you

life is all that we are

and quite a bit more

so life seems to me

single men

only single men

are into smoking and drinking

has been my experience

smoking and drinking has been mostly my experience


as long as politicians make the laws

which are recommended by those that finance them

we are pretty much left out of the loop as they say

we the people

mostly politicians mostly protect their own position

and we the people get very little consideration

unless we decide not to vote for them

cause then a new crew takes over

management is a sad word

to be on the under side of

no one in their right mind

would be wished to be managed by another

freedom is much more than a word

freedom is also a responsibility

to those that respect the gift

making love

there was a time that phrase applied to human sexuality

but that was a long time ago

religions pretty much put a stop to that situation

and capitalists thrived in that environment

of emasculated men

and subjugated women

as did prostitution and pornography

and child abuse

and a lot of other stuff i don't like talking about

only an insecure male

would subjugate a female

no man would do such a thing

to a female

or anyone else

Monday, November 26, 2012

once i viewed this as my life

until i realized it was our life

a girl i know reminded me of that

and a guy i know

was standing there watching

Saturday, November 24, 2012

once i was a fan of glory

not so much any more

the hunger for glory

has brought great suffering to this plane

Friday, November 23, 2012


those that seek such things

have no concept of what life is


i don't see an end

i do see change

which is what life forever does

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


modern people have no concept of freedom

in their world

every thing has a price

as things often do

but i am not a thing

and neither are you

holding hands

there is a time to hold hands with our self

and a time to hold hands with the other

which some times is me

there is the wanting plane

and the not wanting plane

and the plane of

words elude me

which don't happen all that often

me my self and eye

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

some people want to be good

and in our time some people want to be bad

good and bad actually have nothing to do

with what actually is

those are just opinions

what we choose to believe

when we don't actually know

and are too afraid to admit our situation

so they just guess

it is pin the tail on the donkey

all over again

weaning us

still wonder about that stuff

Monday, November 19, 2012


courage was my grand mothers name

my name was little boy

Sunday, November 18, 2012

the only way to sell a house

would be to say

yes you can have the house

you can pay me what the house is worth to you

maybe not the only way

but probably the most fun

if you were me

am not much for haggling over prices

when life is so priceless

i am happy to be here

and happy to see you

that would have to be

it seems to me

the happiest feeling of all

some still wonder what is the worst that can happen

so few realize

that it already has

when in doubt

be your self

if you make the situation worse for any one

you make it worse for all the rest of us

including your self

cause that is what the rest of us is


time is a figment of human imagination

and a serious miss under standing

don't run

don't run away from any thing

just walk away

when it is time

having a script for your life

having a script for your life

before you have lived your life

is one way to miss out on your life

there are others

Saturday, November 17, 2012

me and my friend

we are full time guys

but we were born in the time

of part time girls

and a new time is upon us

that remains to be seen

sex every third tuesday in june

just don't seem natural to me

to me it seems regulated

and am no fan of rules and regulations

that crap restricts freedom of expression

scheduling is just another form of control

and the emptiness

just becomes deafening


some people and other creations

work in the now

some work for the future

and some for the past

Friday, November 16, 2012

the thinker

a statue i have seen

and ridiculed so many times

until i found my self being there

escapism is a harsh mistress to serve

what i want

when what i want became so important to me

what i do not want became equally important to me

now that is a clue


when fears are not faced

we give them the power to rule us

Narcissus and Goldman

a book by Herman Hesse

that i read a long time ago

was about the duality we experience here

it seemed to me

i liked the book a lot


my conduct with myself

has allowed what that word represents

to become far to great and influence on my self

and i have cultivated that situation

of my own free will

cause i didn't know what i was doing

until a friend reminded me of what he had seen

and i remembered something about my self

and i had been abusing the child that i am

Thursday, November 15, 2012


what do one do

when life is down there on the floor

and life ain't got no floor

the secrets we keep from our self

one way to seperate our self from our self

from life

life has no secrets

life is all that is

all those people you like

and all those people you do not like

and all that other stuff

that is what we are

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

am pretty sure

am pretty sure

they don't play foot ball in nepal

but may be they do

i do not know for sure


when we run from what we are afraid of

we only run from ourselves

and wind up alone

wind up is probably a clue

as is a loan


a pretty word

probably once a pretty girl

and i am definitely not religious

but i really like the girls

the old ones

sometimes the young ones

think the old ones know something

mostly they don't

but they were there

which makes them old ones

and of limited value

to the new ones

the girls

if it were not for the girls

this stuff would not be worth doing

and most of the girls i have known

have no idea what i just said

and still wonder if i like them


govern ments

governments lie

as has become their nature again in our time

freedom can be a scary word

depending on where one is with ones self

and security is such a stupid word

because that word lacks freedom

hey noam

you still out there

have been hiding out for a while my self

and wondered about you

that's an email i didn't send tonight

the flames

the flames go up

and water goes down

and wood tries to bridge the gap

and air is in be tween

when we seek a machine

that will tell us what to do

we go in harms way

and logic is a mechanical part of our self

and not all that natural

good judgement is only valid

if one is judgmental

and am not a big fan of that crap

although i have been there

an old man

what i am getting to be

never expected to get to be that

careful kind of bored me

little old frady cat that i am

we may not always get the feet we want

but we always get the feet we need

has been my experience

always is actually pronounced all ways

Monday, November 12, 2012


smoke goes up

as does fire

water goes down

and that's the way it is

the wind can push us around

and life often or sometimes does

my friend has an office

but he is not an officer

what does one do

as our gods die at our feet

we be who we are

if your me

we are not all the same

that is what factories do

life is not a factory

life is random chance

in all directions at once

without ever leaving home

is what i have seen


we don't actually need anything

but sometimes we think we do

only the seriously retarded think

awareness is not a product of thought

although it sometimes tries to be

and being is not through effort found

Friday, November 9, 2012

fear and rejection

rejection is a response to fear

to reject others

is to lose a part of our self

and life is an affirmation

and not a lose

Thursday, November 8, 2012


most of the time

life is pretty scary

sometimes not so much

and the result of all that little stuff

in some ways is me

be quiet with your self

if you can't do that

there ain't much reason to continue this conversation

and those barking dogs out there

ain't really all that import ant

they are the nonsense

that we are taking far too seriously

what do you do

what do you do

when you got no place to go

obviously you be where you are

as one can


losing some thing

most of us are very afraid of that situation

capitalism is a disease

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


the  most dangerous ones

are the ones we keep from ourselves

and the lies we tell our self and others

to keep the secret hidden from view

no openness in that situation

no real direct experience of our true nature

living a lie may seem like fun for a while

but it leads to serious problems

sooner or later

our truth is all we really have

and living a lie is cheating our self

and all those others we be with

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


actually have no concept of home

home is where ever i am

whether i like it or not

right and wrong

to believe in either one

is to have a serious misunderstanding

Monday, November 5, 2012

first we choose

and then we loose

has been my experience


we are only dangerous

when we reject our self

that which we were born to be

Sunday, November 4, 2012


so popular in our time

am no longer a fan of war

and have not been for a long time

i still remember how terrible it can be

and to forget would be to be ignorant again

courage is a game for idiots

have been there

Saturday, November 3, 2012


perhaps the greatest gift of all


perhaps the dumbest idea of all

the carrot we dangle in front of our self


never got very good a spelling

cause i don't really care


the only safe way to loan

is to not be concerned with getting it back

anything else is dangerous

for all of us


keeping secrets from our self

is an unwholly act

and leads to unwholly action

and we become vulnerable to others

that pursue unwholly acts and actions

what we want

is the source of our limitations

Friday, November 2, 2012


perhaps the greatest curse of all

the human experience is being distorted

by the unnatural environment

that money has created

money is not a creation of nature

money is the creation of man

and we were better off without it

but i do like a hot shower

we come here

and we leave here

which is the gift

if we don't interfere with our self too much

the american dream

was just a dream

with no respect for natural order

or awareness of what actually is

awareness is not a product of thought

but the mess we see in our world is

who do you love

when you can't love your self

the word of man

something i have not yet stood up to

cause it kind of scares me

once i was probably a woman

although i don't remember that anymore


my friends have found it pretty terrible

to take part in where i am

as have i

the laundry basket

a place that i have been

Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study

by Idries Shah

a little book i have been reading


i am a small man

as is my nature

my father

and the occasional friend

was a great man

and a couple of girls i have known

what do you get

what do you (meaning me) get

when you don't give the girl

what she wants

usually nothing

we shall see what today has in store


i was exercising because i was afraid

which is the wrong reason to do anything

being rejected

being rejected is the most difficult

when by those that have been accepted

Thursday, November 1, 2012


liars cultivate narrow mindedness in me

am not a big fan of that crap

and actually it really pisses me off

but i still like life as it actually is

even though it is sometimes hard

and sometimes soft

and sometimes not there at all


there is what you want from me

and don't want from me

and what i have to offer

heaven and hell are states of being

and certainly not locations