Monday, October 31, 2016

had something to say

but what ever it was

ain't being with me now

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


what if you can't face life

if you don't get what you want

i don't much like stuff like that

i almost said don't care for stuff like that

obviously scared of that want stuff

pearl harbor

my mother heard about pearl harbor on the radio

my father heard about pearl harbor

from inside the battleship w. virginia

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

keeping track of time

our greatest mistake


the attitude i am confronted with

when someone tells me yesterday mattered

i wonder

thats about as far as i got

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


did you ever wonder

what does that mean

i did

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

religious people

those that seem to think

they are qualified to tell me

what their god wants me to be

we all have to find our own way

religious people are crazy

so it seems to me

we all have to find our own way

krishnamurti was right

all the conflict in the world

is coming from the conflicts within us all

and those conflicts come from

having ideas of who we should be

imposed on our self

and we go forward in life

imposing ideas on our self

with no opportunity to find our own way

with our true self

i asked my father once how to deal with all this

and his response was

"i don't know what to tell you boy -

your going to have to work that our for yourself"

and i have as i can

this life has not been well planned like so many

mostly i just keep up with this life as i can


ideas are a product of thought

awareness is not a product of thought

Monday, October 17, 2016

my motto

if it ain't free

i don't want none

a reader

what i was born to be

and i did

Sunday, October 16, 2016

a question for a girl

how did you find yourself loving me

Saturday, October 15, 2016


that which is no longer permitted

for quite a while now


sometimes i have been very hard to ignore

if your me

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


let me count the ways

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

wanting someone

wanting someone

is not the same

as accepting someone

wanting someone is actually

rejecting someone

and wanting someone

to be who you want then to be

mostly just control freak crap

and a dangerious game to play

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

in harms way

an old john wayne movie i just watched

have seen it several times

sometimes i wonder if we humans

will ever get past this killing each other

a lot of the people i grew up around

fought in that war

my father was in the navy at pearl harbor

when it started

he was reported killed

but that turned out to not be so

i'm a war baby

Sunday, October 2, 2016


human sexuality when its actually shared

is a celebration

which i have experienced in this life

most modern people are afraid of life

and seek protection from life

which they call security

which is a figment of their imagination