Saturday, December 24, 2016

as i see it

as i see it

the top and the bottom

no longer work together in harmony

which ain't natural

and probably not in our best interests


they can be

the first step back

to actually having feelings

Friday, December 23, 2016

the down side of winning

is someone has to lose

we will have to work on that

Thursday, December 22, 2016

a flash of light

in a sea of darkness

and here we are

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


if anyone wins

we all lose


if we can't face our vulnerabilites

how will we ever be free

all those wars

ain't really

done us all that much good

the bombs are bigger

but we still have to be


and hiding somewhere

ain't all that much fun

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

up and down

if you can't do both

you won't last very long around here


where ever i am

whether i like it or not

it is the clue

Monday, December 19, 2016


many confuse love with gratification

they love getting what they want

which is transitory gratification

love is a permanent state of being

perpetual would be a better word


most are afraid of love

love makes them feel vurnable

Sunday, December 18, 2016


if we can't do without money

we will never be free


we humans

don't seem to be

very comfortable

with our sexuality

that seems to be

where i am

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

all the heaven we got

is right here where we are

as mark said

the unknown

that which is new

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

one thing i have learned

just because you cannot be with me

does not mean i cannot be with you

Sunday, December 11, 2016


awareness is not a product of thought


life is not about being a verbal affermation of the word love

life is about being love

and if your thinking about that

you don't get what was just spoken of


just an annoying little brother


if you need courage to live your life

you aren't really living

the natural world

we modern humans are more and more

a long way from the natural world

which seems pretty wierd to me

and more than a little dangerous

Saturday, December 10, 2016


life ain't about fuckin

life is about a loving touch


when an others situation

is more important to you

than your own situation

Monday, December 5, 2016

safe places

if you only go to safe places

you will never be free

a human being

a human being

is not the same

as a human thinking

Saturday, December 3, 2016


serving life

is not the same

as serving an idea


if you can face truth

your are free

i have seen it so

accepting life

is the only way

to be with life

the only way

to be with life

is to be life

Friday, December 2, 2016

not sure what to say

probably should not say anything

but here we are

excuse me

our sense of adventure

that which first comes in conflict

with our sense of security

i guess wanting to return to the womb

and hide


dying is as natural as being born

we get to be who we get to be for a while

then we move on

all that stuff about heaven or eternal hell

is just bull-shit

we all have to face our self

but life ain't cruel

only fucked up humans are cruel

and some cats

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

reveal your self

every mans dream

if your me

Monday, November 28, 2016

this house

when i was born

this house was pretty old

Sunday, November 27, 2016


not sure what that word means


sure a lot of us humans on planet earth today

we have human primates

we have human beings

the human primates serve their self

the human beings serve life

life is all that is

all that we like

all that we don't like

Friday, November 25, 2016


if you can't face what your doing

how will you ever face who you are


the more you want

the more you lose

want always has a cost

to nights notes

walking in the forest

the known

the unknown

facing the known

and the unknown

(which could be considered new)


to get her

always thought that was kind of cute

am going to take a break now

Thursday, November 24, 2016


i still wonder

who i am

probably a pisces situation


a steel box

very hard to open

not sure why anyone would want to live there

maybe if that is all you got

feel like going and laying down now

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


if i could not do two

there would be no you

if your me

self control

when the children are taught to control their self

as is so common in our time

the self is no longer free to be its self

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

the god word

i have no interest in those different ideas of a god

maybe that's short for good

my interest is in life

which is all that is

and is not

Monday, November 21, 2016


to seek love is a fools errand

if you lack love

be love

Saturday, November 19, 2016


figments of our imagination

and of no value at all

wanting to be with me

is a form of rejection

cause i right here

being open to you

and you haven't noticed me yet

you still want something

but it ain't me

probably some idea you are stuck on


the only way to be with someone you like

is to quit wanting them

have mentioned that situation previously to a few

that has not been so popular

the trick is to be willing to like someone

without expectation of reward

Friday, November 18, 2016


the sorriest of all curse words

and the cultivation of wants

within our fellow humans

is a great crime against life

Monday, November 14, 2016

the sacred trust

the constant reorientation

of the old and the new

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

the sacred trust

protect and assist as one can

the women and children

if your happen to be me

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


was once accused of being a man

and a lot of other stuff


a curse word

Monday, November 7, 2016

was going to say something

but don't remember what it was

locked doors

locked doors don't keep you safe

they just slow um down

and make um make noise

there is no security here

educated people

educated people

gradually lose the ability

to communicate with uneducated people

religious people

mostly experience a similar situation with their self

as do rich people and on and on

maybe we could just be the people we actually are

but few seem to

be able to face their self

and speak to their self

all of their selves

not just the one they are wearing

Friday, November 4, 2016

our train of thought

the source of our tunnel vision

how we dumb our self down

do you see what we have done to our little world

and are still doing

we are all wrong

that is our starting point

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

true life

true life

is always free


the art of avoiding

that which actually is

Monday, October 31, 2016

had something to say

but what ever it was

ain't being with me now

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


what if you can't face life

if you don't get what you want

i don't much like stuff like that

i almost said don't care for stuff like that

obviously scared of that want stuff

pearl harbor

my mother heard about pearl harbor on the radio

my father heard about pearl harbor

from inside the battleship w. virginia

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

keeping track of time

our greatest mistake


the attitude i am confronted with

when someone tells me yesterday mattered

i wonder

thats about as far as i got

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


did you ever wonder

what does that mean

i did

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

religious people

those that seem to think

they are qualified to tell me

what their god wants me to be

we all have to find our own way

religious people are crazy

so it seems to me

we all have to find our own way

krishnamurti was right

all the conflict in the world

is coming from the conflicts within us all

and those conflicts come from

having ideas of who we should be

imposed on our self

and we go forward in life

imposing ideas on our self

with no opportunity to find our own way

with our true self

i asked my father once how to deal with all this

and his response was

"i don't know what to tell you boy -

your going to have to work that our for yourself"

and i have as i can

this life has not been well planned like so many

mostly i just keep up with this life as i can


ideas are a product of thought

awareness is not a product of thought

Monday, October 17, 2016

my motto

if it ain't free

i don't want none

a reader

what i was born to be

and i did

Sunday, October 16, 2016

a question for a girl

how did you find yourself loving me

Saturday, October 15, 2016


that which is no longer permitted

for quite a while now


sometimes i have been very hard to ignore

if your me

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


let me count the ways

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

wanting someone

wanting someone

is not the same

as accepting someone

wanting someone is actually

rejecting someone

and wanting someone

to be who you want then to be

mostly just control freak crap

and a dangerious game to play

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

in harms way

an old john wayne movie i just watched

have seen it several times

sometimes i wonder if we humans

will ever get past this killing each other

a lot of the people i grew up around

fought in that war

my father was in the navy at pearl harbor

when it started

he was reported killed

but that turned out to not be so

i'm a war baby

Sunday, October 2, 2016


human sexuality when its actually shared

is a celebration

which i have experienced in this life

most modern people are afraid of life

and seek protection from life

which they call security

which is a figment of their imagination

Friday, September 30, 2016


if you ain't never been lost

how you ever gonna be found

the circle

everything in life

goes in a circle

around the self

which is life

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


what people are interested in

when they don't have a life

to have a life means

accepting who you are

where you are

Friday, September 23, 2016


if the girls are not speaking to each other

we will not survive

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


lacking premeditation

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


the greatest tragedy of our time

Monday, September 19, 2016

this world

this world

is not a world that is thriving

and neither are the guys

no world can survive without girls


don't worry about being good

be true


never is a children's word

as is always

there ain't no security here

accept life

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

how much do you love life

that is quite a quest ye on

for most in our time not all that much

it depends on how much you want life to be in your dreams

Sunday, September 11, 2016


being 72 years of age

is not the same

as being 26 years of age

can we face each other

that remains to be seen

Friday, September 9, 2016


bees are important

but so are flies

my new indian name

many tears

Thursday, September 8, 2016

what if

what if there is so much movement

and nobody really moves


there is no place for politics

in truthful living

truthful manifestation of a human being

have become very rare in my lifetime

and they weren't all that common

when i was a kid

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


only humans are capable of cheating

which is being untruthful in their self expression

the creatures of the field

and the field it's self

have no ability to manifest such a crime against life

the human race

we are the problem

our selfishness and our greed

and our control freak tendencies

and our terrible insecurities

which result in our desperate search for security

and there ain't no security here

Saturday, September 3, 2016


when we choose our personal plan

instead of life's natural order

we are fucked

Thursday, September 1, 2016


can you be right here where you are

without resistance

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


to want something from me


you aren't interested in who i am

Sunday, August 28, 2016


that word is the clue

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

hey bea

you still out there

i called her rossie bea

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


what you want

is what you are rejecting

if that was not so

you would not be wanting

there would be no lack

Monday, August 22, 2016


there is always where we are

and who we think we are

and who we probably ought to be

but who the hell are we

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

a message to marjory

i met you as a boy

but i came back from war a killer

and could no longer face you

what i thought

what i thought was

a virgin dragon could not exist

but i was wrong

awareness is not a product of thought

what you know

in my experience

what i don't know

has always been greater

than what i do know

the dragon joke

and the dragon said

i have processed 9000 years of evolution

i can do anything

and the monkey comes along and says

how about this

this ain't never been done before

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

respect for life

if you ain't respecting all life

you don't respect life

Saturday, August 6, 2016


if there are no eights

there will be nines


this is all the heaven we got

right here where we are

i really love that song

Friday, August 5, 2016


most people think what they are thinking is the truth

but that is rarely accurate

awareness is not a product of thought

Thursday, August 4, 2016

some times i wonder

why we do what we do

i still wonder

the passage of time

four leads to eight

and five leads to nine

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

the greatest lack of the young

the opportunity to find their own way

which besides being a crime against life

creates a very dangerious situation in our world

Monday, August 1, 2016


had a comment to make about that word

but it ain't being with me now

Saturday, July 30, 2016

are you happy or satisfied

who would want to answer that question

the hair on my face

what if i just let it grow


natural life doesn't have a punishment button

we humans came up with that crap

Friday, July 29, 2016


resistance is exhausting

if you are resisting your truth

the truth of who you are

i ain't referring to who you think you are

or who you think you want to be

Saturday, July 23, 2016


an initial misconception

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

uranus and mars

major inconjunction this evening

actually the third from aries and scorpio

life just goes on changing

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


when we build machines

to find the way for us

we are hopelessly lost

and pretty stupid

the gemini situation

that would be one being two

Monday, July 11, 2016

wild and free

what free means to me

Thursday, July 7, 2016

not sure what to be

not sure what sure means

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

a shamed

if you have never been a shamed

you have probably never been religious

Saturday, July 2, 2016

who we are

first you have to accept your self for who you are

then you have to accept everyone else for who they are

and i don't mean who we think we are or want to be


when our true feelings become secret

is when we become liars

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

not quite sure what i should be

and maybe wondering

what i could have been

if i tried

which i did not


if you don't love everyone

you have not experienced love

and everyone

includes your self

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


awareness is not a product of thought

perception is the experience of being

a human being

or a bird or whatever

Friday, June 17, 2016

artificial light

the source of all our problems

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


the most obscene word

that we humanoids

have come up with yet

come up with is the clue

each of us

each of us

in our own time

must find some way

to face our self


some times we struggle

with the time that we are

Sunday, June 12, 2016


i just work here

but my friend

is the company


just because my presentation is being rejected

does not necessarily indicate i am being rejected

hi terri

thanks for putting up with me

Thursday, June 9, 2016


if you are not guilty of blame

you will not have to express forgiveness

Monday, June 6, 2016


mostly anymore i just keep up with my self as i can

and be open to the truth of what we are

the truth of what we all are

the truth of all that is and is not

having preconceived ideas of what life is

can blind one to truth of what is

Saturday, June 4, 2016

the native population

those that existed here before the invaders from the east showed up

would be greatly saddened by what has taken place in our little world

and so am i

there was a time we were free people being who we are

mostly in our time we live in the land of performances

which is a lot less than what we actually were created to be

it seems to me

Friday, June 3, 2016


that is how you take a bad situation and make it worse

a perverse form of emotional gratification

we become what was done to us

Thursday, June 2, 2016

being with me

being with me today

is not always like

being with me yesterday


probably the greatest personal affliction of all

and cultivated by so many in our time

human sexuality

the human race has a real problem with our sexuality

which is a serious problem which needs to be dealt with

pretty much everyone is taught to control their self

which is an anti-life attitude

we are teaching the children to stifle their self

and do what they are told

which is a form of suicide

we all have to find our own way

Monday, May 30, 2016

needs and wants

one can never be free

as long as that situation exists

Monday, May 23, 2016


it is one thing to be who you think you are

and quite another to be who you actually are

and the only way to experience that situation

is to let life have life's way with what you are

just got a comment on this post in what appears to me to be arabic

since i can't read it will probably pass

but we will see

that male female thing

we humans ain't having much luck with that situation

most of us don't have a clue

because we are afraid to face our situation here

we do love our games and do-dads

Saturday, May 21, 2016

child abuse

the cruelest situation that can occure

is for the child to be told

to take control of its life

and i will tell you how

such crap is a great crime against life

we all must find our own way

and those clowns are making

our little human adventure

a great deal more difficult than need be

we all must find our own way

all this training is leading us astray

Monday, May 16, 2016

Education and the Significance of Life

a little book by J.  Krishnamurti

and a significant contribution to the human race

Friday, May 13, 2016


awareness is not a product of thought


thought is always retrospective


true life is always in the now

Sunday, May 8, 2016

ten beers

my indian name

Monday, May 2, 2016


the problem with this capitalist system

is that the humans running this show

want profits always to go up

everything and situation in life in our little world cycles

which makes that attitude in conflict with life

which is pretty stupid and dangerous as hell

greed is a great obscenity

and becoming all to common

in our little world

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

the validity of your presentation

perhaps a clue

to our situation here

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Thursday, March 17, 2016


who in their right mind

would seek to be governed

Monday, March 14, 2016


life ain't actually a get it situation

life is actually more of a keep up with life situation

all we really get is who we are

and the sharing of that situation

Thursday, March 10, 2016


what goes up

must come down

on this plane

it is usually best

not to think to much

awareness is not

a product of thought

and neither are we

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


the dumbest word humans have come up with yet

and the most cruel and misleading

my story

my story

is who i am

our story

is who we are

all of us

past and present

and future

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


these hands aren't for sale

although they have been rented out

and there is me

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

a line from a song

it's a line from a mark knopfler song

and i'm staring in the mirror

at the face that i deserve

Monday, February 15, 2016

almost over

tho this life is almost over
and i'm slightly bent
still my soul does wonder
just what it all has meant

all the struggles and wars
seem so petty and small
and the dreams of the youth
such a long distance call

here at the end
with no fight left inside
it seems such a waste
all the truth we did hide

ideas and dreams
that we try to make real
oh so important
how we'll lie and we'll steal

one thing over learned
in this game we call life
love is so rare
in this land filled with strife

accept who you are
and the same for all others
it's not right to hurt
for in truth we're all brothers

Sunday, February 14, 2016

the religious nature

the true religious nature

is non-denominational

so life seems to me

pride and shame

two sides of the same nickel

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

the final answer

questioning life

is knot the way


facing your true self

is the only way to truly live

not facing your true self

will create a distorted relationship with your self

which means you are misrepresenting your self

as you express your self

and that will lead to the situation we have on our little planet today

there is much that needs to be done

Monday, February 1, 2016

there is also a sacred trust

that would be life

all life

all life that is

has ever been

or will ever be

Friday, January 29, 2016


the tool of the control freak

the manipulators first line is usually

trust me

for those that are truly free

trust is not part of the equation

when all are free

there is no need for trust

trust is really a stupid fuckin word

awareness is not a product of thought

and as the security alert to the left says

there ain't no security here

hiding from life

ain't no life at all

finding someone you can trust

is seeking someone who will submit

to your will

who will give you what you want

who will be your slave

Thursday, January 28, 2016


the lost world

another great escape attempt

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


there ain't no kings in Sagittarius

Sunday, January 24, 2016

life is the ocean

when you tell someone
its ok to be themselves
it is generally taken to mean
that it's ok to gratify the idea
that they have of themselves

this is not helpful

but it sells a lot of books

to have and idea of ones self
does not necessarily indicate
any true awareness at all

ideas are a product of our  -
or someone else's  -

ideas are bubbles blown in the ocean

life is the ocean

awareness of the ocean
cannot be achieved
by thinking about the ocean

an awareness of the ocean
can only be achieved
through the direct experience
of the ocean

which can only be achieved
by a complete openness
to the truth
of the oceans existence

without any preconceived idea
of an ocean

become as little children
was good advice

yet rarely taken

children have no ideas at all
until we infect them with them


and the tumble turd bugs
were upon the land

rolling their little balls
of waste material

fighting for their share
searching everywhere

always on the go
no time to be slow

having  -  having
is our game

destroy the world
don't give your name

we start in on children

we start in on children
so early today
to program their minds
when they should learn how to play

a child needs the time
to first know its self
and it hurts to be told
to just get on that shelf

with no time to consider
just what this might be
we rob them so quickly
of their right to see

it seems clear to me
the old ways not so smart
as we rip up this planet
and tear at its heart

in spite of the terrors
which now fill the land
the stink of pollution
so carefully planned

we still tell them all
that "i know whats best"
but the results that i see
sure don't pass the test

the innocence found
in the eyes of a child
a master once spoke of
in terms not so mild

"be as the children"
is what was once said
the will to respect them
seems mostly quite dead

most just play roles
that were forced in their mind
with no thought of nature
now so hard to find

a fresh look at life
is the gift of new birth
if we don't respect it
then what is it worth

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


if you seek to punish me

or any expression of life

you will be punishing your self

our self

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


what i want

in this little world

depends on how much money i have

there is actually more to life than that stuff


if you are not free of want

you are not free


the one topic

humans seem to be the most interested in avoiding

which is not how life has been for me

the mason dixon line

consumerism is an enslaveing system

as are the religions i am familiar with

freedom is in short supply in our little world

and more killing and conquest ain't going to help


most people i see

seem to think

love is about gratification

about getting what you want

that ain't what i see happening here

don't seem to be too much love

in our little world

to love life is to cherish and serve life

in all of life's expressions and manifestations

we all have to find our own way

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


am no fan of beliefs

at best we just guess from that position

and religious beliefs

are particularly dangerous

because they are considered sacred

guessing and sacred

i will have to pass on that

i would rather just wonder what is going on

and keep up as i can


thought is retrospective

and of the past

Life is forever of the now

a little retrospect perception or examination

can sometimes have value

but you don't want to get lost there


Life is not about

what we have done

in the past

Life is about

who and where we are

right now

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


most don't know why they are afraid

they just are

these are those that don't yet recognize life

but think they do


the greatest curse of all

life is all potential

we little organisms called human

choose for our self

until we don't