Sunday, January 24, 2016

life is the ocean

when you tell someone
its ok to be themselves
it is generally taken to mean
that it's ok to gratify the idea
that they have of themselves

this is not helpful

but it sells a lot of books

to have and idea of ones self
does not necessarily indicate
any true awareness at all

ideas are a product of our  -
or someone else's  -

ideas are bubbles blown in the ocean

life is the ocean

awareness of the ocean
cannot be achieved
by thinking about the ocean

an awareness of the ocean
can only be achieved
through the direct experience
of the ocean

which can only be achieved
by a complete openness
to the truth
of the oceans existence

without any preconceived idea
of an ocean

become as little children
was good advice

yet rarely taken

children have no ideas at all
until we infect them with them


and the tumble turd bugs
were upon the land

rolling their little balls
of waste material

fighting for their share
searching everywhere

always on the go
no time to be slow

having  -  having
is our game

destroy the world
don't give your name

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