Tuesday, July 31, 2012

the natural world

there was a time

when people were born into the natural world

but that was long ago

before all this progress

and all these little toys we play with

Monday, July 30, 2012

a friend recently fell out of a tree and broke his shoulder

there are those in the medical profession

that i don't much approve of their response to that situation

when a doctor punishes a patient for not acting right

from his personal point of view

i don't consider him much of a doctor

and he is dragging out my friends discomfort

and that really pisses me off

my friend was trying to save a tree

that prick of a doctor is trying to save his reputation

and not the least concerned about my friends broken shoulder


Sunday, July 29, 2012


very quietly

and you might hear

personal glory

a trap little people set for themselves

Saturday, July 28, 2012

defeating others

what if defeating others

is not the point of the game

and personal glory

of no value at all

my best intentions

and my best intentions

are of no value at all


another false god

acting as if you are fearless

only proves one is afraid

freedom from fear does not come from a lie

it comes from facing fear


a false god

and the loss of so many

the wayward wind

and i was born the next of kin

to the wayward wind

liked eddy arnold too

be kind to your horse

and all those you enslave

for in time

all things are reversed

who ever created that time thing

was definitely not embracing life

i can't forget

i can't forget but i don't remember what

have been there

remembering can be painful in our situation

if we weren't really there when we were there

leonard cohen and rumi

there ain't no cure for love


when we chose to let the capitalists rule us

we put the retards in charge of our situation

and nature was left behind

and the great emptiness was upon us

and the drugs the cartels and the so called health care industry

sold us to survive got stronger and stronger

to seek vengeance

to seek vengeance upon another life form

is to become very intimate with that life form

it's like choosing a new lover

and all the stuff that goes with that

choosing and loving don't have much in common

to exploit people and the planet

what the system in place that i see does

and was designed to do

even the sick and the poor

especially the sick and the injured by all this

and the tragedies are all around us

it doesn't have to be that way

but it all comes down to how we respond to life

which is what we are

life isn't artificial

but so much of the stuff we surround ourselves with is

and most of the people

artificial can only be unnatural

and the truth of our essential natures is in very short supply

which was the plan from the start

humans come up with plans

the creatures of the field sure don't

they don't try to change the world or what they are

they just be with all this as they can

according to their own nature


we have created a situation here

that allows very little freedom

and all these new laws take that situation even further

and most of us had nothing to do with that

it was done by the powerful few

who i guess we trusted

probably because we are lazy by nature

most of us

of all the places i have been

of all the places i have been

and have yet to be

now is all there really is

our thoughts and words

our thoughts and words are creative

and great chaos is upon the land

and very little peace to be found

Friday, July 27, 2012

the pisces gift

let go

and let life have it's way

and that is all i know

anyone that blames the retarded child

for being a retarded child

is no friend of mine

at least not yet

i do sometime blame them for being stupid

cause that's a personal choice

a weird email from lewis

most people i have met in this life

have made it hard for me to like them

but a few didn't

and perhaps you are one of those

i wish you well

dead man walking

the story of my life

and a few others i have known

i have loved everyone that i could

so many didn't make that very easy for me

but a few did

and i am a very lucky guy

Thursday, July 26, 2012

how it once was

what we all have to face

in our own time

and also how it is

as we can

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

a girl and her gown

she has a right to life

and i have spoken

as i can


a popular word in our time

as long as truth is not allowed too much influence

has been my experience

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


as soon as we are satisfied

we have certainly lost the way

the way is forever unfolding

and satisfied can only get behind

good people and bad people

some people think there are good people and bad people

but there are just people

a lot of us are stupid people

as i can personally testify

but until we can face our stupidity

we will be hidden from ourselves

behind our own creation

which is our satisfaction

which is a very dangerous game to play

chuang tzu

have been reading chuang tzu again

he speaks of doing and non-doing

those birds i watch on the bird bath aren't doing anything

they are being birds

if someone were to train them

and teach them what to do

they wouldn't be being birds anymore

Monday, July 23, 2012


comments are rare

very few have the nerve to comment

what i see

is not at all

what i was lead to believe i would see

Sunday, July 22, 2012

what i see

is almost all i have

if i can't face my own blindness

how will i ever be able to face yours

when was the last time i wasn't mad

i actually don't remember

Thursday, July 19, 2012

when the ice cycle melts

it returns to the air

from which it came

unless it lands somewhere

and then it becomes a part of where it landed

for a time

that which we have faced

is what we no longer have to fear


and i would ask you

what about sex are you afraid of


rain tends to land all over you

a drip tend to land on one place over and over

one thing i have learned

you can't hear when you yawn

at least i can't


the saint most worship today

one way or the other

some cultivate fear

as governments and law enforcement people to

some claim to be able to free us from fear

for a price

they both lie

fear is just a figment of our imagination

we are the source of our fear

and that is a clue

we persist in abusing ourselves

until we don't


a blind mans bluff

or a girls

our consciousness of ourselves

is always a relatively small part of ourselves

and probably shouldn't be taken all that seriously

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

wanting things from other people

not a very nice thing to do

and actually a great crime against the human race

and ultimately against the planet as a whole

wanting implies a lack

which we are not capable of

cause we are perfect

which is all life can do

now we humans do have the ability to be imperfect

we are naturally born free

which is natures way

and lifes

Monday, July 16, 2012


is mostly just misleading

strong is the hiding place

of the weak

those that don't understand me

seems to mean they immediately distrust me

which is about the same way i do that stuff

trust is a strange word

Saturday, July 14, 2012

what am i doing wrong

a question rarely asked anymore

that situation seems pretty arrogant to me

we don't seem near sharp enough to be getting everything right

at least not to me

yet so many claim they are

positive thinking

a very dangerous game to play

distorting ourselves with lies

will not improve our situation

and only makes our situation worse


a blind mans dream

and the curse of those that fear life

woody guthrie

he saw what was being done to us

and that was before they got so good at doing us

and he suffered greatly for his seeing

the music helped a little

singing is more fun than cursing

but being here killed him

as it has most of us

but not all

life nurtures us

when we accept life as life is

rejection is knot the way

and very painful

the way of life

is the way of life

and no one gets a vote

unless they want one

which is a lot less than all

we each must speak for ourself

cause no one else can

except sometimes

Friday, July 13, 2012


don't much care for the training of dogs and horses and other creatures

and training human children is downright offensive to me

training is nothing more than slavery


if we lie to ourselves

we lie to the children

and our friends

and everyone we meet

sometime the lying is unintentional

do to our training and beliefs and opinions

but is still lying

truth can only be manifested

truth cannot be created by man

truth can only be yielded to

the hopeful are lost

Thursday, July 12, 2012


a false god

and no friend of mine

mine is just a hole in the ground


a word so few can embrace

yet all is what we are


the god of the week

and the very weak

for so many in our time

but not all


just another illusion

another delusion

another attempt at control

and the god of the week

and the very weak


more than just a word

to think about

and to hope for

the health care industry

no industry i ever heard of

ever sought to put itself out of business

that would not be good business

and business is the rule of the day

for a time


the modern word for slave


there was a time we didn't have to be employed

to feed ourselves

but that was long ago

when we were free

we the people

there was a time we were people

but now we are addicted to electronic doodads

and other silly stuff

now we are the consumer

and we work for others

for trinkets and beads

and our daily bread

and life is no longer our friend

and fear and insecurity rule the land

and the doctors are among the rich

most of them

i knew one that wasn't

but he was among the few

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


far more important than money

and a lot more satisfying

some times

sometime life is a bitch

and life marches on

into every where

and every thing

there are those that still serve life

but their numbers are way down

in our time

the people at the top of the pile

are not focused on your self and my self

or even their self

they are focused on money

money is their god

that which the serve and long for

they don't even see us

and so often we fear our selves

Monday, July 9, 2012

sometimes you get what you want

sometimes you don't

and love lives somewhere in between

Sunday, July 8, 2012

an astrology lesson

you can't grab water

you can't grab water

and astrology lesson

seeing and being

sound like different words

but thats not true

Saturday, July 7, 2012

heaven loves me

an old bob dylan song i never heard

Friday, July 6, 2012

was about to say something

but it went away


all ye who seek such situations

are probably not going to like me

Thursday, July 5, 2012

am not quite sure what is going on here

but am inclined to flush it anyway

and that is after extensive research

if you can't face where you are

facing where i am will be impossible

to reject your life

is to reject mine

building that pipeline from canada

may be in your best interest

but what is in your best interest

may not be what is best for you

am obviously not a banker

of even a light weight capitalist

i am alone here

as we all are

until we aren't

other stuff

mostly lately has been other stuff

to be

requires great devotion

and more than a little balls

even the girls have to find their little balls

is what they have in common with boys

man and woman can share the results of that situation

some times

when both are willing

which requires more than little balls

boys and girls are where we meet

man and woman is where we could be

if we were willing to be as we are


to be successful

is to be the greatest of all failures


just another word for rejection


it is important to face ones own fears

before one has to face an others fears


far more have survived failure

than have survived success

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

stumble up on me

another one of my indian names

and i have earned them all

those that give names

are not familiar with names

has been my experience

and i went to wherever i was

there was no where else to be

am a little bit too tired to go upstairs tonight

and a little bit too tired not to


a pretty scary word

if one is attracted to government

and the being of that stuff

governments are no fans of independence

they seek to prevent that ever happening

they serve the bankers

and the capitalist guys

and here we are

in the midst of all this exploitation

and wondering who we are

those that can still wonder

those that are not so sure

a lot of noise being made tonight

very little respect for silence in our time

as there was earlier


a far cry from seeing

and a blind man

shall lead the way

cause he sees better than we do

we are just looking

was about to say something

but it's gone now


knowing is in the now

in the moment of being

thought is retrospective

awareness is not a product of thought

awareness is a product of being

and surrender to Absolute Truth

the only worthy goal

awareness has nothing to do with what we want

which only misleads us

Monday, July 2, 2012


truthfulness is almost extinct here

we live in a time of political correctness

which came long after manners and rules of conduct

truth has been sacrificed on the alter of image

and liars rule the land

because we are so ignorant of ourselves

and freedom died so long ago

what was done to the native population

is now being done to us

complete submission is required

Sunday, July 1, 2012

the 4th of july

the dogs bark

and the cats run and hide

and some of the dogs

welcome to america

at least the one i live in


a lonely career for man

and ultimately for woman

and then the children

you can tell a lot about people

by how stupid their dogs are

or those who cultivate cats

watching over

what am i doing

one thing is certain to me

i don't know

so to face myself

i must face not knowing

and my goal was to know