Saturday, November 29, 2014


we are taught to think

which slows us down

thought is retrospective

an interest in the past

life is forever now

being is the way of knowing


just a slang term

for resistible

mostly used

by those that resist

and an expression

of self deception

which they sell

to their lesser selves

we all see life

in our own way

until we don't


what if all is true

and there are no lies

and we are guilty

of self deception

Thursday, November 27, 2014


the only way

to face me

is to face your self

and it only works

if i am facing

my self

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

what if

what if

the people telling us what to do

don't know what they are doing

now we get to see

what we will do

knowing is a very personal word

and we all have to find our own way

as we can

approval and disapproval

these words seem to be

the hallmark of our time

don't really know what hallmark means

what the words mean

is accept this and reject that

and live with less than whole

which seems to me to be

a pretty crappy deal

less is not actually an option

we just get more crap than usual

have been reading

the perfumed scorpion

strangers on a train

that sounds like

the story of my life

and the story of a few others

i have met

along the way


a rejection of what life is offering

recognizing what is needed or required

is far more valid and constructive

than creating conflict

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


a situation i am familiar with

most often

by those that claim

to want me

want is a demanding word

and not a seeker of sharing

want is a be mine now word

which is

probably whatever you think it is

but it ain't me


the greatest curse of all

just another self inflicted wound

on us all

Sunday, November 23, 2014


how does on overcome resistance

well the trick is

don't resist

Saturday, November 22, 2014


and there came a time

when life asked me

what i cared for

and i said woman

and then i cried

Friday, November 21, 2014


the bread ain't ready

till it's ready

as every baker knows

this plane of existence

our plane

manifests itself

as dominance

and submisiveness

and the trick is

both must accept

the truth

of what we all are

and the clue is

we are both

and that's just to start with


Life is not about getting what we want

Life is about the Truth of what we share

the truth of what we are

and to know what we are

we must face the truth

of what we are

which is not a product of thought

and just another silly idea

not ain't much of a word

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Idries Shah

have read a lot of his books over the years

and am really glad i did

they helped a lot

Monday, November 17, 2014


so many in our time

want life to be other than it is

which ain't a smart move

and a very dangerious game to play


protecting your self from me

makes being with you

very difficult

which is my nice way

of expressing that situation

Sunday, November 16, 2014


perhaps if we could see

what we are doing

we would not find ourselves

so facinated with

what we are doing

the first step to seeing

is to slow down

and quit trying so hard

which will only lead

to tunnel vision

and a hidden life

which don't sound like much

of a life to me

life is a treasure

to be shared

by those that  can share

without a price tag


to resist life

is to make life

a little less fun

which don't make much sense to me

cold is still difficult for me


business is a war like enterprise

and always leads to conflict

and submission and slavery


nothing is tolorable

if you ain't too picky

we still

get to be

what we are

we always have our self

if we're willing

Thursday, November 13, 2014

being stupid

it is important to always know you're being stupid

when you're being stupid

cause if you don't

you really are being stupid

innocence is only for the child

all else is ignorance


those that rely on their training

will not survive

life is in our natural instincts

which training seeks to dominate and control

this was once the warriors code

and the only way to survive

until it was time to die


those that only examine

statistics and stuff

can never know life

which is what we are

all of us


life is just making deliveries


don't ever give anyone anything

that you don't want back

and never expect anything

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


mostly we read

what catches our eye

but in time

we must also read

what didn't catch our eye

the penny joke

that joke was about sex

first you hung a penny

by a thread from your left hip

and about girls

then you hung a nickel

by a thread from your right hip

now you move you hip

hit the penny

hit the nickel

hit the penny

hit the nickel

then you hung a quarter

by a thread to your ass

hit the penny

hit the nickel

hit the quarter

hit the penny

hit the nickel

hit the quarter

then you hung a dime

down there in your front

between you legs

hit the penny

hit the nickel

hit the quarter

hit the dime

hit the penny

hit the nickel

hit the quarter

hit the dime

hit the dime

hit the dime

hit the dime


the only one

that can ask a question

with out an answer

and laugh


any one who needs

an interpreter

is not listening


have loved and used iPhoto for years

now it tells me

i am out of date

i got the app store

and no updates

are available to me

good bye iPhoto

some one hijacked me

and capitalized the t's

pretty sure i didn't do that

i was kind of pissed off

about not getting and upgrade


in life

you go from

the begining

to the middle

to the begining

there is no end

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

heaven and hell

the opposite end

of all that is

we humans

have tricked our self

here in this land of dualities

john norman and the gor books

the early books in that series

were great

and very educational

after that

they were just crap

and of no value at all

Monday, November 10, 2014


all i can say to woman

you must face your self

to face me

which will only happen

if i can face my self

Sunday, November 9, 2014


a nice word

for the freshly ignorant

and our ignorance

in our own time

we must all face


another form of rejection

of what actually is

with all those expectations

and hopes and wishes

which are just dreams

and creations of our imagination

which are just our hopes and wishes and dreams

we sleep

until we don't

wake up

if your willing

to face truth

which is the greatest gift of all

Saturday, November 8, 2014


hoping is actually

a rejection of

what actually is

an escape tactic

as is wishing

and trying

and all that other crap

a clock

if you need a clock

to tell you

what time it is

you probably

ain't very good

at being who you are

or where you are

write a book

maybe some day

i will write a book

i will call the book

the dragon

who loved me

and then

i will run for cover

Thursday, November 6, 2014


when you medal

in your own affairs

you expose your self

to those who like to medal

in the affairs of others

mostly because they are afraid

of their self

actually in this comment

was referring to meddling

as in interfere

was not sure of the spelling


who ever you choose

for your opponent

is who you will dance with

Sunday, November 2, 2014


the tragedy of our time is

the boys don't know how

to be with the girls

and the worse tragedy is

the girls don't know how

to be with the boys

and the man and woman situation

hasn't happened in a long time

Saturday, November 1, 2014


life on this plane

is not actually about wining

life on this plane

is about losing gracefully