Monday, December 31, 2012

going over the cliff

consider that a better option

than the two big dogs making a deal

for the carcass which is us

when two dogs are fighting over a bone

don't seem to think the bone is pulling for either dog

if either dog wins

the bone looses

and currently

you and i are the bone

we the people

they milk us like dairy cows

and treat us like shit

what is a girl to do

do you think america treats people well

or most of the other people i have met

there have been very few

it is very hard to be brave

when one has been so afraid

has been my experience

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

the savage

the savage lives in every man

and every woman

as does the great kindness

they cannot exist without each other

another clue

pride and shame are two sides of the same nickel

to seek one and reject the other is to be lost

the brave man is still afraid

which is why he is brave

courage is a false god

as is wealth

and power

and most of the stuff we cherish in our time

many today seek knowledge

which doesn't actually exist

although so many claim to possess it

it is a really stupid word

awareness is not a product of thought

all this crap we see in our time

is a product of thought

we have lost sight of the essence of life

and each other

and our selves

it seems to me

recognizing the loss

is the first step to regaining what we have lost

life is an affirmation

and without loss

no matter how hard we try to lose

comic books

once a long time ago i liked comic books

until i realized how dangerous and misleading they were

and now we have a video game world

even war is fought from a console

there was a time we bled

and knew what war was

and how terrible and cruel war was

that was a bloody time for me

and a long long time ago

before i came to be in this skin

moments in time

what we seem to be

if your me

Monday, December 24, 2012

a poem for christmas

praises sing and night bells ring
all around this precious thing

places and faces and midnight races
all the while the nomad braces

more and more the onslaught rages
in the wind all ripped out pages

find me now  -  oh lord of love
we seek and pray thy long lost dove

will peace upon the land yet stand
must heart still face the burning brand

on and on the rage does rush
the bonds of shame a mighty crush

still the flame  -  it has not died
tho bled and fed on brutal pride

so far we hold the beach head slightly 
no longer bold and brave and mighty

battered troops once fresh and rested
now reel and waver  -  nearly bested

the hope that once so filled the heart
still lives  -  yet in the smallest part

tho battered  -  scarred and mortal weary
at dawn we stand to face the fury

no longer brave we could be called
but no  -  by god we shall not fall

to twisted minds that rule this land
with whip and chain in brutal hand

we will not yield the sacred trust
nor feed upon the moldy crust

which the beast does offer gladly
all inflamed and grinning madly

tho tattered rag  -  thy flag once proud
and bleeding feet  -  tho head un-bowed

we face the dawn with shining faces
of doubt and fear there are no traces

for in thy time each heart does know
as life moves on its sacred flow

the soul of man will seek thy light
and move beyond this endless night

the whisper that i dimly hear
does speak that time may yet be near

oh yes  -  the force does feel some stronger
the soul cries out  -  not too much longer

the love long sought by this small band
does in truth feel near at hand

the stirring in the heart grows stronger
raging pain i feel no longer

the mission tho still unfulfilled 
will be complete as thou has willed

and light yet fill the hardest heart
thy love shall reach the darkest part

in time the sorrows past will fade
and truth regain this world you made

for as the story does unfold
eternal love each heart will hold 

i wish you and yours well

merry christmas 

peace and harmony to all beings

that includes the creatures of the field

Saturday, December 22, 2012


another form of slavery

am no fan of that crap

or the popular religions of our time

slavery is a crime against life

Friday, December 21, 2012

the oklahoma gazette

i worked there for a while

that was a while back

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

life as a man

life has been a brave man

and a cowardly man

and so very much in between

life has been a brave woman

and a cowardly woman

and so very much in between

life has been a brave child

and a cowardly child

and so very much in between

and all that is what we are

and so much more

so it seems to me

the naked woman

that is against the law in our time

once it was a celebration

but that was a long time ago

i never quite forgot

we are all indestructible

and at the same time so fragile

most of us find our preferences

and develop our prejudices

and hell starts all over again for us

letting go of that which is past

is the only way to truly live

throwing the past away is not the same

the present must be embraced in it's own time

and released as it's time passes

as each day does

and we all do in our own time


the greatest curse of all

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

surrender is a curse word in our time

not so much to me

if we cannot surrender to our selves

we will never get to be who we are

my job

my job is not to encourage people to get what they want

my job is to encourage people to be as they are

as they were born to be

as life made them

and what we all want

has got nothing to do with where we are

or who we are

and will just make us crazy

if we make wanting the goal of the game


now that is a real word

to escape the training and programing

to escape that crap

and retain our essence

seems the only valid reason for our existence

not sure how to survive being dumber than dirt

being just a little man

who is not sure what to do

not sure why i wanted to be sure

seems kind of silly to me now

no longer feel like sure even exists

security is a false god

freedom knows nothing of security

which can only restrict it's own freedom


so many are willing to kill

or have someone do it for them

not such a good sign

it seems to me

but i don't claim to know what is best for us

or what we should do

my best guess would be

be who you are

and let life work all this stuff out

and if you can't be who you are

be where you are

we have to start somewhere

if we are still capable of being

being has nothing to do with thinking

which is just attempted escape from what is


i have no answers

i have only questions

life is the answer

and without us

life is nothing

and is we take ourselves seriously

all is lost

all is what we are

Sunday, December 16, 2012

deep water

what i sometimes call my wife

i am called shallow water

and sometimes little voice

to speak of truth is a great crime in our time

we have been trained to support the great crime

and am no fan of training

which is a crime against life

and the freedom of all

Noam Chomsky

consider him a friend

although we have never met

sent him an email once

and he responded

when no one else did

Saturday, December 15, 2012

strangers in the night

a song i heard a long time ago

which still has meaning for me

and still don't know what all this means


am not sure what i have just done

which is the story of my life

a naked woman

probably the only picture worth taking


america keeps telling me i get a vote

life keeps telling me that i don't

i can be myself

or i can pass

and find what passing leads to

a cowardly little bastard

what so few of us will admit to any more

but what we are so qualified to be

and all this wasn't actually our fault

but we were born here

would fight to the death

for a girls right to be who she is

am pretty sure that is true

and i am not a brave person

actually i am a natural born coward

and really devoted to self preservation

which is why i am so small


a little mans god

life does not require courage

life requires willingness

to be who and what we are

as life made us

everyone wants a vote

it don't seem to me

that life works like that

i can be myself as life made me

or i can be a lie

to please a bunch of people

who don't really like me all that much

Friday, December 14, 2012

today is my birthday again

68 years later

and the only point of the game

is still to face my self

Thursday, December 13, 2012

my life

my life is an emergency

which i have never quite understood

a vote

life don't give me a vote

and i no longer seek a vote

cause we don't get to vote

we just get to be

and so far i am willing

smoking and drinking

have always liked smoking and drinking

i cut back on that stuff

i still sometimes wonder why

the little drummer boy

i get to be that again

but it is my birthday

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


nobody wins a war

has been my experience


life is a universal experience

if one is completely open to life

most of us accept some expressions of life

and reject other expressions of life

we accept some parts of our self

and reject other parts or our self

depending on our conditioning

which is less than a universal experience

and the suffering and the killing goes on

Saturday, December 8, 2012

don't get personal

that is about all i have heard since i have been here

and getting personal

is all i ever dreamed of

and dreams are the great escape

and to escape life

would be the greatest curse of all


as long as we are willing to do that crap

there will be no peace

mostly the people that start wars

don't fight them

me and you do

and we don't have to do that

naked woman

the only hope we have

and hope is of no value at all

oklahoma city

is like london tonight

being with the body

what it means to be human

or any other thing

pearl harbor


my father was there that day

i was not here yet

am no fan of war

some part of me remembers

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012


if you can't tell me what  you are afraid of

you will never be able to live

to run from our fears

and to give them power over us

is to abandon our lives

Sunday, December 2, 2012

i am called little courage

by those that know me

and a few who don't

Friday, November 30, 2012

unless i win the lottery

i should stay within the order

and even if i win the lottery

i should still stay within the order

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

the littlest sound that i am

is probably the most that i can be

my signature

is much less than i am

i still miss smoking and drinking sometimes

and i am still smoking and drinking


life is more than me and you

life is all that we are

and quite a bit more

so life seems to me

single men

only single men

are into smoking and drinking

has been my experience

smoking and drinking has been mostly my experience


as long as politicians make the laws

which are recommended by those that finance them

we are pretty much left out of the loop as they say

we the people

mostly politicians mostly protect their own position

and we the people get very little consideration

unless we decide not to vote for them

cause then a new crew takes over

management is a sad word

to be on the under side of

no one in their right mind

would be wished to be managed by another

freedom is much more than a word

freedom is also a responsibility

to those that respect the gift

making love

there was a time that phrase applied to human sexuality

but that was a long time ago

religions pretty much put a stop to that situation

and capitalists thrived in that environment

of emasculated men

and subjugated women

as did prostitution and pornography

and child abuse

and a lot of other stuff i don't like talking about

only an insecure male

would subjugate a female

no man would do such a thing

to a female

or anyone else

Monday, November 26, 2012

once i viewed this as my life

until i realized it was our life

a girl i know reminded me of that

and a guy i know

was standing there watching

Saturday, November 24, 2012

once i was a fan of glory

not so much any more

the hunger for glory

has brought great suffering to this plane

Friday, November 23, 2012


those that seek such things

have no concept of what life is


i don't see an end

i do see change

which is what life forever does

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


modern people have no concept of freedom

in their world

every thing has a price

as things often do

but i am not a thing

and neither are you

holding hands

there is a time to hold hands with our self

and a time to hold hands with the other

which some times is me

there is the wanting plane

and the not wanting plane

and the plane of

words elude me

which don't happen all that often

me my self and eye

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

some people want to be good

and in our time some people want to be bad

good and bad actually have nothing to do

with what actually is

those are just opinions

what we choose to believe

when we don't actually know

and are too afraid to admit our situation

so they just guess

it is pin the tail on the donkey

all over again

weaning us

still wonder about that stuff

Monday, November 19, 2012


courage was my grand mothers name

my name was little boy

Sunday, November 18, 2012

the only way to sell a house

would be to say

yes you can have the house

you can pay me what the house is worth to you

maybe not the only way

but probably the most fun

if you were me

am not much for haggling over prices

when life is so priceless

i am happy to be here

and happy to see you

that would have to be

it seems to me

the happiest feeling of all

some still wonder what is the worst that can happen

so few realize

that it already has

when in doubt

be your self

if you make the situation worse for any one

you make it worse for all the rest of us

including your self

cause that is what the rest of us is


time is a figment of human imagination

and a serious miss under standing

don't run

don't run away from any thing

just walk away

when it is time

having a script for your life

having a script for your life

before you have lived your life

is one way to miss out on your life

there are others

Saturday, November 17, 2012

me and my friend

we are full time guys

but we were born in the time

of part time girls

and a new time is upon us

that remains to be seen

sex every third tuesday in june

just don't seem natural to me

to me it seems regulated

and am no fan of rules and regulations

that crap restricts freedom of expression

scheduling is just another form of control

and the emptiness

just becomes deafening


some people and other creations

work in the now

some work for the future

and some for the past

Friday, November 16, 2012

the thinker

a statue i have seen

and ridiculed so many times

until i found my self being there

escapism is a harsh mistress to serve

what i want

when what i want became so important to me

what i do not want became equally important to me

now that is a clue


when fears are not faced

we give them the power to rule us

Narcissus and Goldman

a book by Herman Hesse

that i read a long time ago

was about the duality we experience here

it seemed to me

i liked the book a lot


my conduct with myself

has allowed what that word represents

to become far to great and influence on my self

and i have cultivated that situation

of my own free will

cause i didn't know what i was doing

until a friend reminded me of what he had seen

and i remembered something about my self

and i had been abusing the child that i am

Thursday, November 15, 2012


what do one do

when life is down there on the floor

and life ain't got no floor

the secrets we keep from our self

one way to seperate our self from our self

from life

life has no secrets

life is all that is

all those people you like

and all those people you do not like

and all that other stuff

that is what we are

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

am pretty sure

am pretty sure

they don't play foot ball in nepal

but may be they do

i do not know for sure


when we run from what we are afraid of

we only run from ourselves

and wind up alone

wind up is probably a clue

as is a loan


a pretty word

probably once a pretty girl

and i am definitely not religious

but i really like the girls

the old ones

sometimes the young ones

think the old ones know something

mostly they don't

but they were there

which makes them old ones

and of limited value

to the new ones

the girls

if it were not for the girls

this stuff would not be worth doing

and most of the girls i have known

have no idea what i just said

and still wonder if i like them


govern ments

governments lie

as has become their nature again in our time

freedom can be a scary word

depending on where one is with ones self

and security is such a stupid word

because that word lacks freedom

hey noam

you still out there

have been hiding out for a while my self

and wondered about you

that's an email i didn't send tonight

the flames

the flames go up

and water goes down

and wood tries to bridge the gap

and air is in be tween

when we seek a machine

that will tell us what to do

we go in harms way

and logic is a mechanical part of our self

and not all that natural

good judgement is only valid

if one is judgmental

and am not a big fan of that crap

although i have been there

an old man

what i am getting to be

never expected to get to be that

careful kind of bored me

little old frady cat that i am

we may not always get the feet we want

but we always get the feet we need

has been my experience

always is actually pronounced all ways

Monday, November 12, 2012


smoke goes up

as does fire

water goes down

and that's the way it is

the wind can push us around

and life often or sometimes does

my friend has an office

but he is not an officer

what does one do

as our gods die at our feet

we be who we are

if your me

we are not all the same

that is what factories do

life is not a factory

life is random chance

in all directions at once

without ever leaving home

is what i have seen


we don't actually need anything

but sometimes we think we do

only the seriously retarded think

awareness is not a product of thought

although it sometimes tries to be

and being is not through effort found

Friday, November 9, 2012

fear and rejection

rejection is a response to fear

to reject others

is to lose a part of our self

and life is an affirmation

and not a lose

Thursday, November 8, 2012


most of the time

life is pretty scary

sometimes not so much

and the result of all that little stuff

in some ways is me

be quiet with your self

if you can't do that

there ain't much reason to continue this conversation

and those barking dogs out there

ain't really all that import ant

they are the nonsense

that we are taking far too seriously

what do you do

what do you do

when you got no place to go

obviously you be where you are

as one can


losing some thing

most of us are very afraid of that situation

capitalism is a disease

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


the  most dangerous ones

are the ones we keep from ourselves

and the lies we tell our self and others

to keep the secret hidden from view

no openness in that situation

no real direct experience of our true nature

living a lie may seem like fun for a while

but it leads to serious problems

sooner or later

our truth is all we really have

and living a lie is cheating our self

and all those others we be with

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


actually have no concept of home

home is where ever i am

whether i like it or not

right and wrong

to believe in either one

is to have a serious misunderstanding

Monday, November 5, 2012

first we choose

and then we loose

has been my experience


we are only dangerous

when we reject our self

that which we were born to be

Sunday, November 4, 2012


so popular in our time

am no longer a fan of war

and have not been for a long time

i still remember how terrible it can be

and to forget would be to be ignorant again

courage is a game for idiots

have been there

Saturday, November 3, 2012


perhaps the greatest gift of all


perhaps the dumbest idea of all

the carrot we dangle in front of our self


never got very good a spelling

cause i don't really care


the only safe way to loan

is to not be concerned with getting it back

anything else is dangerous

for all of us


keeping secrets from our self

is an unwholly act

and leads to unwholly action

and we become vulnerable to others

that pursue unwholly acts and actions

what we want

is the source of our limitations

Friday, November 2, 2012


perhaps the greatest curse of all

the human experience is being distorted

by the unnatural environment

that money has created

money is not a creation of nature

money is the creation of man

and we were better off without it

but i do like a hot shower

we come here

and we leave here

which is the gift

if we don't interfere with our self too much

the american dream

was just a dream

with no respect for natural order

or awareness of what actually is

awareness is not a product of thought

but the mess we see in our world is

who do you love

when you can't love your self

the word of man

something i have not yet stood up to

cause it kind of scares me

once i was probably a woman

although i don't remember that anymore


my friends have found it pretty terrible

to take part in where i am

as have i

the laundry basket

a place that i have been

Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study

by Idries Shah

a little book i have been reading


i am a small man

as is my nature

my father

and the occasional friend

was a great man

and a couple of girls i have known

what do you get

what do you (meaning me) get

when you don't give the girl

what she wants

usually nothing

we shall see what today has in store


i was exercising because i was afraid

which is the wrong reason to do anything

being rejected

being rejected is the most difficult

when by those that have been accepted

Thursday, November 1, 2012


liars cultivate narrow mindedness in me

am not a big fan of that crap

and actually it really pisses me off

but i still like life as it actually is

even though it is sometimes hard

and sometimes soft

and sometimes not there at all


there is what you want from me

and don't want from me

and what i have to offer

heaven and hell are states of being

and certainly not locations

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

i live in oklahoma

they call it a bible belt state

or a christian state

but they put people in cages more than most

and want some others killed sometimes


what ever that means

and forgiveness is in short supply

i read what jesus said

and it wasn't much like that

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

if i am afraid to face my self

i will never be able to face you

which is the rest of my self

and rest appeals to me in our time


one thing i have learned

life is not under our control

there is no way to know

where we will be tomorrow

we will just have to wait and see

yet so many seek to predict that situation

and predict what we should do

being is a lot different than that stuff

why can't we be nice to each other

because we are so narrow in our scope

we like what we consider good

and do not like what we consider not good

and life is all that is

all that we see and do not see

is who and what we are

we sure do complain a lot

not much fun to be had there

and no happiness at all

to complain is to poison ones self

and all the rest of us

and our little world

Saturday, October 27, 2012

if anyone wins

the rest of us lose


a stupid word

we just wind up fighting ourselves

Friday, October 26, 2012

a human being

that used to be so simple

before the age of endless lies


not many out there know what that means anymore

am one of the last lucky strike smokers


so many seek escape in our time

and then there is none

and life is all that is

and even what is not

life leaves nothing out


just something else to face

running from our self

just gets us no where

which is no fun to be

isolation is a stone killer

and life is all that is

the stillness

sometimes the stillness

can be so loud

if we know how to here

and i didn't misspell here


everyone and every thing

is my friend

i forgot that for a while

as have a few of my friends

a problem

i am the only problem i can have

if i see you as a problem

i am lost


so much of that in our time

and we are only resisting our selves

and we were taught to

by those that weren't willing to understand

sleeping beauty

there are so many in our time

and dreams are such a torment

all others

what we are

and our response to others

is also what we are


if we could worship each other

and our self

instead some idea of a god we don't know

we would perhaps be better off

english is the only language i speak in our time

but i feel in lots of ways

the reminders

what some get to be

i can't forget but i don't remember what

a line from a leonard cohen song

that reminded me of me

Thursday, October 25, 2012


one has to lose

to know what winning actually is

have forgotten what i was about to say

but it was about the beautiful losers

and how gracefully they lost

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


was proud of my self for a while

not so much any more

was afraid of me for a while

not so much of you any more

we are the same

and rejection is no longer

my middle name

if i am scared

i instantly become dangerous

i instantly become a fan

of self preservation

which is taxidermy

not sure why i would want to be a stuffed animal

unless i was terribly confused

i am scared of my self

the only reason

for any one

to be scared of me

what should i do

i only asked one person that question

and his response to that question was

i don't know

your going to have to work that out for your self boy

i never asked any one else that question

although i did wonder for a while

life and nature

life and nature are a process of becoming

and in our time

and for a long time

humans have been interfering with them a lot

and i am in a nice mood tonight

but this is still a great crime

we no longer harmonize with life and nature

we conquer and reshape life and nature

as we think life and nature should be

mostly for our own profit

and to our certain down fall

because no one is that smart or qualified

life and nature are no longer cherished

and we are the cause

and so damn proud of ourselves

and our ugly and toxic creations

life is our creator

and nature our mother

and they and we are one


there are the lies others have told us

and the lies we told our self

Sunday, October 21, 2012

enforcing the rules

some people just don't fit in with that

which is the gift of our time

some of us just could not be what we were told to be

and some of us were not told anything

some people

wind up liking to enforce the rules

that have been enforced on them

but not all


thinking is a dead mans dream

said that earlier

and felt like saying that again

the moon

a dead planet

and no longer a source of light

but it still reflects the light

which is it's current assignment

once i was of the astrologers

and once i was of the warriors

and some other stuff before that

and after that

thinking is a dead mans dream

my only friend

doesn't know what to think

making a mountain out of a mole hill

ain't very bright

but making a mole hill out of a mountain

ain't very bright either

Saturday, October 20, 2012


the greatest curse of all

as is not wanting


one reason i don't care much for religions

is we all wind up being on separate teams

when actually we are all on the same team

when we are just being

being is not a passive state

although it can be

our mind can only be clear

when we are being

life and awareness of life is a gift


trying is not being

as is thinking

and all our training and conditioning

all our attitudes and fears and hopes

are not being

and seeking anything outside your self

is also not being

being is life without effort or resistance

and pride is a stone killer

am lost and alone

and not sure what to do about that

seems a pretty dumb thing to do

being is the point of life

look what we have done

to our sacred little world

and to our fellow creatures

and to our selves

Friday, October 19, 2012

i do love you

in what ever way i can

accepting you

perhaps the only thing i have gotten right

and the only thing i have gotten wrong

the one thing you should never do

is take me seriously

and the other thing you should never do

is take yourself seriously

not sure if that is decent advice

but is where i am tonight

what do you do

when you don't know what  to do

you just be yourself

and see what comes next

i have found that can be a problem

if your believe in problems

am not much of a fan of that crap

think i will go away now

the ability to influence people

saw an old movie about that tonight

it made me wonder about me

i may just shut up

it seems i should

people deserve themselves

the silent man

perhaps we should follow the silent man

perhaps we should not follow

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

good and bad

when the idea of being a good person came into being

people came to accept some parts of themselves

and reject some parts of themselves

and this duality created an evil twin

and wholeness was lost

we are all the best and worst of everything

but to accept the part we think is good

and reject the parts we consider bad

puts us in conflict with ourselves

and conflict with ourselves

puts us in conflict with those we call others

and great conflict is upon the land

we are all that we are

and rejection of the truth is a great crime

and the price is what we see today

and the cure is to cease rejecting ourselves

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

to be governed

anyone that wishes to be governed

wishes to be a slave

of those who wish to govern

who i call control freaks

on my kinder days

anger and violence and war

don't make the world a better place

and neither does capitalism

has been my experience

or any other ism or idea we come up with

ideas are figments of our imagination

and of no value at all to life

awareness is not a product of thought

confusion and conflict are products of thought

Sunday, October 14, 2012


if anyone wins

we all lose

getting your ass kicked

what many football players and fans experienced today

life is the winner and the loser

the kicker and the kicked

all is what we are

even that jerk you don't like

and the jerk that you do

life is me

and them

and now

and ever more

the girl

sometimes the girl bees with me

sometimes she don't


you are all

i am all

we are all that is

and is not


as soon as we take our self seriously

we are lost

Saturday, October 13, 2012

winning and losing

so many today

think that winning is the only point of the game

and i am the guy that says

winning is far more dangerous than losing

if your me

and maybe even you

life never wins or loses

life is

you only win if you think you do

and you only lose if you think you do

life is the great affirmation

and as they say sometimes

i am

i was raised on football

and knocked down by life

don't take my self so seriously anymore

most of the time

serious is not a very fun mistake to make

Friday, October 12, 2012

hey bea

you still out there

terri still remembers meeting you

and she liked you

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

sometimes i choose

sometime life chooses

seems fair to me

and the great trick is

loving all that is

don't much like admitting it

but am still working on that

or perhaps that is still working on me

learning is a strange mistress

and i am a lover of girls

as i can

i am here to support you

and i am also here

to tell you you don't need me to support you

the girl is scared of me

but actually she is not

she is scared of herself

and blaming that stuff on me

i didn't do what she said i did

but i did do something

wanting me

now that's a curse i have faced

and a couple of girls i knew

me and them two girls

didn't get much out of that

this and that is just bullshit

we are all that is


i no longer want anything from woman

but i have wondered

if she still had anything for me

wondering seemed kind of natural at the time


there is natural authority

and there are those who claim authority

authority can not be claimed

authority can only be affirmed

and so many lie in our time

and the children pay the price

and lewis is not pleased

and sometimes pissed off as hell

and he can't seem to help it

still much work to be done

control freaks

people that learn to control themselves

become control freaks

and expect other to control themselves

them selves is the clue

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


some have shielded themselves from what is happening here

and some have just turned away

the latter has been my attempted escape

yes and no

yes is willing

no is unwilling

such is how we divide ourselves in our time

Sunday, October 7, 2012

open to all

am pretty sure

that will turn out to be

the scariest thing i ever said to myself

have usually been pretty selective


we only seem to need

and only for a while

no ledge

no thing to stand on


a false god

as is knowledge


what we are


the was of sharing


a way of sharing


the one that knows

has not concept of knowing

which is what i saw here

am not sure what seeing means


not sure what that word means

how can life know its self

how can life know its self

if it can not face its self

it is the clue

as are we all


there is meaning as in meaning

and meaning in mean

they are both bullshit

and of no value at all

as is bullshit

i have met the head bullshitter

and he was me

perhaps there is still more

perhaps still more is a clue

perhaps i should take no action


life is often harsh

but have not found life mean

did find a couple of peep hole that were

survivors just do what they can


what if life has no meaning


am not sure what means means


and perhaps losing

is the gift

aries is i do

leo is i am

sag is i was

pisces is where we meet

once i was of the astrologers

and once of the warriors

the fighting men

now i am just here

and not so sure what all this means

Saturday, October 6, 2012

am not quite sure what it means to win

but don't much care for losing

we the people

we haven't asserted our authority much lately

and the powers that be

that are in control in the current time

hope we have forgotten how to


all that is

the only way i can do that word


war is a disease

a contagious disease

no one wins a war

and we all pay a terrible price

anger is a form of self pity

and greed perhaps the greatest curse off all

Friday, October 5, 2012

the baby with no arms

for the child

if no one touches them

or bees with them

if no one bees with you as a child

it is very hard to be with another

to be with anyone

to be with self

but it's not impossible

Thursday, October 4, 2012

if life doesn't come back

if life doesn't come back to me

i will just wither away

winning and losing

if no one wanted to win

no one would have to lose

to keep the balance

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

one way i can tell

one way i can tell if people are dealing with their self

is if i don't have to feel it

or deal with it

or have to be it for them to like me


hell isn't some place you are sent

after doing some thing that wasn't good

or godly

hell is a situation with ones self

when the truth of one's self

can not be faced

and those people selling hell

not quite sure what to say about that situation

a human being

to be a human being

one must recognized ones strengths

and ones weaknesses

and complete the journey

without doing any harm

that is what i see

modern marvels

all these modern marvels

are the curse of our time

is what i see


our conflicts with others

are because of the conflicts within our selves

we blame others for our anger

when we are the source of our anger

our fears and anxieties

are created by our thoughts

awareness is not a product of thought

we seek what we want

we seek to avoid what we don't want

and become oblivious to what actually is

being is the only peace

most of us are lost in thought

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

being a girl

a tough draw

in our time

but all draws are tough in our time

here in the land of the unnatural act

act is the clue

we are born to affirm life

yet so many deny who they are

and claim to be something else

and some just cry

as i have so often

the problem

most seem to think the problem

is our relationship with others

the problem is our relationship with our self

Sunday, September 30, 2012

the ultimate stupid word

as is know


restrictions we place on our self

which restrict our freedom

usually for an insecure person

promise is a really stupid word

created to keep us in line as they say

Saturday, September 29, 2012


winning is not the point of the game we play

perhaps it is how we play the game

i don't actually know

a want

is an affirmation of lack

and such is not possible

as long as i still want

i am a cripple

a want is an affirmation of lack

an old proverb i just made up

or was perhaps given to me

which is more probable

if i can't let go of you

will probably never be able to be with you


vengence is a terrible word

and not worth my serious consideration

make them pay

lead to capitalism

and our downfall

there is no price for life

life is priceless

Friday, September 28, 2012

i actually have more than one friend

which may be a record in our time

my wife

she is a modiste girl

as is her nature

and a flagrant girl

as is her nature

and a dangerous girl

if you push her to far

and my friend

she is a lot like my other friend

life support

one must be life support

to receive life support

there are many here today

claiming to be seeking life support

but they are actually seeking personal gain

which is not life support

and your efforts will be in vain

to actually help another

requires actually sharing their pain

welcome to heaven

Thursday, September 27, 2012


i also find that a false god

yet secrets are so popular in this time

this or that

this or that

or both

or neither

or neither either one

am not sure what both means

and neither makes no sense to me at all

all is the clue


the little mans god

if i were sure

i probably wouldn't be being me

probably is a pretty arrogant word

we still like to be with that part in secret


the dark side of good

and no one knows what good is

yet so many people lie

the dogs

there is a time to let the dogs play

and a time to tell them to shut up

and the trick is

not to forget what time it is

this is for my friend j

didn't want to say her name


wrote poetry for a while

but not in a long time


we seem to be down to me

i can't seem to take politicians seriously

our problems

our problems

can only be with our self

no matter who we accuse of

being responsible for that


a false god

and of no value at all

all is the clue


an expression of self pity

and then bad things happen

the point of life

some people think the point of life is to get what they want

the point of life is to be who we are

a human being

we are mostly humans thinking

and wanting and fearing

life does not have to be that way

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


salvation is not for sale

and certainly cannot be earned

salvation can only be a gift

and yielded to

because life is free

Monday, September 24, 2012

am not all that scary

but am pretty devoted

to what i consider truth

am still looking into that stuff

a statement of fact

you mess with young girls

you answer to me

as long as i can

and i am a male human

here in this body

and my father was a man

Sunday, September 23, 2012

sometimes we choose a higher standard

sometime a higher standard chooses us

which is not necessarily

under our control

control is such a stupid word

and most everyone is fascinated by that word

control is the gift that just keeps on taking

Saturday, September 22, 2012

us winners and loosers

had more in common than we know

to have always lost and never won

is also very misleading

to have won and never lost

is very misleading

winning and losing

someone who has never lost

has no concept of winning

and someone who has never won

has no concepts of losing

he who has won and lost

is potentially more aware than  most

here in our time

Thursday, September 20, 2012

you come in with nothing

you come in with nothing

you go out with nothing

and there is nothing in between

all that is a lot to be open to

to reject you

is to reject my self

and i cannot seem to to that

but i have tried

am tired

am going to bed now

bed is a strange word

not sure what it means

and it may be the final clue

there ain't no it

this is all me

to be with an other

i have to be able to survive an others pain

and our time has so much pain

if you are avoiding your self

you will certainly be avoiding me

a voiding is a clue

void is a big empty

straight arrow

straight arrow

what i thought i once was

but actually i am drawn to curves

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


now that is an other story

and do not know what that means either

am giving up hyphens


i don't know what yesterday means

and i don't know what tomorrow means

but i have to be me

as i can

all the time

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

the land of you con me

the land of you con me

was born there once

and lived there for a time

not so much any more

more is a real funny word

as long as you don't take it too seriously

it is a harsh and brutal mistress to serve

some people still think they are things

some of us still think

and awareness is not a product of thought

perception may be a better word

Monday, September 17, 2012

one thing i have learned about me

am never going to be manageable

what do you think sugar

i can't even manage my self

sure don't want to hire someone else to

and probably won't offer myself to some control freak

to be accepted and rejected

to be accepted and rejected

in such an efficient manner

is a pretty terrible place to be

if you are that which is being accepted and rejected

and ultimately for whoever is doing the accepting and rejecting

as i have said so many times before

life is all that is

all is what we are

selection is a game for idiots

i may not be who you are looking for

but i still am

wanting me

perhaps the greatest crime of all

if you want to possess and own me

for your very own

cause i was born to be free

the study of the human neuroses

the story of my life

part of me studies life

and life is intangible

which is why science is such a waste of time

humans today mostly accept what they like

and reject what they don't like

and life is all that is

to be accepted and rejected so regularly

is very confusing

and often leads to what we call insanity

i like what i like

because it feels good

i reject what i don't like

which is not very gratifying

and it gets to feel rejection of what it is

which does not feel very good

that is the nicest thing i can say about that stuff

so many today go to that safe place

where they don't feel anything

Sunday, September 16, 2012

a little poetry

truth is

truth is not through effort found
accept what is  -  don't search around
for truth exists in all you see
there is no way this could not be

a narrow mind can be deceived
so open up and be relieved
of all confusion  -  fear and dread
that stuff's all in side your head

you can see if you'll stop thinking
it dulls the mind like too much drinking
an open heart is all you need
let go all the senseless greed

you try and try and just get nowhere
then you bitch and claim it's not fair
don't try to force it and you'll see
that love and life and truth are free

your mind can see  -  but you must let it
try too hard and you'll regret it
a willing heart is all it takes
effort just puts on the brakes

it's all been  -  there is no new
tho this is known by such a few
life itself is all creation
and love eternal celebration


these bastards don't comment

but what do you say to that

i probably wouldn't either

the lucky strike man

that would be me

have smoked lucky strikes for many years now

there are those

who have told me

that lucky strikes cause cancer

and i have told them

that the fear of cancer causes cancer

and wondered why they promoted that crap

that was before i researched where i had been being

being young and dumb was where i was born

and mostly i don't mind

and i don't mind saying

being afraid of cancer causes cancer

and that fear is being cultivated in our time

by the little pricks that would rule us

am no fan of being ruled

but don't expect to win the next election

which is all about

who will rule us for the next four years

i am no fan of rules

and knowing my wife has made me a little nicer

than i actually am

she is a kinder part of me

than i had seen before

as was my other friend                                  

9.01 pm

what the clock said when i had this thought

not sure what time it is now

sometimes i still wonder

and sometime i still know

but mostly i still wonder

being human has it's limitations

Saturday, September 15, 2012


not being comfortable with ones self

dis-ease leads to disease

it disables our immune system

Friday, September 14, 2012

once i felt like saying something about all this

now i wonder why


courage was my grandmother

she died before i was born

and here we are

the invincible one

a girl i once knew

and still do

saw a picture of her once

i still remember

one must be still to remember

has been my experience

and remembering can be painful

if you weren't really there the first time

one or the other

to choose is to lose


one third is spent sleeping

one third is spent thinking

and the final third is spent

wondering what one/we just did

or didn't do

until we don't think so much

and give being a chance

Thursday, September 13, 2012


that which is sacred to some

not so much to others

a soft rain

a soft rain allows us to be more organic

not so much gets washed away


so much unkind here

was born in a sad little world this time

so little kindness

and most don't even know what kindness means

but some of the people here act like they do

i don't much care for acting

such is ok in the movies sometimes

not so much in everyday life


a false god

one i have tried to face

many times


not sure if i should ever do that

especially not for being myself

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

being old

being old

wondered about that for a while

and later realized

that was not possible

life is forever new

as old as i am

am constantly being exposed to something new

sometimes when i look at you

sometimes when i look at you

i see me

but not all ways

i have a sexual attraction to the girl

and she became afraid

Monday, September 10, 2012

this control freak land i live in

some call it the land of the free

i call it the land of crippled children

where the rules are endless

and freedom a lost art

and everyone is afraid of the dark

which is just our imagination

just another product of thought

like all this other stuff

thought is a crippling disease

and of no value at all

awareness is not a product of thought

but oblivion is

welcome to my world

couldn't sleep tonight

and decided to get up and complain about what i have seen

freedom has no rules

freedoms just another word

for nothing left to lose

now that made sense to me

there is no security in freedom

no jails or prisons

or even any death penalties

forgive me if you can

and if you can't


cause there ain't no that

there is only we and me

the boy

the boy is not qualified to evaluate the fathers position

until he has evaluated his own position

and the same goes for the girls

Sunday, September 9, 2012

the girl

the greatest question of all

if you happen to be a man

am a big fan of all


real life has no past

the catch

not much of a catch

even here in the land of the caught

life never ment to be a little place

but here i am


the latest form of slavery

just because they say you are free

doesn't mean you are

life has nothing to do with how we think

thinking is a retards dream

and we are so many

and thinking is so popular

thinking is retrospective

and of the past

and life is always of the now

Saturday, September 8, 2012


that which i would serve

if i knew how


that don't happen much here

if you seek salvation

stay close to home

and never approach freedom

the killers

what do the killers do

when killing won't help

and so few recognize the truth

being old

never wanted to be that

but here i am

was born in 44


was born that year

and perhaps died

kind of a tough truth to stand up to

and perhaps the story of my life

which i have stood up to

as is can

and this sure ain't a brag


religions have rules of conduct

as do governments

am no fan of rules of conduct

they restrict freedom

Friday, September 7, 2012

the friend

perhaps the hardest thing to be


the scariest game of all

to be loved by a girl

when one is such a stupid man

is kind of amazing

if your me

and a really cool girl

still likes me

maybe a couple

so it seems to me

and am no fan of it

Thursday, September 6, 2012

we can only be free

if everyone is free

i know it ain't popular

but we are everyone

in some sort of way


has been no friend of mine

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

the average male

the average male doesn't have a clue about girls

and the exceptional male even less


girls never tell boys the truth

they are much wiser than boys

and far more experienced

and the girl knows

if i have to tell him the truth

he ain't who i am locking for

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


there is no such thing as independent

although the idea has become very popular

the last of the lucky strike smokers

that would probably be me

the last of the pall mall smokers

died a while back

as far as i know

far is a scary word

as is know

some of us are hear to put out the fire

and some of us are ignition sources

and some of us are just here

and just wonder

what is going on

and are not much sure

who on is

yet sometimes it's me

and am often so ashamed

some of us are born

some of us are born

for those who survived

some of us are born

for those who did not

life on a hand shake

is different than life on a contract

life is not about lawyers

and there ain't no cure for love


we appear to have two parts

one that desires to surrender

and an other that don't

not sure at this point if peace is even possible


the only path to freedom and peace

the shield is as much an instrument of war

as is the sword

that sure ain't going to be popular

but if we don't quit fighting

we will never find peace

the desire for conquest and domination

has led to hell on earth

young dogs bark

young dogs bark

because they are afraid

old dogs bark

because it is all the know

it is the clue

to all us educated ignorant people

when life became all those it's to us

we became isolated and alone

and afraid of our selves

our many selves

Monday, September 3, 2012


the curse of our time

and so little interest in being

Sunday, September 2, 2012

my sister

i still like her

but she has no use for me


sound is much slower than light

if you only heard something

you probably didn't see


the only hope this little world has

and this little world doesn't support girls anymore

it just uses them

and i am no fan of the current system running this show

i am no fan of systems

or science

or religions

or capitalism

or governments

or pride

or shame

or salvation

or any of that other stuff being offered to me here

without truth we are nothing

and although truth is a popular word

most people i have known

want no part of truth

except for a very few

and courage still scares me

and am no fan of fear


a false mans weapon

and only designed to impress the girls

and of no value

when facing another man

if you can find one

Saturday, September 1, 2012

not caring

the greatest of all feelings

is free of caring

not caring is the opposite of caring

and the same as caring

hoping and wanting and longing

just leads to anxiety

has been my experience

hey sugar

this has always been about freedom

without freedom

we are nothing

Friday, August 31, 2012

life occasionally likes me

not because i got anything right

but because i didn't get anything wrong

cause i didn't have any idea

what was going on here

to admit you are afraid

to admit you are afraid

is to admit you are afraid

have forgotten the rest

as i so often do

to accept the cure

is to put the doctor out of business

which was not the plan

when all that money was spent

on his education

this and that

we are all a different blend of this and that

but essentially we are the same

Thursday, August 30, 2012

a new post

and their ain't no such thing

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


the dumbest thing we do

and the source of great suffering

wanting interferes with being

a human wanting

is not the same as a human being

religion and capitalism have been a trap for us

we the people

we are working for money and salvation

and salvation can't be earned

salvation can only be embraced

salvation is free

as is life

this place is called the land of the free

but that is not what i see

Monday, August 27, 2012

we do so like to separate ourselves

which has lead to our downfall

upfall may be an option

once i was hope full

not so much anymore

what i have yet to face

now that is an interesting option

and perhaps it might be true

there's that it word again

hey girl

and some of you guys

you are trying to mug me

and i was mugged before you were born

a girl i know

is presenting herself as a submissive girl

and i ain't buying it

it is a really stupid word

as is that

this and that and it

are obviously forms of rejection

as are them and they

face yourself

all i know to say

perhaps the only way to be

if i have faced my fears

you won't be able to scare me with them

if i am hiding from my fears

you have something to use on me

and perhaps influence my behavior

fear and pride

probably the two scariest words

in the human language


the one thing humans don't talk about

and not facing their fears

makes them victims

of those that manipulate fears

fear is only a problem

if you claim to not have any


a terrible word

and to serve that bitch

is to suffer greatly

as i have learned so many times

and time is of no value at all

but i didn't yet know that

and that ain't really there

which really confused me

Sunday, August 26, 2012


seems to be the greatest gift of all

and no one gets a vote

or even wants one

one is a very small word

and life is all that is

the clock says almost midnight

and am still up

not sure what that means yet


a false god to me

i have never even been a little brave

getting drunk and acting silly don't count

the capitalist

the one thing i liked about him (or her)

was the efficiency

the one thing i didn't like

was the narrowness


don't know what right is

i mostly live by what feels acceptable to me

am not sure what that means

yet that is all i have

and still don't feel like i have anything

am pretty sure "having" is not valid

being is as far as i have gotten so far

and such is pretty scary sometimes

learned something about computers the other day

if you do one two three four five

you won't be able to do seven

if you haven't done six

computers do have their limitations

but life not so much

that's crap lewis

life has endless limitations

such is why life is so limitless

i still like getting drunk

and just running off at the mouth

sometimes thought i would grow out of that stuff

which made me a little sad

no one in their right mind

would want to grow up

no one in their right mind

would want

and i don't know what right means

and am becoming less interested in finding out

out don't sound like a very fun word to me

it seems to me

that we take ourselves far too seriously

which is distorting us (we the peep hole)

very seriously

we are becoming a threat to ourselves

and we are the people

and most i have blamed the politicians and the cops

and mostly the capitalists

who they worked for

and considered myself blameless

which was incorrect

i my case

which way will the wind blow tomorrow

to speak truthfully

i don't know

and on my better days

i don't care

the gemini capricorn conduit

seems to me to be 

after that it gets kind of scary 

cause i am not sure what i see

is really real

i make up a lot of stuff when i am insecure

to make me feel better

and now i think i may have really messed up

or maybe found the way

mostly i just wonder

and no longer seek knowing

which i now know to be a figment of my imagination

and i just claimed to know something

round and round we go


it appears to me

that we are a bunch of neanderthals

trying to act like we know what we a doing

and mostly to justify our cruelty to ourselves

and therefore to others

Thursday, August 23, 2012

he who has questioned the way

and he who has not questioned the way

shall perhaps meet in the middle


standing in the halls of heaven

in the midst of so many wondering about hell

silly ideas can so infect the mind

and truth with no idea


an evil bitch

that no one would embrace

and the great curse of our time

everyone is afraid of fear

and that is how fear wins

being brave won't help

the native population tried that

fear is the final frontier

kind of like facing you mean old uncle

who never liked you very much

and was pissed off about something

and one wondered if he knew you had had sex with his niece

and a couple of his cousins

and two of his sisters

all that is and is not

my word for god


they say we get to choose

they say we should choose

they say we must choose

but what if choosing is not your way

choosing this or that

will deprive one of all that is

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

to run through the woods

to run through the woods

is one thing

to walk through the woods is an other

the retarded child

it's only problem can be

not accepting being retarded

or perhaps misdiagnosed

by the idiots that run this place

run is the clue


the three most popular religions

are selling that stuff

and doing pretty well

not sure what to say about that

except that heaven ain't for sale

or trade

commerce is the trade of the very small man

who wishes to become greater

and mostly just becomes smaller

and will drag us down with him

if we permit that situation

the neighborhood is quieting down

haven't heard any gunfire in weeks

maybe they are reloading

or maybe the war is over

now wouldn't that be something

all this killing and repression can't be good for us

and the united states has done so much of that stuff

as have so many others

oh lord

will we ever learn

and life is the only lord i know

as i can

and it probably ain't some weird guy

acting so important

or some silly girl

acting so important

and probably all of the above

and all of the below


that which abandoned me

long ago

long before i got to this body

trying hard

a rather sad place to be

the last time i got fired

it cost me a job

that i was getting tired of

have always been lazy

except when i was inspired

The Essential Chuang Tzu

a good book

i liked it

the sacred trust

does exist in our time

tho rarely affirmed

in our time truth is mostly an embarrassment

and doesn't pay well

and will usually get you fired

or a trip to divorce court

which is a more expensive way of getting fired

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

they think and hope

they have found emilia earheart

know i didn't spell that right

they have probably found a japanese fighter plane

they are scattered all over the pacific

after the great war

and greater wars are to come

cause we just won't learn from our mistakes

we are having too much fun making them

to look at them

The Sacred Pipe

a book about how life once was

making decisions for the children

that should be minimal at best

maybe a little early on

but never sustained

each must find their own way

which is mostly not permitted in our time

and great chaos is upon the land

the natural order is no longer respected

and the planet and us creatures

are paying a pretty terrible price

which will only get worse

if we don't see what we are doing

a well trained child

does not turn into a free being

being is the clue

acting a certain way is a curse

if it becomes a lifestyle

life is not a lie

life is an affirmation

Monday, August 20, 2012

the antichrist

antichrist means antilife to me

and it's been upon the land for a long time now

and the christians are still waiting and hoping

jesus died a long time ago

as we all shall in our own time


life is more real

when our mind isn't made up

Sunday, August 19, 2012

i don't know

is becoming my favorite phrase

truthfulness can be a harsh mistress sometimes

depending on who you are speaking to

Saturday, August 18, 2012


life does not punish

people have learned to punish

parents punish

governments punish

the three most popular religions punish

or promise punishment

some of us have learned how to punish our selves

life has nothing to do with punishment

reward and punishment are just tools of the control freak

and serving a control freak is a real bummer

Friday, August 17, 2012

what the girl told me

mostly the girl hasn't said anything

she just looked at me

but a while back

she told me

this may be hard

chief black elk

have been reading his words again

and the only goal

is to face ourselves

and goals is a very dangerous game to play

hey sugar

if your going to pass on life

your going to have to pass on me

and i made that as hard as i could

cause that's my nature

how can we love

that part of our self that we hate

completeness is a harsh mistress

wholeness leaves no thing out

and all things in

and all that other stuff that makes no sense

but is


a really harsh mistress

don't serve her much anymore

the rain

life ain't so much fun

in oklahoma

if the rain goes away too long

and probably some other places

mission impossible

sometimes seems the story of my life

Thursday, August 16, 2012

love and hate

if we can't embrace both what we love and what we hate

about our selves

a great convulsion will come upon the land

and sweep us all away

cause we are just trash

i tried mary wanna for a while

that didn't go anywhere

the girls just want

and they hardly ever share anything

too bored to drink anymore

and too bored to go to bed

what a place to be

usually i drink a little more


how humans are responding to children

and all the chemicals we are exposed to

is probably where autism is coming from

letting the computers do all the work

first it makes you lazy

and then it makes you dumb

thinking you know

perhaps the greatest curse of all

and they wonder why i am crying

but i don't


has been gone from me for a while


a very little place to be

if the trash man likes you

you are probably doing ok

how we put out the trash

says a lot about who we are

the united states of america

the native populations worst nightmare

and now mine

they teach the girls not to be girls

and to buy their trinkets

just can't be a big fan of that stuff

am also not a fan of all these religions

that claim to know what i should be doing

or the capitalists who tell we what i should buy

or the lawyers who serve them so well

or the cops who enforce the laws

or those clowns that make them

and the girls are sacred

in spite of how they sometimes act

not even a fool would lie to the girls

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


not so many of those

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

the truth of my self

now that changes the whole field of play


whoever came up with that crap

was an evil bastard

or maybe just ignorant

and all caught up in selfishness

the control freaks rule in our time

but all times pass

when people don't be with people

selfishness comes into play

wanting is the curse of our time

we no longer embrace and nurture ourself

and all our selves

wanting is a form of rejection

and self pity

as is anger which is soon to follow

the creatures of the field

those that we call animals

are far superior to humans in our time

and no threat to our little planet

as we humans have become

progress is a very dangerous game to play

and only embraced by those who don't know how to live

and now fear and shame

and their offspring pride

engulfs the land

and a some point

we all crumble into dust

The Essential Chuang Tzu

translated and edited by

Sam Hamill

and J. P. Seaton

Monday, August 13, 2012

gordon lightfoot

i've got a hundred more like you

but don't be blue

i'll have a thousand 'for i'm through

actually only had 27

but i tried

not so much anymore

now i only be with who will be with me

speaking only for myself

and not gordon

am not qualified to do that

and i don't mug girls any more

sometimes they still try to mug me

and i just watch

heaven seems to be a far away place

and not so close to me

Sunday, August 12, 2012

there is up stairs

and there is down stairs

and a lot of stuff in between

and self is all we ever get to be

and no body gets a vote

the last time truth came around

the last time truth came around

i lied

as for the next time

we shall see


i never really understood him

but in some sort of way i heard him

still not quite sure what that means

that is a weird word to me

winning and losing

most people today want to win

and a lot of people want to lose

and just get it over with

some people are not quite sure what to do

and then there is the rest of us

Saturday, August 11, 2012

and i never thought a girl like you

could like a guy like me

hi sugar


for some it is their nature to adore

and sometimes there is so little worthy of adoration

was kind of scared to be afraid

and not sure what else to be

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


an interesting word

not so sure other actually exists

the other side of me

if i can't face the other side of me

i will never be able to face my self

being with the body

not sure if i have anything more to say about that

but i usually do


assuming we know anything

can be dangerous

and usually very disappointing

mostly we have no awareness

of what we are actually doing

but we sure like acting like we do

i know i don't know

but mostly can stay open to what i don't know

and just keep up as i can

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

the courage to face me

in our own time

in our own way

is all there is for me

in our own time

in our own way

and being sorry

is just a product of trying to be right


perhaps the greatest curse of our time

and there are so many

no one in their right mind would promise anyone anything

because life has yet to be determined

and we are not in charge

although so many claim to be

or claim to know who is

i just can't buy that crap

my advice

i don't know if you or i will win or lose

winning and losing is not the point of the game

my advice is

be who you are

not who you think you might be

or who you wish you were

or any other such nonsense

be who you are

i know such is not permitted even from childhood in our time

but life seems to require such things

and life is what we actually are

life is not a thing

but life is all things

what we are

is all we can ever be

and perhaps sometimes not be

for a while

Monday, August 6, 2012


a blind mans fantasy

and the free mans curse

the shadow of a man

so far

the best i have managed to be

manage is the clue

life doesn't need a manager

yet we have so many

we is the clue

Saturday, August 4, 2012

being lost

so many claim not to be

am not one of those

and some part of me is grateful


tend to become very important to us humans in our time

has been my experience

and i am afraid to want anything

and i don't much like feeling afraid

bleep  bleep   bleep

and all that other stuff

being born here as been

actually not sure what to say about that

words seems so little

kind of like serving leftovers to your friends


now that would be a word to understand


the greatest curse of all time

and i mean what i just said

wanting is perhaps the greatest curse of all

and all is a lot


as i have said before

courage is a false god

it claims to have no fear

fear is what we must face

to be free of fear

as long as we run from our fears

we are ruled by them

how it once was

as long a we make comparisons to past experiences

we are comparing a past moment to this moment

and life is always now

the past is only a part of us for a while

and most of us probably take the past far too seriously

has been my experience

we want yesterday things again

or don't want yesterday things again

and mostly we didn't even notice yesterday

have managed to get me pretty drunk tonight

even when we wish to step away from life

life never seems to step away from us

and is sometimes in pursuit of us

when life starts avoiding us

we are in real trouble

Friday, August 3, 2012


no one in their right mind

or even wrong mind

would want to serve that bitch

shame is much closer

to the truth we most must face

those of us that were afraid of pride

and those that weren't

this is what we share

i drink

which often makes me forgetful

which is probably why i drink

although it didn't seem like that at the time

i was just wondering

praises sing

praises sing and night bells ring
all around this precious thing

places and faces and midnight races
all the while the nomad braces

more and more the onslaught rages
in the wind all ripped out pages

find me now  -  oh lord of love
we seek and pray thy long lost dove

will peace upon the land yet stand
must heart still face the burning brand

on and on the rage does rush
the bonds of shame a mighty crush

still the flame  -  it has not died
tho bled and fed on brutal pride

so far we hold the beach head slightly
no longer bold and brave and mighty

battered troops once fresh and rested
now reel and waver  -  nearly bested

the hope that once so filled the heart
still lives  -  yet in the smallest part

tho battered  -  scarred and mortal weary
at dawn we stand to face the fury

no longer brave we could be called
but no  -  in truth we shall not fall

to twisted minds that rule this land
with whip and chain in brutal hand

we will not yield the sacred trust
nor feed upon the moldy crust

which the beast does offer gladly
all inflamed and grinning madly

tho tattered rag  -  thy flag once proud
and bleeding feet  -  tho head unbowed

we face the dawn with shining faces
of doubt and fear there are no traces

for in thy time each heart does know
as life moves on its sacred flow

the soul of man will see the light
and move beyond this endless night

the whisper that i dimly hear
does speak that time may yet be near

oh yes  -  the force does feel some stronger
the soul cries out  -  not too much longer

the love long sought by this small band
does in truth feel near at hand

the stirring the the heart grows stronger
raging pain i feel no longer

the mission tho still unfullfilled
will be complete as life has willed

and light yet fill the hardest heart
and love shall reach the darkest part

in time the sorrows past will fade
and truth regain the world it made

for as the story does unfold
eternal love each heart will hold

pretty hokey stuff

it seems to me

but i still kind of like it

the poetry thing happened back in the 80's

to serve life

the only worthy goal

yet for most of us

including myself

we only serve ourselves

and what we consider

our own best interests

which makes us capitalists a heart

and a part of the great selfishness

which is so popular in our time

and the great insecurity

that goes with that attitude

the fear of loss

the fear of losing

what we think we have gained

awareness is not a product of thought

and thinking is of no value at all

and mostly just a curse

that one of our ancestors came up with

a long time ago

and was passed along to us

we do like thinking we know

which is the greatest delusion of all

clinging to straws

is just another way of drowning

perhaps a little slower

but not all that much

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


tonight is the hottest day i have experienced

since i have been here

and the moon is full and bright


secrets are only a problem

when we are keeping them from our self

living a lie is a terrible way to be

always afraid

and running from the truth

welcome to the world i see

except the creatures of the field

and a few others


a simple word

I Am

a simple statement

and for most today

Truth hides behind a lie

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

the natural world

there was a time

when people were born into the natural world

but that was long ago

before all this progress

and all these little toys we play with

Monday, July 30, 2012

a friend recently fell out of a tree and broke his shoulder

there are those in the medical profession

that i don't much approve of their response to that situation

when a doctor punishes a patient for not acting right

from his personal point of view

i don't consider him much of a doctor

and he is dragging out my friends discomfort

and that really pisses me off

my friend was trying to save a tree

that prick of a doctor is trying to save his reputation

and not the least concerned about my friends broken shoulder
