Monday, December 31, 2012

going over the cliff

consider that a better option

than the two big dogs making a deal

for the carcass which is us

when two dogs are fighting over a bone

don't seem to think the bone is pulling for either dog

if either dog wins

the bone looses

and currently

you and i are the bone

we the people

they milk us like dairy cows

and treat us like shit

what is a girl to do

do you think america treats people well

or most of the other people i have met

there have been very few

it is very hard to be brave

when one has been so afraid

has been my experience

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

the savage

the savage lives in every man

and every woman

as does the great kindness

they cannot exist without each other

another clue

pride and shame are two sides of the same nickel

to seek one and reject the other is to be lost

the brave man is still afraid

which is why he is brave

courage is a false god

as is wealth

and power

and most of the stuff we cherish in our time

many today seek knowledge

which doesn't actually exist

although so many claim to possess it

it is a really stupid word

awareness is not a product of thought

all this crap we see in our time

is a product of thought

we have lost sight of the essence of life

and each other

and our selves

it seems to me

recognizing the loss

is the first step to regaining what we have lost

life is an affirmation

and without loss

no matter how hard we try to lose

comic books

once a long time ago i liked comic books

until i realized how dangerous and misleading they were

and now we have a video game world

even war is fought from a console

there was a time we bled

and knew what war was

and how terrible and cruel war was

that was a bloody time for me

and a long long time ago

before i came to be in this skin

moments in time

what we seem to be

if your me

Monday, December 24, 2012

a poem for christmas

praises sing and night bells ring
all around this precious thing

places and faces and midnight races
all the while the nomad braces

more and more the onslaught rages
in the wind all ripped out pages

find me now  -  oh lord of love
we seek and pray thy long lost dove

will peace upon the land yet stand
must heart still face the burning brand

on and on the rage does rush
the bonds of shame a mighty crush

still the flame  -  it has not died
tho bled and fed on brutal pride

so far we hold the beach head slightly 
no longer bold and brave and mighty

battered troops once fresh and rested
now reel and waver  -  nearly bested

the hope that once so filled the heart
still lives  -  yet in the smallest part

tho battered  -  scarred and mortal weary
at dawn we stand to face the fury

no longer brave we could be called
but no  -  by god we shall not fall

to twisted minds that rule this land
with whip and chain in brutal hand

we will not yield the sacred trust
nor feed upon the moldy crust

which the beast does offer gladly
all inflamed and grinning madly

tho tattered rag  -  thy flag once proud
and bleeding feet  -  tho head un-bowed

we face the dawn with shining faces
of doubt and fear there are no traces

for in thy time each heart does know
as life moves on its sacred flow

the soul of man will seek thy light
and move beyond this endless night

the whisper that i dimly hear
does speak that time may yet be near

oh yes  -  the force does feel some stronger
the soul cries out  -  not too much longer

the love long sought by this small band
does in truth feel near at hand

the stirring in the heart grows stronger
raging pain i feel no longer

the mission tho still unfulfilled 
will be complete as thou has willed

and light yet fill the hardest heart
thy love shall reach the darkest part

in time the sorrows past will fade
and truth regain this world you made

for as the story does unfold
eternal love each heart will hold 

i wish you and yours well

merry christmas 

peace and harmony to all beings

that includes the creatures of the field

Saturday, December 22, 2012


another form of slavery

am no fan of that crap

or the popular religions of our time

slavery is a crime against life

Friday, December 21, 2012

the oklahoma gazette

i worked there for a while

that was a while back

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

life as a man

life has been a brave man

and a cowardly man

and so very much in between

life has been a brave woman

and a cowardly woman

and so very much in between

life has been a brave child

and a cowardly child

and so very much in between

and all that is what we are

and so much more

so it seems to me

the naked woman

that is against the law in our time

once it was a celebration

but that was a long time ago

i never quite forgot

we are all indestructible

and at the same time so fragile

most of us find our preferences

and develop our prejudices

and hell starts all over again for us

letting go of that which is past

is the only way to truly live

throwing the past away is not the same

the present must be embraced in it's own time

and released as it's time passes

as each day does

and we all do in our own time


the greatest curse of all

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

surrender is a curse word in our time

not so much to me

if we cannot surrender to our selves

we will never get to be who we are

my job

my job is not to encourage people to get what they want

my job is to encourage people to be as they are

as they were born to be

as life made them

and what we all want

has got nothing to do with where we are

or who we are

and will just make us crazy

if we make wanting the goal of the game


now that is a real word

to escape the training and programing

to escape that crap

and retain our essence

seems the only valid reason for our existence

not sure how to survive being dumber than dirt

being just a little man

who is not sure what to do

not sure why i wanted to be sure

seems kind of silly to me now

no longer feel like sure even exists

security is a false god

freedom knows nothing of security

which can only restrict it's own freedom


so many are willing to kill

or have someone do it for them

not such a good sign

it seems to me

but i don't claim to know what is best for us

or what we should do

my best guess would be

be who you are

and let life work all this stuff out

and if you can't be who you are

be where you are

we have to start somewhere

if we are still capable of being

being has nothing to do with thinking

which is just attempted escape from what is


i have no answers

i have only questions

life is the answer

and without us

life is nothing

and is we take ourselves seriously

all is lost

all is what we are

Sunday, December 16, 2012

deep water

what i sometimes call my wife

i am called shallow water

and sometimes little voice

to speak of truth is a great crime in our time

we have been trained to support the great crime

and am no fan of training

which is a crime against life

and the freedom of all

Noam Chomsky

consider him a friend

although we have never met

sent him an email once

and he responded

when no one else did

Saturday, December 15, 2012

strangers in the night

a song i heard a long time ago

which still has meaning for me

and still don't know what all this means


am not sure what i have just done

which is the story of my life

a naked woman

probably the only picture worth taking


america keeps telling me i get a vote

life keeps telling me that i don't

i can be myself

or i can pass

and find what passing leads to

a cowardly little bastard

what so few of us will admit to any more

but what we are so qualified to be

and all this wasn't actually our fault

but we were born here

would fight to the death

for a girls right to be who she is

am pretty sure that is true

and i am not a brave person

actually i am a natural born coward

and really devoted to self preservation

which is why i am so small


a little mans god

life does not require courage

life requires willingness

to be who and what we are

as life made us

everyone wants a vote

it don't seem to me

that life works like that

i can be myself as life made me

or i can be a lie

to please a bunch of people

who don't really like me all that much

Friday, December 14, 2012

today is my birthday again

68 years later

and the only point of the game

is still to face my self

Thursday, December 13, 2012

my life

my life is an emergency

which i have never quite understood

a vote

life don't give me a vote

and i no longer seek a vote

cause we don't get to vote

we just get to be

and so far i am willing

smoking and drinking

have always liked smoking and drinking

i cut back on that stuff

i still sometimes wonder why

the little drummer boy

i get to be that again

but it is my birthday

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


nobody wins a war

has been my experience


life is a universal experience

if one is completely open to life

most of us accept some expressions of life

and reject other expressions of life

we accept some parts of our self

and reject other parts or our self

depending on our conditioning

which is less than a universal experience

and the suffering and the killing goes on

Saturday, December 8, 2012

don't get personal

that is about all i have heard since i have been here

and getting personal

is all i ever dreamed of

and dreams are the great escape

and to escape life

would be the greatest curse of all


as long as we are willing to do that crap

there will be no peace

mostly the people that start wars

don't fight them

me and you do

and we don't have to do that

naked woman

the only hope we have

and hope is of no value at all

oklahoma city

is like london tonight

being with the body

what it means to be human

or any other thing

pearl harbor


my father was there that day

i was not here yet

am no fan of war

some part of me remembers

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012


if you can't tell me what  you are afraid of

you will never be able to live

to run from our fears

and to give them power over us

is to abandon our lives

Sunday, December 2, 2012

i am called little courage

by those that know me

and a few who don't