Tuesday, December 29, 2015

facing your self

if you aren't facing your self

the truth of your life

you are throwing your life away

to face our self

we must be open to who we are

which is not the same as

an idea of who we think we are

or what we want to be

thinking about life

and being open to life

are not the same

and we have been taught to think almost from birth

which is nether intellegent or kind

and is now our greatest problem

awareness is not a product of thought

Friday, December 25, 2015

life can be pretty scary

if you think about it too much

Thursday, December 24, 2015

free men

they mostly don't wear hats

but some do

how to really live

be willing to be

who you are

where you are

in all truthfulness

Monday, December 21, 2015


the purist experience of Life

it seems to me

is to want nothing from Life

and accept Life for what Life Is

wanting something from Life

invites the potential for disapointment in to the experience

and even lead to frustration and anger

which is so common in our little world in our time

and apparently for quite a while

Friday, December 18, 2015


a pretty dangerous game to play

i find life more comfortable

when i just pay attention

and keep up with Life as i can

and there ain't nothin out there

or within us all

that ain't Life

most of us seem pretty confused

most of the time it seems to me

cus we ain't paying attention

when we are thinking


most ideas are just bull shit

some seem nice enough

some not so nice

but ideas are a form of mental masterbation

products of thought

Life ain't a product of thought

and neither is awareness of life

thought is just a mind game

at best just not very interesting

at worst dangerious as hell

in our time all these ideas about how we should be

are the source of so much conflict within ourselves

and in our little world

to be our self

and accept Life as Life is

we have to be open to Life as Life is

and  be of service to Life as we can

but first we have to be open to and with

Life as we are Life

and i ain't seen much of that in over seven decades

but some

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

tai che

to me that means

cling to nothing

be with all that is

pretty sure i didn't spell that right

one thing you got to learn

no two are exactly alike

and we are all the same

how to really live

don't want anything

and be willing to serve life

not such a big deal

unless your a greedy little bastard

or little bitch

wanting is the most dangerous game of all

and giving that crap up would be a great step forward

for the so called human race

life is all of us

and a whole lot more

Sunday, December 6, 2015


the human race is sure thinking a lot lately

that's not very smart

Friday, December 4, 2015

speaking truthfully

that can be dangerious in some circles

and in some circles not permitted at all


pre forming

means making it up in advance

most of the girls that preformed for me

expected me to preform for them

sometimes that worked out ok

not always

be true to your nature

if you aren't

you ain't going to have much of a life

misrepresenting your self

and living a lie for all your friends and family

and  your self

ideas are just guesses

our truth is who we actually are


most today seem inclined

to plan their Life

i have mostly been inclined

to keep up with this Life

i don't feel qualified

to plan a Life

my father was the only person

i ever asked for advice like that

and only once

his response to me was

your going to have to work that out for your self

he was a good man

and my friend


Krishnemurti was right

the source of the conflict in the world

is the conflict within we humans

we are source of all these problems

but we sure like blaming others for them

and besides all our inner personal conflicts

there are all these conflicting ideas about

how we should be and preform

peace is a state of being

as is love

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

an other mark knopfler song

and on a parapet

a scottish piper stands alone

i knew him

the scottish piper

he was and is my friend

hurting people

until we get past

the inclination to hurt people

we shall know no peace or happiness