Saturday, June 30, 2012

had a lot to say tonight

and decided not to say anything

at least not much

and it felt pretty good

Friday, June 29, 2012


a thing of the past

don't really have much use for that crap anymore

am far too afraid for that


most of the comments in this life

come from me

most of the others ignore me

and hope i will just go away

but not all

all is the friend

and our only friend

the lies

the lies almost won

because if i become a response to the lie

i must become a lie

a pisces friend of mine

showed me something that reminded me of that stuff

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


am no fan of that crap

can find no redeeming value in that stuff

hurting people for being ignorant

seems kind of cruel to me

i have my ignorant merit badge

and more than a few others

killing people

there are those that believe that

if someone kills someone they like

they should be killed

and then they become killers

there are those who believe that

if someone does something bad

something bad should be done to them

and they become doers of bad things

or perhaps just promoters of bad things

jesus spoke of these situations

but here in the bible belt

forgiveness is in short supply

and punishment all the rage

the courts are jammed

and the prisons full and overflowing

vengeance is a harsh mistress to serve

and we all become what we do

when we could have become what we are

but that's pretty scary stuff

to the average control freak


there are responsibilities we have to ourselves

and responsibilities we have to others

and our responsibilities to life

but what if we are not responsible

that situation is also possible

but only if we surrender our will

and that ain't very popular in our time

innocence is becoming very rare in the human population

much more common in the creatures of the field

who can't change anything

they just deal with it as they can

and we humans have been making that a lot harder for them

for a very long time

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

once you face hell

once you face hell

then you get to face heaven

life is a duality

and perfectly complete

once you face heaven

then you get to face hell

life is a duality

and perfectly complete

lightning bugs in the back yard

has been a long time since i saw so many

the children of nature

still see them in the back yard sometimes

humans somewhere back when

were children of nature

not so much anymore

humans for  a long time now

have sought only to conquer nature

which is conflict with the life support system of this planet

which is our mother

Monday, June 25, 2012


and artificial human thing

to pass in its own time

as all things do

ipods and all those do dads

are just stuff

you are not a thing

but part of you is

for a while

an old man

once i was who i felt like being

and now i am who i am


the scariest situation

one ever has to face


don't get into that

mostly a little game people play with each other

and their self

passing is a natural part of life

who would want to be human forever


the greatest strength of all

open to self

and open to all life

Saturday, June 23, 2012

how do you respond to those that are rejecting life

when life is all you see

sometimes a girl

just needs to be quiet for a while

24 hour hell ain't all that much fun


perhaps the greatest scam of all

second only to capitalism

and most religions

most everyone is trying to sell something

and life is not for sale

eager to please

the outcome of which

always depends on who or what you are looking at

and how they are looking at you

if they actually are looking at you

and not just caught up in your mystic


they require sacrifices

and i find killing the fatted calf pretty silly

unless your hungry

calling it a gift to god

seems pretty silly to me

and that is when i am being nice

probably because my wife is in the room

and she is a natural born nice person

here is the land of the greatest lie of all


the greatest curse of our time


is just a little brother of bad

and bad thrives on that arrangement

submission is all to often

a personal choice

and not natural

should i chase the fox into the field?

and then i did

my biggest problem with religions

is that they indoctrinate the children

with how they should be

before they get a chance to be who they are

and see what they see

nations have their own version of that crap

as do neighborhoods

and gangs

and families

and friends

and enemies

and in our time

it just goes on and on

and here we are

propping each other up

and being supportive

a game for cripples

and here we are


there many situations worse than dying

living a lie for one


divided and conquered

is what i see

life ain't a democracy

and as to who we are

we don't get a vote

if we find truth interesting


the biggest problem i have


what i could and often do

what think i want

from a personal point of view

which makes me pretty small and selfish


telling children to memorize a lot of stuff

interferes with the development of the mind

and the being ones self

i call that stuff mesmerizing

and a crime against life

for profit of all things

modern education is designed to produce a workforce

as are most religions

Friday, June 22, 2012

not sure who or what to be

but am sure as hell

scared not to be myself


a thing of the past

now demands more than yesterday

i really don't know what to do

and that is my report


seems pretty hard to reject rejection

when rejection is the only mistake we can make

and we are so fascinated with losing

and being wrong

a young girls legs

are a long way from where i am

but i remember such things

and young girls are the sacred trust

as are we all

i don't expect to be popular

but i do expect me to be me

i drink alcohol

and smoke lucky strikes when i can get them

and i like me in some sort of way

and life goes on

as life can

is don't seem to help much

but i contribute as i can

not sure what else to do

am mostly pretty confused


rejection is knot the way

and am no fan of rejection

at least not yet

sometimes i have found

it is not always fun to be me

but that is not aways a valid reason

not to be me

to be a friend

to be a friend

in a friendless world

may be the greatest gift of all

if one can be a friend

in a friendless world


when we can't face that

we have lost the ability to face ourselves

because that is also what we are

to be afraid of the darkness

when the darkness is upon the land

can be a real disadvantage

and this computer can spell a lot better than i can

but it sure as hell ain't perfect

i have confused it more than once

once we have lost the ability to have fun

the merchants can have their way with us

selling us diversions from our discomfort

and our need for diversions becomes greater

and we have lost our way

and we all have our own way

and our own way is the gift of life

being smart

being smart is a symptom of dumbness

has been my experience

with my self and others than my self

and fortunately or unfortunately

we are one

a girl trying to be pleasing

can become a bitch

if who she has chosen to please

does not find her pleasing

she is actually gratifying herself by being pleasing

and expects her reward

this has nothing to do with me

if i happen to be the one she is trying to please

found this stuff very confusing for quite a time

males often have their own version of that presentation

some of them

life can be pretty scary if one is not paying attention to what actually is

and truth is not a democracy

and the truth of life is sacred

the land of retarded children

that is what we have become

that is what i see

life does not have to be that way

yet we have become life that does not know how to be

we know how to do

or not do

but we have forgotten how to live


modern so called social order

has turned life into a cockfight

and banned cockfighting

that don't seem all that bright to me

and the world is a mess

when you have far more unhappy people than happy people

things are going to change

such is the way we humans are

re-acting and responding are not the same


the truly brave

have no concept of bravery

they are just being who they are

Thursday, June 21, 2012

perhaps i am not a smart as i think i am

seems pretty likely to me


a blind mans fantasy

and a rich mans dream

am no fan of either

and i wish you well

the willingness to be

something we all have to face in our own time

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

some people just don't know

and the best of them know they don't know

the others think they know

or feel like they do


the curse of our little imaginations

we have made up something

that doesn't actually exist

once i was of the warriors

one who served war

but in time i learned war was knot the way

and no friend of mine

and life without a friend

is a harsh mistress

have known a couple of friends

am a very lucky guy

i get to be male this time

first i saw the titanic rise

then i saw it fly

dead is an illusion

a delusion of the lost

and the fearful

coming back from the dead ain't all that hard

if one is willing to live

if you can't affirm yourself

life ain't going to be much fun

and the punishment severe

life is truth

and life is what we are

so many today think life is how they feel

or even how they think

we have allowed ourselves to be such ego maniacs

noticing life

the first step to living

for those of us who are living in the past

which is over and done

we are all different

but essentially

we are all the same

now that's a clue that ain't popular

once i was of the warriors

and afraid of kindness

not so much anymore

but still a little

am pretty good at being little

know thy self

good advice

if you got the nerve

Monday, June 18, 2012


a blind mans passion

once i was of the warriors

don't have that problem anymore

have no fear of dying

but living with some of these people

does scare me sometimes

fear does not scare me as much a bravery

this little place that i have been

the story of my life

too much of nothing can make a fellow mean

sometimes a girl

one of the reasons am no fan of religions

they always want to limit us in some way

and i don't find that constructive

or the least bit interesting

Sunday, June 17, 2012


also has a distorting effect on human kind

Saturday, June 16, 2012

the child molester

he who intervenes with the natural process of becoming

or she

the scientist

have little interest in what they have to say

they pretty much always claim to know something

and i usually don't agree

knowing is beyond me

perhaps once again

to be where one has been

without two and three

and all that other crap


the cry of the frightened man

or girl

the creatures of the field

don't know about that crap

and the greatest gift of all

may not be a silver plated bowl

or even a gold plated one

or even a pure gold plate

plate is the clue

no where

every one gets to wind up no where

it's a pisces thing


perhaps the greatest curse of all time

what girls like

about all i was interested in

and the girls proceeded to remind me

what they didn't like

and i was confused

hey girls

what do we do

as we watch the old men die

leonard cohen

one who serves more than him self

as does noam chomsky

and bob dylan

if you aren't facing your self

your will never face anyone else

and great loneliness is upon the land


we have forgotten how to be alive

and the price is high

when we don't face ourselves

when we don't face our selves

distortions are created in human kind

an unnatural act

what life on this plane has become for so many

and act is the clue

what are we doing wrong

now that would be a great question

we ain't near sharp enough to be getting everything right

but we sure like our pride

and the few occasions we do ask that question

we usually ask someone else

and not our selves


when wealth was created

distortions were created in human kind

Friday, June 15, 2012

if you want to be a man

perhaps you can tie your balls back together

and hope they can be friends


the nameless one

i don't know what to do

i just show up

and be me today

as i can

don't know what else to do

Thursday, June 14, 2012

am still pretty afraid of being with a girl

but that's what i have in common with girls

something i was about to share

but i forgot


just another way to attract attention

as we just did

basket ball games

probably the least interesting stuff on this plane

if your me

mostly i only find girls interesting

and they are hiding out in the current time

being sexually stimulated

now that would be fun

or perhaps could be

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

there is a time

there is a time to do what we are told

and a time to be who we are

and we all have to find our own way


am no fan of that crap

such is what the hopeful do

when they are desperate

and have no other place to go

there is always where we are

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Truth Is

Truth is not through effort found
Accept what is  -  don't search around
For Truth exists in All you see
There is no way this could not be

A narrow mind can be deceived
So open up and be relieved
Of all confusion  -  fear and dread
That stuff's all inside your head

You can see if you'll stop thinking
It dulls the mind like too much drinking
An open Heart is all you need
Let go of all the senseless greed

You try and try and just get nowhere
Then you bitch and claim it's not fair
Don't try to force it and you'll see
That Love and Life and Truth are Free

Your mind can see  -  but you must let it
Try too hard and you'll regret it
A willing Heart is all it takes
Effort just puts on the brakes

It's all been  -  there is no new
Tho this is known by such a few
Life Itself is All Creation
And Love Eternal Celebration



not at all like thinking

which mostly leads to blindness

and even worse situations


have not chosen one of those yet

but have gotten pretty close a few times

governments are tempting

and child molesters

welcome to my world

such is how it is to me

am pretty sure i am not an it

and neither are you

unless you are lost in thought

which happens sometimes

for a while

until we see

the cheers and the tears and the jeers

mostly they just bore me anymore

sometimes we win

sometimes we all lose

born in america

i have seen great sadness

and great foolishness

and a few human beings

over 67 years here now

sometimes seems longer than that

sometimes not so long

winning and losing

if anybody wins

somebody loses

if we want to not have a world full of losers

we have to give up winning

that is just an idea

and has nothing to do with what life is

winning is just another way of losing

and mostly lately we are just asleep and dreaming

america beyond capitalism

wondered if there would be such a thing

and finally decided there might be

this was a good book

about our time

Monday, June 11, 2012

i have misinformed

 i have been miss informed

and i have been informed

and the choices are my own

and not theirs to make

i didn't know what to do

but i was really scared not to be me

am getting over that crap


with any luck at at all

religious people

most of them claim to be speaking spiritually

but mostly they speak emotionally

and from a very personal point of view

and most of them are control freaks

has been my experience

approving and disapproving

of the choices others than themselves make

to be accepted we have to preform in a way

they will approve of

or they will disapprove

i mostly leave religious people alone

but a few have come to my door

to sell me on their brand of salvation

and salvation is not for sale


i probably should quit watching the news

these people no longer serve we the people

they serve their masters and their selves

and most of them aren't very good liars

Sunday, June 10, 2012

some are born to water

and some are born to fire

some are born to earth

and some are born to air

and we are all here

the terrible things we do to each other

and to our selves

about all i have to speak of anymore

i find that somewhat depressing

am being with that as i can

life is magic

life is magical

such is the impression life has made on me

and the scientist and the other intellectuals

hate life for that

they want life to be explainable

and the want to explain it to us

and be superior

the native population call that speaking with forked tung

that works for me

or maybe two tungs

or maybe many more

this computer can't figure our how to spell toung

and obviously neither can i

that thing in our mouths

seems to be a serious ego problem to me

and a product of into security

those that make promises

are idiots to me

public and private faces

most today have public and private faces

and are two faced

and sometimes more

the private face is for the insiders

the public face is for the outsiders

and we become dual

and no longer whole

cause what we are doing to others

is what we are doing to ourself

stimulating and soothing

now that would be cool

if it was real

and not a product of the pharmaceutical empire

they just drug us to keep us manageable

for those that would rule us

and our freedom is fading fast

Saturday, June 9, 2012


as has been said before

a weak mans fix

and of no value at all

hey girl

your so  pretty

and i really mean that

mean is the clue

as is that

waiting for the miracle to come

leonard cohen again


a celebration

of who and what we are

which was far easier

before we were so ashamed

of who and what we are

which is a learned thing

and not natural

closing time

i remember that time

not all that much fun

but we were there

i can't forget

i can't forget

but i can't remember what

where life started for me

there ain't no cure for love

leonard cohen

thanks for what you have said to us

and you too bob

mr d


death is a gift

as is life


education in our time

is nothing more than indoctrination

a form of programing

which makes us slaves to the ideas of others

and ultimately to our own

all these fancy ideas

are blinding us to reality

life has it's natural way

and our little creation here sure ain't natural

awareness ain't a product of thought

awareness is a product of being

confusion and chaos are products of thought

and confusion and chaos are upon the land

as the people be who their not

most today hide from their truth

and make up some silly story to believe in

we are born to be an affirmation of who we are

not who we think we are

or hope we are

or believe we are

truth must be faced to be experienced

and we don't get a vote

unless we are dumb enough to want one

we are encouraged to vote

but that is just manipulation

by those that seek to control us

as is their way

for a time

time ain't really real either

although there is a sequence to all this

astrology can be a clue

if you just observe

and don't use it

or think you know something

we all must find our own way

Friday, June 8, 2012

my final answer

if you can't face your self

you will have a hard time facing me


no girl ever wanted to be free

freedom is a willing situation

and not a girl thing at all

has been my experience

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


i learned about war

over a time

and that led to me being a big fan of peace

if such is still possible

for those who have become so violent

as we have become

and so unforgiving

so many here speak of jesus

so few listened to what he said

forgiveness ain't so popular in our time

even with those we like

and blind forgiveness is worse

than no forgiveness at all


the only gift worth giving

and perhaps the scariest gift of all


not a very bright word

but i did try

man or boy

not sure what the outcome will be for me

but am still willing to be here

as i can

and perhaps will be


what the girls look for

and the boys wonder about

in our time

so this crap seems to me

once i was a man

and not so afraid

but that was a long time ago

once i was a man

not sure what to call me today

perhaps an old man

perhaps a young man

perhaps not a man at all


a brave man

a young girls dream

and once a young boys

we are so fond of dreaming

and so scared of living

here in the land of the lost

once a long time ago

i was a man


the curse of the damned

awareness is not a product of thought

the courage to be

a naked girl

with wings on her feet

and she loved me

perhaps the greatest blessing of this life

there have  been so many

which i was too dumb to appreciate

at the time

most of them

but not all

Sunday, June 3, 2012

the last firefly

if i ever see that

we are in big trouble now


perhaps the greatest challenge of all


a false god

and the great delusion of our time

we are born to serve

and to exploit our fellow creatures

without reverence for them

is a great crime

so it seems to me

i knew a man once

and a couple of women

who could not reject anyone

even when they tried

they were more alive than most of us

and suffered greatly for that affliction

in this time of don't be who you are

where the liars and profiters rule


to include all

is the only way to life

that seemed worth repeating


the source of what we are

and the only hope we have

we is a pretty big word

and not for the faint of heart

to include all

is the only way to life

to have been loved by a woman

the greatest gift of all

to have been wanted by a woman

a lesser gift

but still a gift

if your a man


came in soft and wet this year

kind of rare in oklahoma

if your my wife


life is from within

and the truth of who we are

if we can face ourselves


how we make life harder for ourselves

and gratify our little egos

the child

to not respect the childs right to be

is perhaps the greatest of all crimes


a primitive state of mind

we have to start somewhere

but today most get lost there

awareness is not a product of thought

and thinking is a childs distraction

and a product of confusion

Friday, June 1, 2012

even more about courage

an old mans sorrow

and old mans lie

it was all a fake

and i even knew it at the time

that was my problem

and all problems must be faced

if we are to face our selves