Thursday, November 14, 2013


true love is neither personal or exclusive

true love is a state of being

which words do not describe

most of what we modern people consider love

is a form of gratification

we really like getting what we want

such goals make love almost impossible

yet love all ways exists

we have become very narrow and competitive

these tendencies have the potential to destroy us

at the very least to become selfish  isolated  and miserable

and lots of other nasty stuff

life does not have to be this way

but we must change our ways

we are taking selfishness to new heights

this is not rocket science

our world is a mess

most individuals that i see are a mess

just trying to act ok and in charge

only life can save us now

and i sometimes have wondered why life has saved us so long

the constitution of this country says something about equality as i recall

equality is in very short supply in this country

i have been here almost 69 years and have experienced equality with another being

but not all that much

and it appears to me that thought is the source of all this insanity i see

all these ideas in constant conflict which all those other ideas

and every one wanting desperately to be right

we humans are in almost constant conflict with in and with out

awareness is not a product of thought

punishing fucked up people for being fucked up people

does not make the world a better place

it is just another attempt to manage people

which is what got us in this mess we call civilization today

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