Thursday, August 15, 2013

use for life

for a time i had no use for life

i was too busy trying to keep up

and life just kept coming out of me

useing life came later

never got too good at that

was very confused and bewildered by that time

now all those years later

i sometimes wonder if life has any use for me

and apparently life still does

am still here

in this skin

i seem to have survived the impulses of my youth and middle years

now we face the later years

or perhaps the end of time

for most in our time

time is the ticking of a clock

the movements of the so called hands

humans were much better off before man invented the clock

and the time of the great slavery began

when men learned to use the clock to dominate men

and feed them with paper

which they could trade for food

or what ever was for sale

if they had enough paper

we were better off before paper also

but that isn't papers fault

we appear to be all that we have ever been

and all that we are

and all we will ever be

all at once but kind of sorted out

kind of like a card game

life is just a game

and all those serious bastards are spoiling the game

war and conflict ain't no fun

movies and vidio games are fun for a while

but only distractions from the fact that we ain't having no fun

most no longer know what fun is

and gratification the perverse game we play

what most today call love is actually gratifacation

which is personal satisfaction

love is far beyond personal

for most personal usually means private

sometimes a little show they are putting on

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