Wednesday, December 11, 2013


forbidden in our time

and against the law in most places

we were born naked

never to be seen again

in our time

most humans seem obsessed with avoiding who they are

not sure where that came from

although there are foot prints in the sand

such behavior seems pretty unnatural to me

life without experiencing our true essential nature

is not life to me

just a cruel joke

and a lot of other stuff i won't go into tonight

have often wondered if this is the natural next step in our evolution

perhaps an opportunity to see how dangerous it can be

to take our little human selves too seriously

we make wonderful little stuff

but we are still primates

and a part of the world we seem to want to conquer

which is our mother

we mostly don't treat mother and her children all that well

and this would be a barren rock without the mother and her children

and we humans have become a race of child molesters

with no respect for life

some of us try to act respectful

but true respect is never an act

true respect is a state of being

and we are so caught up in doing

which is like digging a hole to nowhere

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