Tuesday, April 24, 2012

watched frontline tonight

a look at what has just happened

and how we the people just got screwed

the creation of money was the original ponzi scheme

how the game is played is a great crime against people

it seems to me

and i don't know what to do about that situation

am an old nobody

who doesn't know what to do about the mind fuck you and i are a product of

we have survived so far

but we are abused children

we have turned away from the natural world

and embraced an unnatural situation

which we were sold with such gusto

and here we are

we all have to choose for ourselves in our own time

and it appears that our ignorance is no excuse

so how do we be not so ignorant seems to be the question

acknowledging our ignorance is a start

i might wish to be young again

if the challenges weren't so great

i wish everyone well

we are all to blame in some way

it seems to me

until we aren't

and i don't know what that means

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