Monday, August 4, 2014

how it once was

and oron spoke to his son jacob about how it once was

about how the land once supported mankind and the creatures
of the field

in the beginning the cycles of manifestation were the greatest

the cycles of dispensation regulated all life on this plane

the fruits of nature came and went

each learned to work and live within the system

or it died

there was no way to cheat

the forms of life came forth and grew and evolved  -  ran their
natural course of existence

and died in their own time  -  as all things must

but the force or spirit of life once more cloaked it's self in the
material of this plane

to come forth again and again in its apparently endless
sequence of expressions of its self

each more refined and remarkable than the one before

this is how it once was

as the creative force wove the glorious fabric of life

a living cloak upon this once barren globe

at some point in time  -  i know not when

the idea arose in man that he could or should take charge to his

to make things better for himself

that he need not accept the cycles of dispensation as life

that concludes page 1

and is probably all for tonight

will have to wait and see

at some point in time  -  i know not when

the idea arose in man that he could or should take
charge of his life

to make things better for himself

that he need not accept the cycles of dispensation
as life provided

and took away

perhaps he thought or desired not to die in his own time

or that his children or wife should not die

this is not known to me

all that is known is that mankind came to rebel
against the order of life

perhaps this is the natural next step for man

i do not know

in any case  -  man made many changes in this world

apparently to improve his situation  -  that he might
not have to strive and struggle and die

that life might be made easier  -  and last longer

how and why is lost in the passage of time

all that is known is that man became greedy and
welfish and feared for himself

once man took only what he needed to live and
there was balance in this world

but man then came to take more that he needed

and deprived others of his kind and the creatures
of the field what they needed to live out their
allotted span of time

the order of life was disrupted

soon the vast green cloak of the forests began
to disapear

slowly at first  -  but with ever and even
increasing speed

for a time nature could heal the wounds to
the body

but as man sought more and more not to die  -  with
his vaccinations and his cures  -  the population
grew and grew and began to overwhelm the natural
life support system of this plane

more and more the great canopy of the forest disappeared

the creatures of the field  -  who also make up the
fabric of life on this plane  -  began to disappear

the atmosphere and climate began to change

the concoctions of man to improve his lot in life
began to sterilize and poison the earth

whole species were destroyed to make man safer and
gourge his belly beyond any reasonable need

the signs of decay and corruption where clear

but man refused or was unable to see the error
of his ways

that he need not accept the cycles of dispensation
as life provided

the great crime being perpetuated on the fragile
beauty of the earth

and ultimately upon himself

man created new systems to support himself

and as each failed in time  -  sought to create another
and another

each failing more quickly than the last

it is not known if this journey man has taken is right
or wrong

perhaps we have failed at our destine

perhaps not

all that is known by me is that man suppers greatly
amid his own creations

has brought this suffering upon himself by not
accepting the gift of life as they are offered

and accepting their loss when they are reclaimed
by the order of things

the creatures of the field are born and die in
their own time  -  without complaint

i have seen it so

in our own time  -  we must make our own choices

these word were with me

a while back

in the mid 80's

as near as i can recall

they still seem valid to me

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