Wednesday, December 4, 2013


some people honor people for what they do

there are those that honor people for who they are

and what they have do is of no concern

for better or for worse

who we are as life created  us all

and the creatures of the field

and the field

and we all got our draw

so many today seek to be some idea in their head

ideas are like an infection of the mind

a healthy mind has no concern for ideas

they are just meaningless trivia

life is far beyond our petty little ideas

which are just our little attempts to escape our reality

which is who and what we are

which that great mystery we call life and destiny and fate

and a lot of other weird stuff

life is pretty simple acturally

either deal with life or life will deal with you

and there ain't actually no you

all seems a difficult something to most of us in our time

and our ideas of all are limited to our personal little window

a few are not in that situation

if i still believed in praying i would probably pray for them

praying is just another petty little selfish voodoo game

and all we are and are not came from no where

zero is the source of one and two and all the other silliness we see around us

numbers just divide us

and do religions

and politics

and country clans

and private clubs and other stuff

if we can't face what we are doing

how will we ever face our self

and a cold wind was on the land

and the human race huddled for warmth

if any was to be found

december 4. 2013

december 7, 1941

my father considered that day his birthday

that's what he said to me

life changed that morning for him

and peace was a long way down the road

he was a kind man when i knew him

and didn't take any shit from anybody

except from a few he liked

and he liked me

when i got a little older i could tell

he wasn't much for words

but he was a human being

and acting just wasn't his thing

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