Sunday, March 30, 2014

the clock

another of those cursed inventions of humans

our time is governed by that thing

no longer by the sun and the moon

and the natural cycle of life on this little planet

our desire to change our world

has been a curse to our little world

and a rejection of what naturally is here

to live each moment of life

and keeping score (whatever that is supposed to mean - am pretty
sure life doesn't keep score and try to win,  which is a human invention -
and a creation of the lost who claim they have found the way to win at life -
which is just silliness and a symptom of ignorance)

is not the same quality of life

as living each moment as life actually is

without all that counting and keeping score

our little victories over our self and others

are pretty meaningless

awareness is not a product of thought

the one that experiences life directly

has no time for thinking about life

and wondering what life might really be

the one that understands life

would certainly never try to explain life

those that experience life

have no reason to wonder about life

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