Thursday, January 30, 2014


the sacred sphere

is what security has become for us

and security is both a trap and a prison

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


that which is not actually possible

yet so prevalent in our time

not sure of the definition of prevalent

but pretty sure i won't care much for it

it is another stupid little word

like rule

the desire for control

is and indication of

a serious misunderstanding of life

life is forever beyond understanding

which is what the thinkers claim to sell


we only seek to win

when we are trying not to lose

there are those that seek to lose

when they feel like they are winning

they is the clue

they is an abstraction

and not really real

just an idea to express some thing

thing is another clue

if the definition of thing is correct

what about life with no thing

nothing is a terrible idea for most modern humans

thing has become a very popular word

and the selling of things makes all this crap possible

marketing is a cheap trick

and the merchant class rules for a while

rule is such a stupid little word

Monday, January 27, 2014

the sovereignty of others

respect for the sovereignty of others

is not a common occurrence in our time

and i consider that to be greatest tragedy of all

as well as the greatest crime against life

without respect for life

we are lost

and the children will suffer greatly

and sympathy for others will not help

feeling sorry is just another attempt

to gratify our self and manipulate life

those that think they know are unable to learn

what ever we think we know

is always a very small part of what actually is

life is not a static phenomenon

but a closed mind is


an agressive expression of self pity

and a major epidemic in our time

not a great example to set for the children

control is knot the way of life

Sunday, January 26, 2014


so many today have no affection for their self

very few even like their self

even less accept their self as is

this is the great tragidy of our time

and the parents and teachers

and preachers and trainers

are mostly responsible for this situation

with all their propoganda and lies

self is all we actually are

(pride and vanity are not based on affection)

Saturday, January 25, 2014


that physical plane crap they like to talk about

and sell us for our dollars or our souls

don't even exist on this little plane

the only true security is who and what we are

and where and all that other stuff we like to think about

thinking is a stupid beings dream

no more than a crutch for a cripple

and cripples are what we have become

with our imitation faces


there are those that stand behind strong people

and those that stand with them


i once remembered so much

was full of that stuff

not so much any more

and i find that very refreshing

most of that crap ain't worth remembering

unless you are trying to forget

which is a form of rejection

rejection does not lead to wholeness

no matter what the religion sellers say

true religion is not based on hopes and wishes

and blind faith

with all those rules

which are the don't dos

true religion is an experience of all that we are

of which some is pretty

and some not so much


an even smaller word than me


such a little word


just another word for celebration

in a life i once knew

before i got to be the current me

Friday, January 24, 2014


there are tears of passion

there are tears of disappointment

they are very different situations

and sometimes the same


projecting our wants on others

especially the children

interferes with their right

to choose for their Self

and learn about Life

in their own Way

Precious Few

Tho precious few
Still serve the Plan
A voice inside
Says we still can

Return to that
Which is us All
The Spirit Lives
I've heard It's Call

In silence when
The mind is still
It's Presence grows
And seems to fill

My heart and soul
With renewed knowing
Almost like
Life's Hand is sowing

Blessings which we
Don't yet see
Eternal Love
For you and me

The ancients knew
Of this Great Spirit
Though modern man
Has come to fear it

We seek today
To serve ourselves
Yet still  -  in every
Heart it dwells

The Life that Is
The Source of All
The One in Many
Still does Call

And seeks to share
Its Boundless Love
Through Kindness
To redeem the dove

And restore All
To Love and Grace
To return joy to
Each Childs Face

television and movies

so much of our so called entertainment

is so dark and heavy in our time

it seems to me that our little world

has more than enough of that crap in our time

we are also the world

and our contributions matter


have been looking into aging lately

recently turned 69

so many seem to focus on what they can no longer do

instead of what they can

that stuff can be a form of self rejection

which is not a healthy thing to do

also have noticed that a lot of people

seem to project some sort of identity on their self

which they cling to as they seem to outgrow it

which is another form of self rejection

being is they way of peace

wanting to be something leads only to torment

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

precious moments

precious moments

precious moments that we share

precious moments we are there

times of sharing

times of sharing that we share

precious moments here with you

when life is precious

love is true

fear is no way to live

what we are is what we give

no more time to live a lie

no more time to live to cry

we were born to be our self

not to live on someones shelf

the gift of life is what we are

no more wishing on some star


time is the curse of waiting

and only leads to hating

being is the gift of life

and the end of all this strife

Monday, January 20, 2014


a blind mans fancy

Sunday, January 19, 2014


perhaps the dumbest word of all

and probably the most arrogant


as long as the desire for dominance exists

or the desire to be dominated

there will be no peace in this world

winning always leads to losing

they are the same

as are right and wrong

and good and bad

and up and down

we humans seem so attracted to division

and wholeness is so rarely considered

Thursday, January 16, 2014


a lost art for the human race

not so much for the creatures of the field


some are here for the needs of others

some are here for those without need


have known more than one friend in this life

they didn't tell me what to do

and expect me to perform for them

and i didn't try to tell them what to do

at least not all that often

my few friends have been very forgiving of me


wanting something from someone

is just another way of rejecting someone

and hoping that someone will help your accomplish the mission


thinking is a natural next step for mankind

is how it seems to me

thinking one knows is a serious misstep

is how it seems to me

it is not a real word

mind is not a way of thinking

mind is a way of being

as is life

my first experience of passive mind

or maybe the first i remember

was about the word anger

i could not speak of what that word was

i didn't have words for that experience

which i had experienced so often

but i persevered for a few days

just waiting to see what would happen

if i just kind of kept that word on the screen

what happened was "self pity"

and i finally recognized what anger was


learning is a beginners step

and has nothing to do with teaching

the way to be with your true self

is to be your true self

so many today think their self

is their situation with their self

and get lost in ideas

these words will likely

not be popular in our current time


teaching people how to think and perform

is a great crime against life

if the children are not allowed to find their own way

they will be lost

once i asked my father what to do

his response to me was

"your going to have to work that out for your self, boy"

didn't much appreciate those words at the time

but i got over that in time

and he is still kind of one of my heroes

heroes are products of our confusion

and dreams of escape from our self

which means our current situation

running from life is no way to be whole


such a popular attitude today

many are willing to reprimand and punish and far worse

those that don't or won't or can't agree with their ideas

and ideas are just figments of our or someone else's imagination

awareness is not a product of thought

but our really messed up situation in our time is


i have known quite a few who were vernerable to that crap

i got over giving a shit what other people thought

at a pretty young age

that crap is how people are trained

and dogs and lots of other creatures

some form of punishment is usually involved

we all must find peace with our self in our own way

and cultivating guilt is knot the path to freedom

and i didn't misspell the fifth word from the end

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


the judgements we pass on others

are the judgements we pass on our self

a self righteous attitude has its pitfalls

Monday, January 13, 2014

planing ahead

never been too good at that stuff

and the older i get

the less interested i become

mostly i have wondered what was next

and dealt with next as i could

i was pretty smart as a kid

and did pretty well in school

until i got sick of all that crap

not sure what learning means

but i know it don't come from books

sometimes books can be clues

those that claim to know are usually liars

as are people who claim to know

we all have to find our own way

life seems to me

and that can be a real adventure


not sure what that word means either

most seem to think their purpose

is the idea that have chosen for their self

purpose to me seems more to be

what life has chosen for our self

i consider controlling life

or even attempting to control life

a very dangerous game to play

am a major minority in this life experience

a private life

that which we don't or won't or can't share with others

or just one other or a few

have wondered about that stuff a lot

and i still do

usually feel like that is none of my business

but not all ways

what is the point or purpose of Life

asked my self that tonight

what if life has no point or purpose

perhaps we get to see our self

by what we do with life

or perhaps just where we are for a moment

life in an enigma to me

and don't really know what that word means

Saturday, January 11, 2014


just another way to throw your self away

and so popular in our time

conforming to life

and letting life shape us

is one thing

conforming to an idea

is quite another

and a terribly lonely place to be

and leads to only being

around others that conform

to the same idea

and those that oppose that idea

that stuff leads only to great conflict

personal standards

how we isolate our self

standard is the clue


there is show up

and there is show down

and there is show

without the attitude

Friday, January 10, 2014


life without judgement

that would be a new experience in our time


most today like to remember the fun moments

and forget the unfun moments

but life is all moments

and only one moment

am is a pretty scary word sometimes

sometimes fear is what we get to be

and escape from life is not an option

well sometimes for a while it is

which is a very dangerious game to play


ideas are bubbles blown in the ocean

life is the ocean

Weary Soul

Although the soul is sometimes weary
And the winter nights quite dreary
Still the spark of Life burns brightly
To the Truth it still clings tightly

Life is something we don't see
Eternal gift that's always free
Yet in our time so unrespected
The Sacred Trust now long neglected

Man himself is born to serve
Tho from Truth we chose to swerve
No longer hearing lives true voice
Feeling he knew best his choice

Perfect Order slipped away
As new ideas shaped the play
All the stage was rearranged
From nature he was soon estranged

A war of wills soon came about
Each sought to be the loudest shout
Love and Grace would be no more
Each culture rotten to the core

Now our lot is pain and strife
Fear and greed throughout our life
Yet still the Spirit Loves us All
In the heart you'll hear its call

An age of rages fill the land
All thought out by man  -  well planned
No more serving True Creation
To his fellows  -  no relation

Greed and profit  -  that's the boss
Sarcasm we so freely toss
Loving kindness is no more
Oh the harvest we're in for

For all will reap what we do sow
The price we'll pay begins to show
As sickness grows with every day
Still we carry on this way

Prophets all have spoke the word
Tho we nod  -  we have not heard
Still ourselves we seek to serve
Strive and kill  -  such mindless nerve

A mighty blow will be our fate
For without Love it is too late
Mand in Truth could still return
It's not too late  -  we still could learn

From Life  -  you hear it in the heart
An open mind is where you start
The Spirit Lives and Loves us All
But we must listen for its call

Hear me now  -  Oh Lord of Light
Standing in this land of fright
Thy Presence is no longer felt
By those that fear their heart will melt

Strange contortions rule us now
We speak of peace but don't know how
Your Truth we chose to push aside
For Love we substituted pride

Now crimes and violence fill the land
And sickness plagues this weary band
The time is right  -  it seems to me
For you to show us how to see

What man once knew  -  but then forgot
And in ideas soon got caught
Now delusions fill our brains
The smallest spark of Life remains

I know it's bold  -  but help us out
Please forgive  -  but i must shout
It seems to me You wait too long
For man to understand this wrong

Perhaps i should not be so bold
I know the plan must all unfold
But the pain of all i've seen
Leaves me not of patience keen


perhaps the greatest curse of all

want is an affirmation of lack

which can only make life smaller

for those that choose to want

when denied what is wanted

we become mean and angry

and peace is not upon the land

our wants are preyed upon in our time

and we become victims of what is wanted

and those that provide them

Thursday, January 9, 2014


taxation is a form of socialism

for the rich and powerful

perhaps the greatest ponzu scheme of all


to walk on your heels

is to neglect your feet


we were here

even if no one noticed

we are here

we is often a hard word to be with

in our time

Wednesday, January 8, 2014



the only complete number

the math people

the math people like to be called mathmatisuns

or something like that

it makes them sound more important

i also often call them numbers people

which is how they divide us

we have allowed our self to be hopelessly mind fucked

and we and me are the same word

you is a perverted word

which leads to separation from our self


what if all that is see is me

and what if all that i don't see is me

perhaps we have let the math people lead us astray

with all their divisions and additions

and all that stuff

we the people are now the prey

who have been taught to pray

and not resist

am no fan of resistance

but am a fan of being as we actually are

life often seems pretty bewildering to me

yet life is all we are

and all must find their own way home

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

winning and losing

winning and losing are false gods

life is more than a game to play

life is about completeness

the well being of the whole

and being whole

Monday, January 6, 2014


that what we choose to believe in

when we find no value in truth

that is not a real word


truth is the only hope we have

hope is not a real word

neither is real


there are so many ways for life to be

and we have become so narrow

another thing i have learned


when you want some thing

or some particular out come

you always get some thing

which is never what you thought

you wanted

but you did

thing is not a real word

neither is out

or you

or is not a real word either

or is either


the desire for what was

and the rejection of what is

is can be a real word


god is all

did not realize all was a real word

for a while

Sunday, January 5, 2014

three things i have learned

there is a time to go

and a time to stop

and a time to be still

and sometime a time to speak

it seems to be important

not to be confused about all this

but education

and religious teachings

and the tribal/national propaganda

and the false fronts of all our fellows

is making all this stuff that seems to be our life

very difficult to be with


the torment we face

when we do not face truth

truth of our self is all we are

all else is a lie

else is not a real word

else is attempted escape


facing truth

is the greatest gift of all

a moment in time

where we are


a sacred word

great confusion

great confusion comes into being

when we have not been permitted

to know our self

and to find our own way

self examination

probably a lost art

i know it ain't popular

have dabbled in self examination

truthfulness with self can be

very difficult in our time

our training and conditioning and prejudices

make truth a threat to our feeling secure

and in control

self examination might reveal

the lies we tell our self

and our fears and insecurities

mostly we seek to escape truth and reality

has been my experience

we make up stories to believe in

religious stories

patriotic stories

family stories

personal stories to believe in

and live in this little containment field

of our own creation

Saturday, January 4, 2014


when control is the objective

out of control is where that leads

who ever came up with the idea

that control was the way to live

was an idiot and manipulator

true life is forever free

we are free to take part in life

or reject life and become some cheap imitation of life

and lie to the children

our little world is in great peril

and we humans are responsible

those that serve control

have not recognized the gift

or have rejected the gift

true freedom is a state of being

as is life

Friday, January 3, 2014


a lot of people today consider their thoughts reality

and attempt to project their thoughts as reality on others

i don't consider thoughts reality

i consider thoughts as my wondering and wandering

and often hoping to make the thoughts real

so i can feel better i guess

perhaps to win

and if someone wins

someone loses

and in time we all lose

awareness and perception of what actually is

is not a product of thought

and truth is beyond our control

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


the greatest curse of modern time

and the greatest curse of all time

and a really harsh mistress to serve

peace be with you my friend