Saturday, March 24, 2012

independent voters

perhaps if there we more of us

the two dogs fighting over the bone

might not be so powerful

but the two dogs limit our access

and i don't think that is very nice

we are the bone they are fighting over

as long as we permit that situation

independence is a situation most of us are not too familiar with

but so many like to claim we are

mostly we are just manipulated is what this situation seems to me

a free man or woman is called an anarchist in our time

we are expected to submit to someone else's idea of order

which is usually to their advantage and not ours

freedom is a word often spoken in our time

yet rarely permitted

the rules and regulations are almost endless

and laws rule the land

which i did not make

and no man has the right to

if your me

when two dogs are fighting over a bone

it don't much matter to the bone which one wins

the result will be the same

for the bone

we bones still get a vote

but our options are limited by those in power

i don't call that situation freedom

and all those laws limit mine

and the jobs we are permitted restrict us greatly

cause the rich and powerful rule this world

and most of us aren't rich or powerful

and our freedom would scare them greatly

and be a threat to their power

because we are so many

and they are so few

to submit to the authority of either party

(which is required to take part)

is to surrender ones freedom

just ask any young lawmaker

we are wage slaves at best

and the rich and powerful pay their supporters the best

those that sell out to their rules

and the rest of us get whatever they don't want

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