Sunday, December 31, 2017

we have a problem

we have a serious problem in the world today

we are a serious problem in the world today

as children we are taught how to preform

how to act

now  -  instead of living  -  we are acting

playing roles

in order to sustain the role we must repress our true nature

which means we are repressing life

and living a lie

experiencing ourselves as a lie

lying both to ourselves and others

we are now several generations deep in untrue existence

the parents are playing roles

the teachers are playing roles

the preachers are playing roles

we play roles with each other

with our partners

with the children

with our selves

this role we are playing  -  this lie we are perpetuating
  on ourselves is stifling the

Truth of our Existence

we are creating distance between our truth

we are creating barriers between the role we are playing

(who we believe ourselves to be)

and who we actually are

this leads to great conflict and pressure inside our selves

this pressure is making us sick and mean

this seperation from the truth of our selves  -  what life
  created us to be  -  makes us afraid

the sickness and fear and violence in our world is a
  product of our unnatural existence

and will continue to grow until we give up our
  unnatural existence

we are emotionally constipated  -  constantly frustrated

the conflict between our true nature and the role we are
  playing  -  the lie we are living  -  leaves us no peace

the thought processes we involve ourselves in are constantly
  seeking escape from the pain and fear and conflict and frustration

this leads to our great confusion

we create and endless stream of ideas of what we think
  will make us happy

we live in almost constant torment and need

all the time trying to act like we're not

we are taught to act confident  -  when we're not

we are taught to take control  -  when it was control
  that got us this way

life is not to be controlled

life is to be lived

to be lived and experienced openly and fully

we repress life and expect to be happy

that is insane thinking

the creatures in zoos are not happy

they were meant to be free  -  living their lives and taking
  their chances in a free environment

thinking the we are ok when we're not  (so called positive
  thinking) will only make our situation worse

more lies won't help

it will only lead to more disappointment and frustration

the truth of our existence is the only hope we have

without respect for life within and without our selves

our situation looks pretty bleak to me

but every day is a new day

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

all the girls i've loved before

an old song

and one of my favorites

first heard it by julio iglesias

later he did it with willie nelson

a great song

if it wasn't for the girls

there would be no reason

to come to this little planet

Monday, December 25, 2017

december 7, 1941

where my father was that day

Friday, December 22, 2017

this world

this world

is nothing like the world

i was born into

over 73 years ago

but it is still

where life is

for me

was born in 1944

some called us war babies

the human race

sure seems to like

that war crap

but i ain't like that

out here in the west

just another stray

never been much

for the herd situation

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

how close are we

how close are we

to that which we were actually

born to be

lately i have called that situation

our design code

what we were born to be

which has nothing to do

with what others think we should be

or what we think we should be


awareness is not a product of thought

only a quiet mind can experience peace

conflict and chaos are products of thought

as is this wierd civilization we are involved with

Monday, December 11, 2017

my fathers advice

if your ever in a gunfight with five guys

you better know which one to shoot first

his way of saying  "pay attention boy"

i still remember after all these years

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

some people

some people seem to think

some ways are right

and some ways are wrong

what if all ways are right

and the thinkers are wrong

corruption and greed

the curse of so many

for so long

december 7, 1941

my father called that day his anniversary

he was at pearl harbor that morning

on the battleship west virginia

he didn't talk about that morning much


take care of your teeth

false teeth ain't no fun

but better than no teeth

Monday, December 4, 2017

a long time ago

a long time ago

when i was a lot younger

i asked my father

what's going on here

how do you deal with all this

his response to me was

i don't know what to tell you boy

your going to have to work that out for your self

he was a good man

and never lied to me

i learned to take responsibility for my self

and learn my own lessons

not someone else's