Thursday, November 30, 2017


the deer and the mountain lion

are being true to their

what i call

design code

modern humans

not so much

ideas rule in our time

and ideas are not real

awareness is not a product of thought

Friday, November 24, 2017

fooling people

it ain't no fun fooling people

when they are so busy

fooling their self

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

on through life

as on and on thru life i go
bewildered by its mighty show
i feel sometimes  -  when i'm alone
that all the joy once known has flown

and in its place i now find fear
replacing all that once was dear
old and cold i still go on
not content  -  yet heart not gone

for life itself is grand to me
inspite of all the pain i see
and still if i get one more chance
to do some thing that might enhance

this world a little  -  i'll still try
to keep my head up to the sky
and do the work as well i can
to not betray lifes faith in man

pieces of eight

pieces of eight
are nothing but freight
if you don't have
a friend at your side

all the gold in the land
is not worth that small hand
that i held when we took
that first ride

when the journey is done
and the course has been run
with a smile on my face
i'll have died

and the moments we shared
in the time we were paired
were a dream from which
no one would hide

Thursday, November 16, 2017

an old joke from my childhood

the first little bird said

my instincts tell me to fly north

the second little bird said

my instincts tell me to fly south

the third little bird said

my end stinks

but it don't tell me nothin'

Sunday, November 12, 2017

the ultimate truth

when the truth

has to face the lie


if you know what you are doing

you don't have to try

Thursday, November 9, 2017

baby boomers

i grew up in a world of baby boomers

i was a war baby

Monday, November 6, 2017

life is a lot more interesting

when we don't take our self too seriously

Saturday, November 4, 2017

capital resources

the ability to buy

other insecure people

and control them

if they submit to people

with extra money

that money stuff

is a control freak thing

in the world we live in

Friday, November 3, 2017

stand up

and be who you are


who are you

i don't know

what are you doing here

i don't know

what are you

i already told you

Thursday, November 2, 2017


the road of life

passes through all

the way of life

passes through all

it appears to me

all that is

is all

we are many

and we are one