Friday, September 22, 2017

our time

being with ourself

in ways we have never been before

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

welcome to hard times

where we are

as a species

we start in on children

we start in on children
so early today
to program their minds
when they should learn how to play

a child needs the time
to first know its self
and it hurts to be told
to just get on that shelf

with no time to consider
just what this might be
we rob them so quickly
of their right to see

it seems plain to me
the old way ain't so smart
as we rip up this planet
and tear at its heart

in spite of the terrors
which now fill the land
the stink of pollution
so carefully planned

we still tell them all
that "i know what's best"
but the results that i see
sure don't pass the test

the innocence found
in the eyes pf a child
the master once spoke of
in terms not so mild

"be as the children"
is what he once said
the will to respect them
today seems quite dead

most just play roles
that were forced in their mind
with no thought of nature
now so hard to find

a fresh look at life
is the gift of new birth
if we don't respect it
then what is it worth

greetings my friend

greetings my friend
i've not seen in so long
tho here in my heart
you have never been gone

and i wish to say
in a personal way
just to have known you
does brighten my day

the love that you share
where ever you go
reminds all around you
that love is the show

that brings us together
with its own special gift
and it's the true healer
that mends every rift

i might have forgotten
had i not met you
of all of the blessings
yours is most true

hi jim


heros come and héros go
mostly they disrupt the show
for we tend to imitate
this will lead to second rate

each is born with its own plan
this is true of every man
copies only lead to sadness
self-denial leads to madness

to your heart you must be true
even if rewards are few
the plan of life is what is real
we're not here to make some deal

true nature first must be respected
our duty must not be neglected
the truth of life is its own goal
and living truth will heal the soul

times of conflict

in times of great conflict
like these that i see
it's hard to make judgement
like just what to be

confusion and chaos
will keep us uptight
that by itself
makes it hard to know right

perhaps if we slow down
and just clear our head
give up the ideas
that make us brain dead

cause when this one says this
and another says that
we settle the issue
with fist and with bat

most think they know something
but i think we don't
we outsmart ourselves
with ideas that won't

fit in with nature
which has it's own plan
which we disregard
because we now can

if we took the time
and gave life a look
it just might not be
as we read in some book

the mind that's not made up
and fused with belief
might find something more
and provide some relief

but if no one will face
that they just might be wrong
we may someday look up
and find our world gone

Monday, September 18, 2017

the most popular men for modern women

those that are the easiest to ignore

except for a few

Monday, September 11, 2017

priceless time

experience each moment fully

it will not return

the price of life is yourself

love is not a marketable commodity

life is complete in and of itself

life is a bargain unless you want something

life is the only noble cause

love is the only noble cause

life and love are the same

life is only real when it's free

love is only real when it's free

life and love are the same

truth is the only noble cause

truth and life and love are the same

freedom is of the heart

truth is of the heart

freedom and truth are the same

joy is of the heart

joy and freedom are the same

peace and joy are of the heart

peace and joy are the same

man is lost in his head

a comment




strive for nothing

function in the world as it is

seek no answers

be truth

be as you are

function in the world as you are

each has his own individual function

none is better or worse than another

do what is your nature to do

be what is your nature to be

allow others the same opportunity

peace is acceptance of what is

respond to opportunities as they present themselves

be a human being

allow the children to find their own way

Friday, September 8, 2017


life could be a celebration of what we are

but there are those that don't agree with me

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

will power

don't try that if your a pisces

that's a pretty primitive state of mind

pisces is a by life be led situation

not many know what that means anymore

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


also called nine

the number that clarifies


had something to say about that number

but i forgot

and you pisces girls

you ain't here to receive the gift

you are the gift


the gift

what if i don't deserve

what if i don't deserve

the gift i have just received

welcome to pisces

Monday, September 4, 2017

Sunday, September 3, 2017


if the human race would give that crap up

we would all be a lot better off

but it wouldn't be good for business


children can't be taught how to  be human beings

they must be allowed to find their own way

ain't much of that going on in our little world

Friday, September 1, 2017

an old poem


in times long past

in times long past before we learned
about ideas and got burned
men lived in peace with one another
and knew each to be his brother

but in time we lost our way
how this happened i can't say
maybe this was meant to be
a plan of life to help us see

as i said i know not why
yet these results make my heart cry
it seems that all we learned is hate
and at times it seems too late

can all this change  -  the mind does wonder
must the guns all roar like thunder
if we continue on this way
night will soon engulf the day

the children all will lose their home
all will grieve and wail and moan
just because we forsake love
and with our armies crushed the dove

there is still time the heart does say
but we must return to the way
all thought of what to be must go
an open heart and mind can know