Saturday, January 28, 2017


hey kid

i remember you


how did you get so pretty sport

where ever i came from

where ever i am

let it all go

it is a pisces thing

let it all go

pisces ain't a thing

but probably all things

and no thing

mr. mark knopler

his work is a national treasure

if you're me

and the fat girls

got left by the wall

punish the monkey

let the organ grinder go

and i'll just go

where the lady takes me


life is all about blending

all the many selves

mr. noam chomsky

i recommend reading his material

if life and our planet matter to you

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

the girl

the girl i live with

is the most innocent girl

i have met so far

back in the mix

where do they go

those that nobody spoke of

Saturday, January 21, 2017

to pass judgement

to pass judgement

on anyone

is to pass judgement

on your self

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

noam chomsky

one of my heroes

as was my father

and a few others

Monday, January 16, 2017

i don't know why

i love you like i do

i just do

truthfulness usually gets their attention


when america outlawed slavery

capitalism moved right in

and took its place

noam chomsky

a true friend

of us all

what do you do

what do you do

if you are ahead of your time

be patient

and don't expect too much

rossie bea

am pretty sure

she probably saved my life

have wondered if she would remember me

but am pretty sure she would

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

an old 60's refugee

and i was born in the 1940 era

was conceived   a little while before that


we are often surprised

by who we think we are

when we are required to face

who we actually are


do you mind being

Friday, January 6, 2017


life is all about

hello me

got no place else to go

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

what do you do

what do you do

when you don't want to be

who you are

what do you do

when you just seek to be

who you are

what to do

we all have to work that out

for our self

Sunday, January 1, 2017