Monday, May 30, 2016

needs and wants

one can never be free

as long as that situation exists

Monday, May 23, 2016


it is one thing to be who you think you are

and quite another to be who you actually are

and the only way to experience that situation

is to let life have life's way with what you are

just got a comment on this post in what appears to me to be arabic

since i can't read it will probably pass

but we will see

that male female thing

we humans ain't having much luck with that situation

most of us don't have a clue

because we are afraid to face our situation here

we do love our games and do-dads

Saturday, May 21, 2016

child abuse

the cruelest situation that can occure

is for the child to be told

to take control of its life

and i will tell you how

such crap is a great crime against life

we all must find our own way

and those clowns are making

our little human adventure

a great deal more difficult than need be

we all must find our own way

all this training is leading us astray

Monday, May 16, 2016

Education and the Significance of Life

a little book by J.  Krishnamurti

and a significant contribution to the human race

Friday, May 13, 2016


awareness is not a product of thought


thought is always retrospective


true life is always in the now

Sunday, May 8, 2016

ten beers

my indian name

Monday, May 2, 2016


the problem with this capitalist system

is that the humans running this show

want profits always to go up

everything and situation in life in our little world cycles

which makes that attitude in conflict with life

which is pretty stupid and dangerous as hell

greed is a great obscenity

and becoming all to common

in our little world