Monday, May 27, 2013


a true friend is a gift

Sunday, May 26, 2013


when a tree dies

sometimes it puts out leaves for a couple of years

sometimes three


life apperars to be a jump ball

it seems to me

ain't nobody winning

and nobody knows what to do next


it seems to me

that perhaps we were to be the gardeners

yet we are currently the plague

Saturday, May 25, 2013

why are we here

seemed as good a question as any to me

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

we humans

we are so subsecptable

to taking our self too seriously

and not seriously enough


seeking to be the new priesthood

but i ain't going for that one either

it's just as dumb as all the other control freek orders

Saturday, May 18, 2013


there is how we look

and how we see

and what we think

and what we be

and life is what we are

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

there is how you look

and there is how you are

Saturday, May 11, 2013


the defination of human

the most ignorant and selfish creature on the planet

the pride and arrogance give us away

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

if one has a head

one will have to have a tail

to be complete

here in the land of two

Saturday, May 4, 2013


life has told me i should speed it up a little

a few times

and life has told me i should slow it down a little

a few times

but life has never told me i should quit

Marjory Miller

Terri and I

Are taking up where she left off

Helene Hanff

just posted that name for the same reason

The Duchess Of Bloomsbury Street

just put that up there to see is anyone was googeling that

would be real surprised

another book i am about to read

its a book i found on a book shelf

in a house we just bought

"The Duchess Of Bloomsbury Street"

by Helene Hanff

have only read two paragraphs

but expect to read this book

those two paragraphs really appealed to me


the more security we experience

the less freedom we experience

maximum security is a prison

Friday, May 3, 2013


every male being is my brother

every female being is my sister

and that is the truth

my opinions are of no value at all

or my likes and dislikes

and that is the truth

if your me

Thursday, May 2, 2013


our little brother

which we so often try to deny

when in doubt

face your self

for peace to be on the land

all that is required

is to coopreate with life

but so few in our time have noticed life

life is not someones idea of what we should be

life is what we are

and are is the clue

as is am


do you know what that word means


pretty hard to find a greater curse than greed

all that taking and never giving

such leads to great emptiness

the trick is in giving what needs to be given

not what you want to give

want is another curse word

as is will

and mine

and yours

and them and theirs

jealousy and envy

happiness is pretty hard to find from there

mostly just hardship and sorrow

and the occasional little gratification

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


what people become

when they don't want others to know who the really are

and what they are trying to do