Tuesday, April 30, 2013


awareness is not a product of thought

confusion and cahos are products of thought

here in the land of the thinkers


life is a simple process of becoming

no thought is required

thought is anti life

thought is trying to figure it out

and there ain't no it

unless you thing there is

and then you are lost in thought

and not aware of lifes actuality

Sunday, April 28, 2013

if the male has no fire

the children will be autistic

and that statistic is up to one in eighty-eight

which is pretty scary

if your me

i was pretty spooked

at one in every few thousand


a little book i am reading

for a dollar i will send you a copy

that will about cover shipping and handeling

the book is free

it is a small book

but really cute

 two dollars would be better

cause one dollar and fifty-seven cents

is so hard to calculate

i would have picked

simple and easy

as my middle name

but i got stuck with albert


some wind up prosecuting people for the law

some wind up defending people from the law

but the law is always the point of the game

i am a big fan of people

not so much of laws

Saturday, April 27, 2013


a little booklet i am reading

this little book is not speaking about woman

this little book is speaking to woman

Friday, April 26, 2013

old fashioned houses

old fashioned houses
and trees all around
no rumble of engines
a beautiful sound

i stand here in silence
my heart filled with joy
for i had not seen it
since i was a boy

most don't remember
it just slips away
but i can't forget where
i learned how to play

the summers in clover
that filled me with glee
the house that we built
in that old maple tree

the girls of my youth
they were gentle and kind
the peace of those days
is now hard to find

it don't seem to me
that we've made the world better
all mapped out and
planned to the letter

perhaps we'll remember
in time what we lost
what we tore down and changed
at a terrible cost

once life was free and
we all breathed clean air
nature was loved and
we knew how to pair

but that was another time

Thursday, April 25, 2013


have been here for a while

and a few other places

and perhaps a few other places yet to be

my opinion

i have an opinion about how life should be

as much a i don't like admitting to that situation

but i sure as hell do not want a vote

as to what life should be

this life

this life

is the life that i once lived

and sometime i still do

every day

every day is different

and so many wish to make every day

the same as some other day

which is the one thing life rarely does

Sunday, April 21, 2013

a victim of my nature

how it feels to be me

and i certainly don't mean to complain


recently watched a movie called trishna

it made me cry again


so many today seem to think

life is in the doing

life is actually in the being


a piece of advice

it is not recommended

to share your anger with those you dislike

Friday, April 19, 2013

playing games with the girl

i don't mind playing games with the girl

she is cute

and she likes me

i am a very lucky guy

the naked woman

all i ever found interesting about this little world

and what the hell is actually going on here

i have wondered if hell is actually a real word

or actually

or here

if you be with eight degrees aries

tomarrow is going to be a big day

a lost world

what i see

when so many are just willing to hope

and so unwilling to deal with how one really is

seperation feels like security

yet i only see seperation as the great divide


i was born just in time for feminism

my sister was a leader

that crap never really worked for me

my wife is not quite sure what to to

i have been called unmanageable

by more than a couple of girls

i was just being me

Thursday, April 18, 2013

my time

my time is not for sale

although i have rented it out a few times


a female situation

no man would have any thing to do with such a project

unless he no longer had any other way to feed his family

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

the natural world

we humans are becoming less and less in touch with the natural world

the situation makes me sad sometimes

and sometimes makes me mad

we humans are a part of the natural world

and we are loosing touch with our self

so many live in the land of electronic toys

which only stimulate our imaginations

and is not much of a human experience

Monday, April 15, 2013


is a blind mans bluff

or a womans

and of no value at all

hateing me

is not all that hard to do

i have done that a little my self

life does not actually exist

but lifes creations exist

and here we are

another clue

so many seek answers

as i once did

i never knew a brave girl

but i have known a few

who stood up and faced their day

their is plural

and a clue

i can deleat the blog

make filmhill.com go away

anyone have a suggestion

an old vietnam war movie i once saw

a guy was the last man left

and on the radio to the head quarters

he was about to be over run

and called in an air strike on his position

i have wondered about that option

but not today

my wife

she gives me the finger sometimes

but she still likes me

i am far luckier than most guys

filmhill.com keeps stalking me

i do not see that as very nice

had catarac surgery last month

the last time i could see like this

i was not seeing

i was seeking

not sure what to say tonight

perhaps speak of us humans being the stupidest creatures on the plant we call earth

and i didn't misspell plant

the earth is a garden

and we humans are currently a threat

to the earths existance

such is what i see

Saturday, April 13, 2013


those that can not accept their self

will not be able to accept your acceptence

of their self

this world

for a while i found this world interesting

not so much here lately

all this rejection

is becoming somewhat overwhelming


that word is just an illusion

and a scared souls hope

scared and scar with ed added

seem to be the same word

to me


to be one is the only way

to be two is to have lost the way

and three leads to the endless pit

the girl

when it's the yard or the television

the girl usually picks the yard

when it's me or  the television

she often picks the television

sometimes i wonder about me

am going to bed now

perhaps to sleep

i'm tired

and a little bit wore out

being an american human being

has been hard for me
perhaps the ugliest word of all

all is the clue


a false god as i have said

what the insecure hide behind

had more to say about that situation

but i forgot


just another word for prison

and the sirens keep running

from one disaster to the next


not actually permitted in a governed society

but that word sure gets thrown around in this country

telling me what to do

the christian tells me how life is

and what i should

as does the muslem

and the capitalist

and all the other so called teachers

and my mother

and my sister

and i have experienced a lot of disapproval

because i have to find my own way

and most of those people aren't helping

no one is exactly like me

making peace with that situation has taken some time

the human race

i don't like to race

Friday, April 12, 2013


a very dangerious game to play

such is a form of self rejection

telling people what they should be

telling people what the should be

especially children

is a great crime against life

Thursday, April 11, 2013


the only language i speak

and not all that great at that one

religions and capitalism

the greatest curses of our time

and a few earlier times

they just want to sell me something

and i ain't buying into that stuff

not knowing

most seem to be afraid of not knowing

even ashamed

yet not knowing is a part of life as we know it

open to all can be difficult at first

as most things are

until our attitude improves about the unknown

we so cling to the known

yet the unknown is far greater than our little selves

some christian guy just commented

am not sure why a religious guy would speak to me

maybe he wanted to save me

i already tried that

life is forever free

the religions i have known have a price

which i have not been willing to pay

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

controling life

only and idiot would attempt such things

we humans ain't all that bright

no one is qualified to control life

life does not control it's self

although it does sometime appear that way

the industrial age

if everyone was like me

there would not have been an industrial age

only sexually repressed people would do such things

all that energy has to go somewhere

sexual repression also leads to obiesity

and some other wierd stuff

some of them acts of violence

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


that is how we make someone special to us

Sunday, April 7, 2013

the naked girl

most of the males are afraid of the naked girl

as are most of the girls

me not so much

but a little sometimes

i stand by the girl

as i can

Thursday, April 4, 2013

the longing

life tried to spare me the longing

and then i met a girl


if you really want to ask someone a question

ask them why they are afraid

and then tell me what you herd

or perhaps heard

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

being born

requires a willingness to be

with every breath

and every moment