Thursday, February 28, 2013


life for you is from your point of view

life for me is from my point of view

ultimately life is just life

no matter what our point of view

such is how this situation seems to me


to make a profit when stocks are going up

seems natural to me

and just a human thing

to make a profit on stocks when they are going down

seems a perversion to me


as that word is expressed in our time

is a selfish possessive word

Monday, February 25, 2013

war is a stupid game

and wars popularity

says something about us humans

mostly about how ignorant we are

our stupidity is of monumental proportions

winning is just another way of losing

winning and losing

are two sides of the same nickle

as are pride and shame

one always leads to the other

and round and round we go

on this insane merry go round

or perhaps marry go round

courage is a false god

and bravery a cowards defense

Friday, February 22, 2013

what my father told me once

he told me that it looked to him

that i was about to let my alligator mouth

overload my canary ass

i have not called my father a liar yet

i still seem to be to me

the alligator mouth

with the canary ass

and that man spoke to me

the landing

what all birds have to do in their own time

we chickens have to lay our eggs

the mirical on 18th street

probably what i would call my life

if i had the guts to call it anything

or maybe the mirical on 23rd street

my cup has no bottom

that is a line i read somewhere a long time ago

and i still haven't forgotten what was said to me

if i had been a black person

i might have been a gospel singer

but i was a white person

and none of that crap we call capitalism worked for me

now i don't work anymore

i just be me as i can

we will see what comes next

some people are inclined to apologize for who they are

i am not one of them

i love life

don't claim to know why

i just can't seem to help it

it is not a real word to me

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

what we have shared

what life is all about

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

all creation

life loves all creation

as is lifes nature

most of us humans in my current time

find it very difficult to be open to all creation

much less loving all

Monday, February 18, 2013

human sexuality

there was a time that was a celebration of life

but that was a long time ago

our modern religions have pretty much put a stop to such experiences

and i personally consider that a crime against life

as is telling the children the devil will get them

if they don't do what they are told

there was a time the children were allowed to find their own way

but that was a long time ago

Thursday, February 14, 2013

the question for us humans

most today seem to think that question is

what is wrong with you

and occasionally what is wrong with me

my question is what do we share

what do we have in common

the room usually gets very quiet about then

and the audience slips away quietly

and sometimes not so quietly

rejection is a cold and desolate placement

i have seen it so

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

praises sing

praises sing and night bells ring
all around this precious thing

places and faces and midnight races
all the while the nomad braces

more and more the onslaught rages
in the wind all ripped out pages

find me now  -  oh lord of love
we seek and pray thy long lost dove

will peace upon the land yet stand
must heart still face the burning brand

on and on the rage does rush
the bonds of shame a mighty crush

still the flame  -  it has not died
tho bled and fed on brutal pride

so far we hold the beach head slightly 
no longer bold and brave and mighty

battered troops once fresh and rested
now reel and waver  -  nearly bested

the hope that once so filled the heart
still lives  -  yet in the smallest part

tho battered  -  scarred and mortal weary
at dawn we stand to face the fury

no longer brave we could be called
but no  -  by god we shall not fall

to twisted minds that rule this land
with whip and chain  in brutal hand

we will not yield the sacred trust
nor feed upon the moldy crust

which the beast does offer gladly
all inflamed and grinning madly

tho tattered rag  -  thy flag once proud
and bleeding feet  -  tho head un-bowed

we face the dawn with shining faces
of doubt and fear there are no traces

for in thy time each heart does know
as life moves on its sacred flow

the soul of man will seek thy light
and move beyond this endless night

the whisper that i dimly hear
does speak that time may yet be near

oh yes  -  the force does feel some stronger
the soul cries out  -  not too much longer

the love long sought by this small band
does in truth feel near at hand

the stirring in the heart grows stronger
raging pain i feel no longer

the mission tho still unfulfilled 
will be complete as thou has willed

and light yet fill the hardest heart
thy love shall reach the darkest part

in time the sorrows past will fade
and truth regain this world you made

for as the story does unfold
eternal love each heart will hold 

i wish you and yours well

i wrote these words a long time ago

don't know where they came from

or where they have gone

yet they still inspire me sometimes

that and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee

as they used to say

here in the land of the lost

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

the human experience

we all come here and make our contribution

for better or for worse

and mostly we have different ideas of better and worse

because we don't see the unity of life

Sunday, February 10, 2013

to control life

to attempt to control life

is to be in conflict with life

my birth day

i still do not remember that day

but it still does be with me sometimes

that lost moment i can't seem to forget

the iron birds fly around the sky

and life has become a lost art

i tried to be an iron bird

as did my wife

and we just sank to the bottom of the pool

which is where we met

we are all rich

and poor is just a state of mine

which could not possibly be so

we are all limited by what we are

that is what i see

out limitations define us

and life makes us go

being a man

my father showed me

i still struggle with being a boy

and i have been in this skin over 68 years now

the sparrows

those little birds out there

are more alive than most humans i have met lately

not so sure about me

mostly i seem to be a waste of time

but sure is a word i don't understand

being a girl

the modern world is making that very difficult

being a woman is almost impossible

as is being a man  

and the children suffer greatly

Marjory Miller

this was her house for a while

lying to the children

perhaps the greatest of all crimes

Friday, February 8, 2013

saturday mail delivery

we get less

the mail carriers get less

and the big people probably get a raise

such is the way it is here

people count for nothing

profit is the only god

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


life is to be

and never be controlled

unless your just dumber than silly stuff

and can only learn by being silly and dumb

which is the path i chose

and there ain't no never

do what you can with  that

and "that" is not a real word

"it" is just a re-action

a re in act ment

Saturday, February 2, 2013

and the girl is sacred

even if she doesn't know what sacred means